Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1712: Deceive me, there is no one in Sky Splitting Sword Sect

"Satisfied?" Xiao Yi frowned.

He looked at Senior Jian Ji below.

Senior Jian Ji, I don't know when, he has made a pot of fragrant tea, sips tea from himself, and nodded slightly.

Upon seeing this, Xiao Yi looked at Miaoshenghua, "That's a matter of your Black Demon Hall, Heavenly Secret Hall, and Soul Hall three hall alliance."

"Yi can't control whether he is satisfied or not."

Miao Shenghua nodded, "Since the Vice-Hall Master Yi Xiao is satisfied, then this matter will be exposed."

"Bai Yue and Jing Wu have abused their power and have been severely punished."

"It's the end of the matter."

On the side, Palace Master Chengfeng smiled and said, "As for Jiang Liuhuo and Xu Heyan, that is the matter of Vice Palace Master Yi Xiao, Yandian and Yaozundian."

"We outsiders can't interfere."

Xiao Yi nodded, "In this way, things are already clear."

"Yes." Palace Master Chengfeng nodded, "These six Palace Masters, who abused their power, forcibly issued a wanted order."

"In the name of the Eight Palaces, to commit one's personal enmity, the conclusion has been made."

While talking, the Master of Chengfeng Hall smiled and said, "In fact, when I called Hengtian to the nearby main hall most of the day ago, I asked him to pass the incident back to the main halls of each hall."

"After all, the six main hall masters, Baiyue, Jing Wu, Jiang Liuhuo, and Xu Heyan, are not the ones in the Fengsha Temple and Shura Temple, so we are not going to overstep."

"I have asked the respective main halls to investigate the matter."

The Lord of Hengtian Temple answered, "Eight halls each have iron rules."

"The main hall of each hall is indeed busy with business on weekdays; but if you don't check it, it's fine, if you check, they can't hide the main hall."

"Naturally, the main hall will deal with it."

Xiao Yi heard this, already suddenly.

No wonder Miaoshenghua will appear here in time.

But, it is true that the eight halls of the main hall, no matter which hall is very busy.

In these main halls, unless it is a major event, it will not alarm the main hall at all.

And those wanted orders, naturally, would not let the general hall deliberately investigate.

If it weren't for this time, it was Xiao Yi's friends and seniors. If Xiao Yi hadn't checked it out, I'm afraid no one would doubt these wanted orders.

In fact, Jiang Liuhuo and other six people can become the master of the main hall and the person in charge of the first hall, and none of them are general.

At least, they can be 100% loyal to the main hall and abide by their duties.

Unfortunately, in order to help Heiyun learn and teach, to be precise, to help the deputy dean, they left this taint.

Including the person in charge of other main halls and branch halls, they knew what their responsibilities were from the moment they became a martial artist of the Eight Palaces.

Also know what the iron rules of the Eight Palaces are.

No one is willing to break these iron rules easily.

If there is, the strong iron rules of the Eight Palaces will naturally be punished.

"Now that things have been clarified, the wanted order has also been revoked."

"But..." Xiao Yi looked at the deputy dean, "This doesn't mean that I will stop here."

The deputy dean was silent, silent.

"Jiang Liuhuo, Xu Heyan." Xiao Yi looked at these two, as well as the three halls of warriors in the Hunting Demon Hall, Yan Hall, and Yao Zun Hall, "You go back to the main hall to report this."

"The main hall has its own punishment."

Xiao Yi is just a deputy hall master, and in fact has no right to punish these master hall masters.

The punishment order is really to be issued, that is within the main hall.

"Yes." Jiang Liuhuo and others gave their orders.

When the matter reached this point, they also knew very well that it was impossible to hide it anymore.

Waiting for them will be the punishment of the main hall.

In addition, the matter is probably over here.

The six hall masters, such as Jiang Liuhuo, Baiyue, and Jing Wu, abuse their powers. There are iron rules for how to deal with the main hall.

As for the master of Chengfeng and Hengtian.

Before, Xiao Yi asked Senior Jian Ji, these two were the last to arrive.

However, the two of them didn't make a move, they just set up a formation here in advance to trap Senior Jian Ji and others.

To put it bluntly, Jiang Liuhuo and the others were hunting down to help Heiyun learn and teach and the vice president.

The two masters of the Temple of Chengfeng, and Heiyun Xuejiao and the deputy dean have little friendship, and they will not be foolish and stunned.

No, the Lord Hengtian was so impulsive, maybe.

But the Master of Chengfeng, but the master of information in the main hall of Fengsha Temple, can be regarded as the first old fox under the master of the main hall.

Xiao Yi could tell the clues of that piece of information about the Wind Cha Temple, and it was naturally impossible for him to fail to see the Master of the Wind Temple.

He and the Hengtian Temple Lord came here specially before, just because they are also Eight Temple Warriors, and the other Six Temples can't hunt down wanted people who can't work together. They come to help.

But before things are clear, they will not take action, just watch.

Before he called the Lord of Hengtian Hall to the nearby main hall, and by the way, he instructed the Lord Hengtian to pass the matter to the main halls of each hall.

It can be seen how fast he reacts and how strong he is to deal with things.

Such a character will not easily be used as a gun.

The Badian wanted order, so far, come to an end.

However, high in the sky, Miaoshenghua did not leave.

Xiao Yi didn't care, and returned to the boat.

"Senior Jian Ji." Xiao Yi saluted.

"Yeah." Senior Jian Ji put down the tea cup and nodded in satisfaction.

After that, she stretched out her delicate hand and patted Xiao Yi's shoulder.

This time, Xiao Yi had already prepared, and did not shake off again.

"Yes, not bad." Senior Jian Ji nodded his head in satisfaction, "It's worth noting that those two old guys and me back then, they all favor you very much."

"I want to ask you something." Senior Jian Ji said, withdrawing his hand.

"Senior Jian Ji, please." Xiao Yi nodded.

"In your eyes, is there a senior like me?" Senior Jian Ji asked in a deep voice.

"Of course." Xiao Yi nodded.

"Then I will ask you again." Senior Jian Ji smiled, "How are you and Xiao Yi boy?"

Xiao Yi thought for a moment, and said, "I am also an enemy and a friend. He is my opponent and my friend in life."

"In that battle, I walked side by side with him, with life and death."

"First he severely inflicted the monster beast, and then I killed the beast emperor."

"Such friendship is excellent."

Xiao Yi didn't lie, Xiao Yi and Yi Xiao were originally a person, so they naturally followed life and death.

"Okay, very good." Senior Jian Ji smiled with satisfaction.

"You two are hailed as twins, and you have a very good friendship."

"Then I will ask you something more." Senior Jian Ji, already showing a sly smile.

"Do you know what happened to him in Central Region these years?"

"Probably know some." Xiao Yi nodded pretentiously.

"Humph." Senior Jian Ji suddenly snorted.

"First there was the Tianzang Xuegong, and then there was black cloud learning and teaching, twice expelled."

"There are still a lot of **** forces, which are really deceiving."

When Xiao Yi heard this, he felt inexplicable. For no reason, Senior Jian Ji asked what this did?

Xiao Yi thought for a second, then said, "I know these things."

"But Xiao Yi said that he would solve it himself, so I didn't worry about it."

"Bastard." Senior Jian Ji snorted coldly, "Little Xiao Yi has a good temper, are you watching like this?"

"I'm really deceiving me Sky Splitting Sword Sect has no one? Ahem."

Senior Jian Ji was furious at once, and even coughed a few times in a hurry.


Third more.

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