Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1692: Name rating

In addition.

There is another reason why he distinguished the winner with one punch.

The reason is also very simple.

I just don't want to hurt the water and cold.

At the time of Sifangyu, although she could not be regarded as saving his life, she also helped him.

It was just a competition, and there was no need to spend more time, so the winner was decided with one punch, so as not to hurt him.

After all, if you drag on and fight slowly.

Xiao Yi also needed to sacrifice the Purple Flame Domain and other means, and Shui Ninghan would also sacrifice some troublesome means.

With the strength of Shui Ninghan, if the real trump card is displayed, it must be a powerful means.

Once such a method breaks out, it will be full of all kinds of uncontrollable.

At that time, there may be accidents.

Therefore, Xiao Yi punched the winner.

At this time, in the spectator stand.

Ran Qi asked, "Yi Xiao, what exactly is your cultivation base now?"

Xiao Yi closed his eyes and slumbered.

His cultivation base is naturally not that high, and he is only at the peak of the Saint Emperor Realm.

He was only able to defeat the cold with a punch because he had condensed a six-color ring of flames.

Yes, he condenses a six-color flame ring.

His six-color flame circle cannot be easily condensed.

A few months ago, when he faced the poison robe, it took him half a day to condense.

Although the time was shortened continuously in the end, it could not reach the point where it was condensed in an instant like an arm's command.

As far as he is now, it will take almost an hour to condense and allow his body to accept the distortion of flames surrounding reincarnation.

As early as when Shui Ninghan appeared and Ran Qi was drawn in the lottery, Xiao Yi guessed that he might also face Shui Ninghan.

After all, he, Ye Liu, Ran Qi, and Shui Ninghan are all at the same level, and they are very easy to be drawn.

So since then, he has already begun to brew the six-color circle.

When the lottery is really drawn with Shui Ninghan, and during the First World War, the six-color ring can condense in an instant, and it can burst out in an instant.

Although Xiao Yi was helpless about the six-color circle, he was not too anxious.

The Nine Suns Reincarnation Secret Art is indeed a method of guarding the heavens.

Until the nine powerful flames in the world are fully controlled and all merged, they are considered to be great.

Today, only six powerful flames are in control.

If you want to condense the six-color rings in an instant, you need not to be proficient and use endlessly.

Constantly being proficient, using, and condensing can indeed make the body easier to withstand the force of twisting, and it can condense out faster.

However, this ultimately has its limits.

One hour is the limit.

If you want to continue to shorten the time, what you need is a qualitative improvement in your physical fitness.

For example, the improvement of cultivation base; the improvement of the body.

Both of these are the improvement of the martial artist's quality.

In this regard, Xiao Yi is not surprised.

Any cultivation requires gradual progress. No matter what kind of genius, no matter how defying the sky is, it can't be achieved by one touch.

The road of martial arts, if you want to touch it, the consequences can only be undone.

The methods of the Nine Suns Reincarnation Art, naturally, need corresponding cultivation bases to fit in, so that they can be more perfectly displayed and displayed.

And this time when he came to Dongli Sword Palace to participate in the competition, Xiao Yi's purpose was also for those who cultivated.

Those cultivating things can improve one's own cultivation.

Before entering the tomb of the ancient emperor, his cultivation level will inevitably rise again.


Time gradually passed.

After half a day.

The competition among the top forces, Tianjiao, has also come to an end.

Including, there are not a few games left in the competition among the overlord Tianjiao such as the Eighteen House Tianjiao.

It was another hour later.

All competitions are almost over.

There are only six people left who are eligible to participate in the competition.

Xiao Yi, Ran Qi, Ye Liu, Shui Ninghan, the chief of Dongli Sword Palace, and one other person was Ling Hong.

Yes, Ling Hong, one of the Eighteen Mansion Tianjiao, the Young Master of Arrow Star Mansion, Ling Hong.

There are 5 places.

No, to be precise, there are only four left.

Because, the chief of Dongli Sword Palace can get a place directly without participating in the competition.

This is the advantage of Dongli Sword Palace as the host of the major forces this time.

At this time.

On the scope of the competition stage, the referee of the sword palace shouted loudly.

"The next battle, the player, Young Palace Master of Arrow Star Mansion, Ling Hong."

Speaking of it, Ling Hong was able to enter the final competition, which was unexpected and unexpected.

Ling Hong, in the ranking of the Eighteenth House Tianjiao, neither counts as the front nor the back, ranks in the middle.

His strength surpassed ninety-nine percent of the competition among Tianjiao.

But compared with Bei Yindong, there are a few extremely strong Tianjiao, but it is far inferior.

But he was lucky. He didn't get a lottery in a row. The number of times he played in competitions was only a handful.

On the contrary, it was Bei Yindong and other competitors who were originally very powerful, but they repeatedly faced Ye Liu, Ran Qi, and even Shui Ninghan, naturally losing one by one.

Therefore, instead, Ling Hong entered the final competition.

However, that's all.

With his strength, it is impossible to say that he gets a spot.

There are five places, one is to go to the east from the sword palace.

There are four places left, and there are five Tianjiao who can still play.

Xiao Yi, Ran Qi, Ye Liu, Shui Ninghan, Ling Hong.

But Ling Hong had no chance of winning regardless of any of these four.

Therefore, in fact, the ownership of the remaining four places has already been determined.

Of course, the competition that should be carried out still has to be carried out.

Sword Palace referee, Ling Hong, who just announced his appointment.

At this time, he continued to announce, "The challenger, the Young Master of Shuiguang Mansion, the water is cold."

There was no restlessness in the spectator seats around.

Because the result is already obvious.

When I heard that the challenger was'Ling Hong', then, no matter who the challenger was, Ling Hong would undoubtedly lose.


Two figures jumped into the range of the competition platform.

It was Ling Hong and Shui Ninghan.

"This competition is over." Xiao Yi muttered to himself in the spectator stand.

When the competition between the two was over, he received the reward and was leaving.

"Well, this is the last battle." Ye Liu nodded.

Gu Lianxing smiled and said, "Ling Hong is bold enough to even play."

"For Sister Sheung Shui, he has no chance of winning."

Ye Liu smiled and nodded.

At this moment, the referee of the sword palace shouted loudly, "Start."

However, surprisingly, the battle did not start.

Moreover, something more surprising happened suddenly.

Shui Ninghan smiled, looked at the referee of the sword palace, and said, "I give up in this battle."

"What?" Sword Palace referee was surprised.

Around the spectator stand, the martial arts spectators were taken aback first, then surprised, "What?"

There was an uproar in the audience.

"Give up?" Xiao Yi also frowned.

"What tricks is this woman playing?" Ran Qi frowned.

Within the range of the competition platform.

The Sword Palace referee frowned, "Palace Master Water, do you know what it means for you to admit defeat now?"

"This is the last battle."

"If you admit defeat, there will be no chance to continue the fight."

"Even if your strength is stronger than Palace Master Ran Qi, Palace Master Ye Liu and others, you have no chance to play again."

"If you admit defeat, our referee will also take away your lottery number."

"That is to say, if you lose in this battle, the quota will be missed with you again."

"I know the rules." Shui Ninghan nodded and smiled, "It's just that I am not interested in the quota."

"Just to compete."

After that, Shui Ninghan's figure flashed, leaving the area of ​​the competition platform and returning to the spectator stand.

This will mean that he voluntarily abstained.


at the same time.

Far in the middle, in an ancient place.

A woman is carefully preparing a vermilion fruit in front of her with various colors and radiance.

Behind him, an old man suddenly arrived, knelt on one knee, and said something respectfully.

"What? Yiyi is back? The opening of the tomb of the ancient emperor, at least one month later, she..."

The woman's face changed when she heard the words.

The next second, the old man continued to report.

The woman's face was instantly as cold as frost, "Because of that brat again?"

"I said, he is not worthy of you."

The woman suddenly looked gloomy.

In front of him, the radiant vermilion fruit that had been carefully prepared suddenly shattered and turned into nothingness.

"Holy King calms down his anger." The old man's expression changed drastically.

He knew well that even if he looked at the entire Holy Moon Sect, there were only a few of that Zhu Guo.

On weekdays, it is the holy king's favorite and the most carefully prepared thing.

Today, it turns into nothingness.

The woman squinted her eyes, "It seems that if you don't completely cut off your thoughts, you will never forget this kid, and you will not be able to inherit my mantle after all."

"Elder Chuan Jingyue," the woman said coldly.

In the words, it was already awe-inspiring to kill.

"Yes." The old man replied and bowed and left.


Sixth more. (burst)

Tomorrow will still break out, try to update as soon as possible.

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