Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1699: Complete Supreme Sword Art

East from the sword palace.

The banquet has already begun, and all the major forces and talents are among them.

Speaking of it, the competition for this quota has been going on, never stopped.

It was the day when the martial arts stage was broken, and it was already night, so it could be a night.

In addition, the ongoing competition can be described as non-stop.

Each Tianjiao competed on stage one after another; the referee of the sword palace was always presided over.

Today, everything came to an end, and all the forces from all sides relaxed, drinking and talking happily.

For the warriors of the major forces, even if they could not get the quota and missed the grand event of the tomb of the ancient emperor, after all, they had seen an unprecedented splendid event.

Not in vain.

Although the competition is over, the various forces have also talked with each other and formed some friendship.

Of course, in this world, strength is the respect after all.

Therefore, most of the conversations were almost centered on the overlord forces such as the Eighteenth House Warriors, Tianjiao, and the Northern Yinzong Warriors, Tianjiao.

Dongli Sword Palace, as the host of this grand event, is also one of the three largest sword palaces in the world, and there are also many talkers.

And when it comes to the most eye-catching audience, it is Ye Liu and Ran Qi.

The Ye Sheng Mansion and Tian Lance Mansion of the two were originally the forces in the forefront of the Eighteen Mansion.

The two are even the most outstanding among the Eighteenth House Tianjiao.

In addition, the marriage between Ye Sheng Mansion and Tian Xing Mansion is an ironclad matter.

Therefore, Gu Lianxing, Ye Liu, Ran Qi and others, the most powerful fighters came to push the cup, it was better.


At this time, a warrior suddenly asked in surprise, "Why didn't Deputy Hall Master Yi Xiao come to the party?"

"Yes." A few more martial artists suddenly said, "It seems that Young Master Shui Ninghan is also not there."

"I seem to have heard that Palace Master Shui Ninghan had previously invited Deputy Palace Master Yi Xiao to join him in Jianshan."

"Hehe, did Vice-Hall Master Yi Xiao go to him for another appointment?"

All the martial artists around were talking and smiling.

"Vice-Hall Master Yi Xiao, there is actually another beautiful woman with him, no wonder he didn't come here."

"Hehe, I went to Jianshan and other quiet places to be alone..."

The discussion around has become more subtle.

Each of the warriors had already talked openly, but gradually they gradually became silent.


In fact, Xiao Yi is at the edge of the sword palace.

After coming down from Jianshan, he didn't like the excitement, so he separated from Ran Qi.

When Ran Qi went to the banquet, he was in the corner of the sword palace, silently thinking.

Compared with the hustle and bustle, he prefers to be alone, quietly enjoying this tranquility in the dark night.

Or take a look at the stars in the sky, or feel the night wind.

Under the dark night, being in it, I am afraid that even if an ordinary warrior passes here, he will not know that there is an indifferent figure standing in the dark.

Of course, this is the edge of the sword palace, and no warrior will come.

I have to say that the Far East here is very desolate.

Standing here, Xiao Yi could look at the scenery beyond the sword palace at a glance.

It is a huge land in the extreme east, inaccessible and incomparably desolate, only the East Lijian Palace is located here.

In fact, in Xiao Yi's opinion, this place is actually a very good place for cleansing.

Not to be disturbed by foreign objects, you can concentrate on practicing martial arts.

And the desolation here, the vast expanse of a million miles, is also the most suitable for swordsmen to sharpen the sword's heart.

One of the three sword palaces, the location is really extraordinary.

"Huh." Xiao Yi took a deep breath suddenly.

Withdrawing his gaze, he took out the "Supreme Sword Art" in his hand.

After a few glances, Xiao Yi's gaze was completely attracted by Jian Jue.

"It deserves to be the'Supreme Sword Art' of Dongli Sword Palace. It is really mysterious." Xiao Yi could judge the mystery of this supreme sword art after only a few glances.

An hour later.

He probably penetrated this sword art, and he became more surprised.

This sword art seems to be only a small stack of books, but the knowledge and mystery of the kendo in it are extremely wonderful, and the words are jewels.

Xiao Yi even made a comparison, and the knowledge of kendo in the single discussion actually surpassed the inheritance of the predecessor of the star fantasy that he had obtained in Star Change City.

If this supreme sword tactic is cultivated to its peak, it will probably be a bit stronger than that of the predecessor.

Moreover, the current supreme sword art is only a copy, not complete, only about 90%.

"Awesome." Xiao Yi sighed secretly.

"Unfortunately, after all, I first cultivated the Astral Swordsmanship, and I am also good at it."

In the past, Star Fantasy Swordsmanship was undoubtedly an extremely remarkable hole card for him.

Borrowing the power of heaven, earth and stars, let oneself exert extremely strong combat power.

But so far, with his ability to control the fire, the kendo strength has actually been greatly stretched.

If the strength of kendo is fully erupted, at best, it is at the level of martial arts power.

Far inferior to the strength of the fire control team.

However, Xinghuan Swordsmanship, after all, is the fastest Swordsmanship he can improve today.

Comparing with another supreme sword tactic, naturally it is better to continue practicing the star fantasy sword.

If he has enough time in the future, he might be able to concentrate on cultivating this supreme sword art.

As far as he knew, this supreme sword tactic, even Ao Donglou had only cultivated to about 80%, which was far from perfect.

One can imagine how powerful this sword art is.


No words for a night.

Xiao Yi put away this supreme sword art.

He also gained a little from the overnight comprehension, but it is by no means a day's work to achieve great gains.

Xiao Yi glanced at the sky, nodded, "It's time to leave."

Xiao Yi went to find the Lying Ao East Building and said goodbye.

After all, I had been harassing in Donglijian Palace for a few days, so I just said goodbye.

Aodonglou seemed to leave Xiao Yi, had already expected it, smiled, and said, "Little friend Yi Xiao, are you in a hurry to return to the main hall."

Xiao Yi smiled indifferently and said nothing.

At this time, Aodonglou took out a copy of the classics and handed it to Xiao Yi.

"Palace Master Proud, is this?" Xiao Yi frowned slightly.

Aodonglou smiled lightly, "This is the last 10% of my Dongli Sword Palace Supreme Sword Art."

"What does the Proud Palace Master mean?" Xiao Yi didn't accept it. He knew that he would be polite and ask for something.

Sure enough, Aodong Building was slightly requesting, and said, "I want to ask Little Friend Yi Xiao to be in the tomb of the ancient emperor and take a look.

"This..." Xiao Yi frowned, just about to refuse.

Inside the tomb of the ancient emperor, unpredictable, nothing can be said.

Xiao Yi was not sure that he could care for others, so he didn't want to agree.

If it was said that helping Ao Yinfeng could benefit in the tomb of the ancient emperor, Xiao Yi couldn't agree more, and he was not sure.

As expected, Aodonglou took the lead and said, "Little friend Yi Xiao, don't worry, I'm Aodonglou.

"I am not asking too much."

"No one in the tomb of the ancient emperor has the confidence to ignore everything."

"What the old man wants to ask for is only the little friend Yi Xiao can do to save Yinfeng's life."

"Oh?" Xiao Yi frowned slightly.

Aodonglou smiled and said, "The tomb of the ancient emperor is undoubtedly a rare opportunity."

"However, fate is more important than opportunity and chance."

"I don't force Yinfeng to gain something in it, but he is the best next-generation successor to my Dongli Sword Palace. I never want him to be surprised."

"What, the old man is brazen, begging little friend Yi Xiao to take a look."

"Of course, as long as the little friend Yi Xiao tries his best, it's also not a requirement." Aodonglou said seriously.

"Okay." Xiao Yi nodded, accepting the last 10% of the Supreme Sword Art, and agreed.


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