Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1717: Twin Martial Soul?

In the main hall of the wind brake hall.

The two main hall masters glanced at each other, and they all saw a touch of surprise in each other's eyes.

"Is it possible, really guessed wrong?" The Master Fengcha opened his mouth first.

The tone was somewhat uncertain.

"Impossible." The main hall master of Shura is absolutely categorical, "In this world, there won't be so many coincidences."

"The old man never believes that countless coincidences will continue to appear on the same two people without getting tired of it."

"Yes." The uncertain tone of the master of the wind brake hall gradually disappeared.

"I am in the wind brake temple and control the world's intelligence."

"The old man has lived for such a long time, and he has almost read everything in the world."

"I have never seen so many coincidences. Even if there are, they are deliberate."

The atmosphere suddenly became serious and heavy.

On the side, the Master Chengfeng swallowed his saliva and hesitated, "The two chief hall masters, the woman, indeed said so."

"Furthermore, I think Xiao Yi boy respects that woman so much, that woman is his predecessor and should not be fake."

"I believe this." The Master Palace Master Shura said in a deep voice, "Xiao Yi, this kid, even when he first saw us, he was able to be neither humble nor humble, and calm."

"To make him so respectful, that woman can only really be an elder whom he respects very much."

"Is there no information about this group of guys?" The Master Hall Master Fengcha asked.

Palace Master Chengfeng shook his head, "No, I went to the file room to check it out, and nothing was found."

"The Tianjiao evildoer of that ship seems to have emerged out of thin air."

"It's the same as Xiao Yi's previous situation. The only information that can be found is the last four or five years."

"Oh, by the way, I specifically checked the Ziyan Yi Xiao, and the situation is the same. It emerged from nowhere, and suddenly rose rapidly."

The main hall of Shura frowned, "With the intelligence ability of the main hall of the wind brake hall, even the most inconspicuous warrior in the Central Territory can trace back all the information of the warrior, even to the date of birth. "

"Before, Xiao Yi kid alone was enough."

"Now, it is directly a group of warriors who can't find the information?"

The master of the wind brakes pondered for a moment, and said, "Beyond the Central Region, there are countless ordinary regions besides one hundred thousand mountains and one million dangerous places."

"In these ordinary areas, I have 90% of the information in the Fengsha Temple."

"But it doesn't rule out some hidden places, we don't know."

The Lord Shura nodded, "After all, nothing is absolute in this world."

"Since the elders in his hometown say so, there shouldn't be any mistakes."

"Then the two main hall masters guessed wrong?" Chengfeng hall master asked tentatively.

When the two chief hall masters heard this, their faces instantly twitched.

"By the way, Chengfeng." The master of the wind brake said in a deep voice, "You bring the information of Ziyan Yi Xiao, all."

"Yes." Palace Master Chengfeng nodded, turned and left.

"What do you want to do?" Asura General Hall Master asked suspiciously.

The master of the wind brake shook his head and said, "I know everything about Xiao Yi's information."

"Since he appeared in Zhongyu, in the few years to this day, I know all the details of all the information."

"But Zi Yan Yi Xiao, I didn't have any interest in him before, so I ignored him."

"Last time, there were only a few intelligence comparisons, maybe there were some mistakes, so I want to check it again."

Not long after, the Lord Chengfeng came back.

In his hands, piles of dossier information.

The master of the wind brake, watching one by one.

Fengsha Temple, originally served as intelligence.

For this chief palace master, even if it is a simple piece of information, he can analyze and understand countless things.

"Huh? This is the intelligence of his battle with Poison Robe in the Six Dragons region." The Master Fengcha glanced at the intelligence.

After a long while, the Master Fengcha put down the file and nodded, "Sure enough."

"What?" Asura General Hall Master asked.

The master of the wind brake, handed over the file.

The Master Palace Master Shura glanced, frowning, and for a long while, his face was stunned, "I see."

"Two main hall masters, what's wrong?" Chengfeng hall master asked doubtfully.

The two main hall masters looked at each other and smiled helplessly, "It seems that we really guessed wrong before."

"Oh?" Palace Master Chengfeng was full of doubts.

The main hall of the wind brake said with a light smile, "Xiao Yi, Zi Yan Yi Xiao, these two, but look at the general information."

"These two people are exactly the same regardless of their body shape or back view. The only difference is that Zi Yan Yi Xiao wears a mask."

"Presumably, when almost everyone sees them for the first time, they will feel that these two are the same person at all."

"But if you want to be more serious, you will find that Xiao Yi is a kendo martial artist, and he is a waste martial arts soul controlling the fire beast."

"Yi Xiao is a fire-control warrior who controls a variety of powerful flames in the world with amazing methods. He must have awakened an extremely powerful fire-attribute martial soul in his body."

"Yi Xiao's fire control methods can't be controlled by even the idle purple spirits, let alone the useless spirits like the fire beast."

"We considered this point before, but it was denied almost instantly."

Yes, it is denied.

In the past, when in the Eastern Region, many people suspected that Xiao Yi and Yi Xiao were the same person.

But just because Xiao Yi was a Martial Spirit of the'Fire Control Beast', he dispelled this suspicion.

Because, the fire-controlling beast can never control the powerful flames of the world such as amethyst spirit flame.

But when the two main hall masters of Fengsha and Shura were here, this suspicion was immediately denied.

"Negated?" Palace Master Chengfeng asked in confusion.

"Yes." The master of the wind brake nodded, "Even if Xiao Yi is only a'Fire Controlling Beast' martial arts spirit, he is also likely to control the amethyst spirit flame and control a variety of powerful flames in the world."

"That's impossible." Palace Master Chengfeng shook his head repeatedly.

"The flames condensed by the fire-controlling beast martial arts souls are hard to use to burn wood. Want to use them to control the powerful flames of the world? It's tantamount to a dream."

The main hall of the wind brake said with a smile, "Then what if the fire control beast is not in charge of these flames?"

"What else can it be if it's not a fire-controlling beast?" Palace Master Chengfeng said subconsciously, but the next second, he instantly reacted.

"Could it be..."

"Twin Martial Spirits." The Master Hall Master Fengcha directly gave the answer.

"Twin souls?" Palace Master Chengfeng widened his eyes, and took a breath, "In the legend, the rarest twin souls in the world?"

Yes, the most rare in the world.

If we say that Tianjiao is unique among ordinary warriors; then, peerless Tianjiao or peerless evildoer is unique among Tianjiao.

Ten thousand arrogances do not necessarily produce a peerless evildoer.

And the twin martial arts souls are unique among peerless evildoers.

Ten thousand peerless evildoers and current evil evildoers may not be able to awaken the twin spirits.


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