Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1706: Are you willing to admit it?

Xiao Yi frowned, his face a little thoughtful.

Just at this time, the deputy dean took the lead and said, "Little Xiao Yi, if you can trust me, then follow me to the Palace of Heavenly Secrets."

"Other things, I'll talk about it later."

"No hurry." Xiao Yi answered indifferently.

The figure flashed and came to Senior Jian Ji's side.

"What are you talking about?" Xiao Yi asked.

"Who mentioned the words Heiyun Xuejiao?"

Senior Jian Ji replied, "About a month ago, I met a pungent woman."

"As for the name." Senior Jian Ji frowned, "A yellow-haired girl, I didn't remember much..."

"It seems to be called Worry..." Bai Bingxue answered, "Oh, it's called Mo You."

"Ye Ming was there at that time."

Bai Bingxue looked at Ye Ming.

Below, Ye Ming nodded, then scratched his head, "At that time, Senior Sister Bai and I were walking outside, but luckily, we found a few rare natural treasures."

"Before it had time to put it away, a woman in red appeared suddenly and snatched it for life."

"After robbing, we will kill others."

"Fortunately, Senior Jian Ji arrived in time and saved us."

"Mo worry?" Xiao Yi narrowed his eyes.

In fact, as early as when Bai Bingxue uttered the word'Mo worry', he knew something was wrong.

He knew well that Mo You, this woman, was definitely not a kind person.

Xiao Yi's hands were full of vitality.

A picture, condensed out of thin air.

In the picture, it is exactly what Mo You looks like.

"But this woman?" Xiao Yi asked.

"Right, right, right." Ye Ming nodded repeatedly, "It's her. I remember a handsome man was still following her. He called her called Brother Yu."

"Si Kongyu?" Xiao Yi's eyes were cold.

"Can they hurt you with the soul-piercing needle?" Xiao Yi asked quickly when he remembered how Qing Lin was injured back then.

"Broken Soul Needle?" Ye Ming frowned, and the next second he reacted.

"Yes, yes, that woman does have a lot of stuff, and it's amazing."

"We are fine, but when Senior Sword Ji confronted her, if it weren't for her strength, she would suffer a big loss."

"What? Damn." Xiao Yi's expression was startled, and he quickly looked at Senior Jian Ji, "Where did Senior Jian Ji hurt?"

"It doesn't matter." Senior Jian Ji shook his head, rolled up a little sleeves slightly, revealing a little Bai Ze's arm above the delicate hand, "It just hurts the arm."

Xiao Yi glanced at the wound on his arm, his face became cold, "Sure enough, it is the breath of the soul-breaking needle."

"Fortunately, the injury is not the point."

"Yeah." Senior Jian Ji put down his sleeves and nodded, "That needle is really weird."

"Even if I hurt my arm, the wound cannot heal for a long time, but it doesn't matter too much. It has been sealed by me with extreme cold, no problem."

"What about after?" Xiao Yi asked.

"After..." Senior Jian Ji raised his head, thinking.

Bai Bingxue said first, "After that, the pungent woman said that we are a bunch of buns, and have never heard of the origin of the Sword Emperor."

"Master couldn't see that she was so arrogant. He hurt us before and taught her a lesson."

"After Master regained the heaven, material and earth treasures that Ye Ming and I had been robbed and Qiankun Ring, the woman was injured and fled.

"It's just that before I left, I let out some cruel words."

"What cruel thing?" Xiao Yi asked with a sneer.

Bai Bingxue replied, "Ask us if we know Heiyun Xuejiao and Mo You, and said that we will return it a thousand times in the future."

"Junior Brother Xiao Yi." At this moment, Ye Ming said with a complex expression, "I just heard what you said, are you also a disciple of Heiyun Learning?"

"The hot girl, is your fellow?"

"The same door?" Xiao Yi shook his head.

When Ye Ming heard the words, he sighed and smiled, "I know, Junior Brother Xiao Yi, you have always had a sense of measure. How can those arrogant and vicious women be yours."

Xiao Yi smiled and patted Ye Ming on the shoulder.

The next second, turned around and looked directly at the deputy dean.

"Associate Dean, I have nothing to say."

"If I'm not mistaken, Mo You is the one who is really wanted."

"For it is revenge." Xiao Yi's voice was extremely cold.

The deputy chief's expression changed, but he still said solemnly, "It has nothing to do with her."

"I said, that may be a misunderstanding. It is indeed the wanted order issued after Yaozun Hall was robbed of a batch of natural treasures."

"That's just an excuse." Xiao Yi said coldly.

He is not a fool, and naturally wants to understand things immediately.

"It's no wonder that these wanted orders were issued by Heiyun Learning and Teaching, but the main hall masters and deputy hall masters of each hall would issue them on their behalf."

"It's no wonder that these main hall masters and deputy hall masters who are released on your behalf are all your friends."

"Because the Eight Palaces have iron rules, but these wanted orders are just for an outsider to avenge his personal revenge. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to issue them."

"Unless, these main hall masters and deputy hall masters are willing to conceal it for you, and are willing to forcibly find an excuse for the'criminal' for you to issue a wanted order directly."

"If the deputy dean insists on quibbling, that's fine." Xiao Yi said coldly.

"As far as I know, although Heiyun Xuejiao has the privilege to issue a wanted order, the premise is that it needs to be related to the mission of Badian."

"The Eight Palaces will issue a wanted order in the hall."

There are two wanted orders.

One is released by forces or individuals.

This is the same as the tasks sent by ordinary forces in the halls, which are completed by the warriors of the halls, such as the demon hunter, the wind envoy, and so on.

The wanted order itself has nothing to do with the halls themselves.

That's just the equivalent of a wanted order.

The second type is Badian's own wanted order.

This kind of wanted order is equivalent to the ‘official’ wanted order of each temple, and it is issued by the Eight Palaces and law enforcement teams.

What is released now is obviously the latter.

"I just need to see why the other 5 halls issued these wanted orders."

Xiao Yi looked at Bai Yue, Xu Heyan and other main hall masters and deputy hall masters.

All the main hall masters turned their faces slightly, did not meet Xiao Yi's gaze, only said coldly, "You are not our main hall martial artist, what qualifications do you have to check our files?"

Xiao Yi sneered, "You seem to have forgotten, I'm not asking you."

"If you don't give me enough today, don't even think of leaving alive."

"Humph." The main hall masters snorted coldly, without speaking.

"Isn't it? It's okay." Xiao Yi nodded and looked at Palace Master Chengfeng.

"Hall Master Chengfeng, can you do me a favor?"

"Of course." The Palace Master Chengfeng smiled, already knowing, "Hengtian, you run again."

"The wanted orders for each hall were to be announced; therefore, the detailed file records are not secrets at all."

"I believe it will be easy to find out."

"Yes." Hengtian Hall Master nodded, his figure flashed, and he disappeared into the distance.

"Huh." Until then, the deputy dean took a deep breath.

He knew that there were some things that he couldn't hide.

"Are you willing to admit it?" Xiao Yi looked directly at the deputy dean.

The deputy chief's expression was complicated, even heavy, but he nodded slightly.


Second more.

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