Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1688: The temptation of leaf flow

Xiao Yi and Ran Qi both turned and left, returning to the spectator seat.

On the spectator stand.

Ye Liu's gaze suddenly became weird, staring directly at Xiao Yi and Ran Qi.

Aside, Gu Lianxing obviously noticed Ye Liu's gaze and weird expression.

"What's the matter?" Gu Lianxing asked suspiciously.

Ye Liu frowned and said, "Do you think Brother Yi's voice is low and indifferent, but his tone of voice just now is somewhat familiar..."

"Like a person."

"What's your tone?" Gu Lianxing's face was puzzled.

Ye Liu curled his lips, "Either you don't speak or arrogant, and if you are arrogant, it makes people unable to refute and is extremely depressed."

"Who?" Gu Lianxing asked.

Ye Liu shook his head, "Forget it, I'm just guessing."


Xiao Yi and Ran Qi returned to the spectator stand.

On the stage, the competition resumed again.

Two Tianjiao compete on stage.

No, to be precise, it's just the scope of the competition platform.

Aodonglou, glanced, his face twitched.

He left the sword palace to the east, and only missed the rebuilt competition platform last night. It didn't exist long before it was destroyed again, and it was destroyed more thoroughly than yesterday.

He can be regarded as a reaction, the competition platform, it is meaningless not to rebuild.

As long as Yi Xiao, Ye Liu, Ran Qi and other perverted evildoers exist, the competition platform will not last long.

On the spectator stand.

Ran Qi watched the competition unintentionally, but his face was angry and gritted his teeth from time to time.

Xiao Yi glanced aside and smiled secretly.

Compared to the different eyes of everyone just now, only Ran Qi was the only one with an angry expression and gritted teeth.

In fact, compared to the previous battle in Fangcuncheng, his battle with Ran Qi as Yi Xiao only defeated Ran Qi once.

Although Ran Qi was unwilling, he was full of fighting spirit and looked forward to a future battle.

But for Shui Ninghan, this one has been suppressing his existence ever since he was ranked in the Eighteenth House Tianjiao, and he couldn't tell how it felt.

Whether it is the road of martial arts, fame and everything, he Ran Qi has always been second.

And Shui Ninghan, ranked first, never can be shaken.

It's no wonder that Ran Qi still has an angry face, gritted his teeth, and can't calm down for a long time.

For a persistent Wu Chi, it is a blessing to have an opponent that has never been able to defeat; but if there are two, it will be very embarrassing.

And the most important thing is that these two opponents that he has been unable to defeat are all the kind of people who are out of sight. He wants to compete, maybe he can't find a chance.

This is also what made him more aggrieved and angry.

Xiao Yi shook his head slightly, did not care about Ran Qi any more, but glanced at the distant Shui Ninghan.

The spectator seats around are already full.

Therefore, Shui Ninghan directly sat on the chief seat, side by side with Aodong Building.

Obviously, Aodonglou's face twitched, but he didn't say much.

But Shui Ninghan didn't care at all.

"This woman is interesting." Xiao Yi withdrew his gaze and smiled secretly.

But what came immediately was the face under the mask, which suddenly condensed.

This woman is interesting, but not simple

Xiao Yi recognized this woman at a glance before.

It was the mysterious woman who suddenly appeared to help him when Bei Yinzong suddenly attacked at the four-party event held by the three major families of Qin, Fang, and Gu when he was in Sifang.

At that time, Xiao Yi saw this dreamy woman in aqua blue shirt, and felt that she was not easy.

But he never expected that this woman would be the young palace lord of Shuiguang Mansion, the mysterious Tianjiao ranked number one among the Eighteenth Mansion Tianjiao.

Xiao Yi still remembered that when he met this person at the beginning of the year, this person said very indifferently, ‘I thought that the whole Heiyun learning and teaching, except that Mo You, the rest are all rubbish’.

‘Unexpectedly, now there is one more person, Xiao Yi.’

At that time, Xiao Yi was using his true identity to participate in the Quartet events in the Quartet, and to fight against the warriors of the Northern Yinzong.

At that time, Xiao Yi still thought, this woman had a big tone, but she also felt that with the strength of this mysterious woman, she was also qualified to say this.

Now it seems that this woman, Shui Ninghan, ranked number one in the Eighteenth House Tianjiao, indeed has this qualification.

Xiao Yi also remembered that when he asked who this woman was...

This woman smiled softly, ‘if you want to know who I am, try to practice, we may have a chance to fight in the future’.

In that indifferent, but also with incomparable life.

Xiao Yi still feels amused when thinking about it now.

However, knowing her identity now feels logical.

Speaking of the cold water, Xiao Yi knew it.

Of course, before, only the name was known.

Compared with the other Tianjiao of the Eighteen Houses, Shui Ninghan is extremely low-key, and there are few surprising deeds.

For this reason, her mystery, coupled with the ranking of the Eighteenth House Tianjiao, made her even more talked about.

In the past, Xiao Yi knew about this person, but because this person was low-key, he didn't have much interest in checking it out, so he ignored it.

Therefore, to this day, he only knows that this woman is Shui Ninghan.

Xiao Yi thought this way.

Next to him, Ye Liu suddenly looked at him and called out several times, "Brother Xiao."

Xiao Yi heard the words, but didn't pay attention to them or speak.

"Brother Xiao, Brother Xiao." Ye Liu yelled again.

Xiao Yi remained silent.

On the other hand, Ran Qi, who had an angry face on the side, said impatiently, "Ye Liu, who are you calling?"

"Oh." Ye Liu smiled and said, "Naturally he is called Brother Yi, but I think the word Brother Yi is more confusing."

"It's called Brother Xiao."

"I see Brother Xiao seems to be thinking, just ask."

Xiao Yi shook his head, "Nothing, just thinking about something."

Ran Qi curled his lips on the side, "Is Yi Xiao slouching? Why do I think Brother Xiao is even more slouching."

Xiao Yi secretly smiled, he naturally knew that Ye Liu was testing him just now.

Ye Liu, really is not a general, sharp-minded and brilliant.

Just now, he was testing Xiao Yi, and then reacted very quickly, saying that he was calling ‘Brother Xiao’.

It's a pity that for Xiao Yi, who is used to dealing with old foxes, Ye Liu's temptations and careful thoughts can't hide from him.

Although Ye Liu was brilliant, he was still tender for those ‘old foxes’.

At the range of the competition platform.

Round to rounds of competitions continue and end.

An hour later.

The Sword Palace referee looked at the list in his hand, and suddenly frowned, and then said loudly, "The next battle, the fighters, Shuiguang Mansion is cold."

"The challenger..."

The Sword Palace referee paused, "The challenger, Sky Spear Mansion, Ran Qi."

"What?" The spectators around, exclaimed again and again.

"Ran Qi is cold against the water?"

In the spectator stand, Ran Qi was also stunned.

In the next second, Ran Qi's eyes burst out with an astonishing fighting spirit, "Well come, this stinky woman, I have long wanted to teach you a lesson."

Gu Lianxing was slightly displeased, "Ran Qi, you just look down on women like this?"

"What if you were taught a lesson later?"


Second more.

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