Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1723: Xue Gong Taishang


Mo You heard Hua Qingyi exclaimed, not only did not escape, but sneered.

"A young evildoer wants to let this girl run?"

"Is Zi Yan Yi Xiao? It's just that Tianjiao, who has only risen to fame for more than half a year, dares to be so rampant?"

"You are not qualified."

Mo You sneered.

"Not bad." Elder Tongtian also sneered coldly, "This is my Tianzang Academy."

"A yellow-haired kid who came to my Tianzang Academy to be wild and presumptuous, but wanted me to escape from the Academy, what kind of style?"

"When this happened, I am afraid that outsiders will laugh at my Tianzang Academy."

Elder Tongtian said coldly.

The surrounding elders also nodded, "Elder Tongtian said quite true."

"When do I need to be afraid of a yellow-haired boy in Tianzang Academy?"

"My Tianzang Academy is like a cloud, can't even a disciple protect him?"

"You..." Hua Qingyi's face changed when she heard the words, "a bunch of fools, puff..."

Hua Qingyi cursed lightly, and another mouthful of blood spurted out.

His own backlash is really not light.

But what else does he want to say.

As the former deputy master of Yandian's main hall, he knew very well how unworldly legends the main hall masters were.

He also knew more clearly that the successors who could satisfy the three main hall masters at the same time, and recognized at the same time, were by no means the general generation.

In the fight just now, he was more certain of his judgment.

Such an evildoer can no longer be calculated by common sense.

He even believed that if today's matter continues to ferment, the enchanting anger will definitely be enough to swallow the entire Tianzang Academy.

the other side.

Xiao Yi's eyes were gloomy as water.

He didn't rush to shoot, staring directly behind Elder Twelve Peaks with cold eyes.

Behind Elder Twelve Peaks, there was just a piece of air.

But at this time, the air was surging.

Three figures suddenly appeared out of thin air.

The three figures are three old men.

The three old men showed up silently like this.

Elder Twelve Peaks, if he noticed something, he turned his head and his face was startled, "The three academic palaces are too high?"

The three elders all wore grey clothes.

The disciples, deacons, and even ordinary elders all around frowned, and they couldn't recognize these three.

But the elders of Twelve Peaks and the hidden elders such as Hua Qingyi showed shocked expressions and saluted one after another.

"See the Three Taishang."

The three old men have solemn faces or plain faces.

Hua Qingyi hurriedly said, "The three great masters, who haven't been in retreat for many years, today..."

Among the three elders, one interrupted, "During the old dean's retreat, if there is a major event in the palace, I will handle it with three people."

The one on the left solemnly said, "The dignity of the Academy is inviolable."

The one on the right, silent, holding hands.

Xiao Yi looked at the three of them, squinted his eyes, "Three peerless 9999 Dao."

In his perception, the aura of these three people was so thick that they were still above Aodong Tower.

He didn't rush to take action, because he had known that there were strong people in the Tianzang Academy.

Especially within that Tianzang mountain peak, there is a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger.

Those who can enter the retreat of Tianzang Mountain are at least the elders above the martial arts power level.

This is just the least.

The Tianzang Academy has been passed down for countless years, and no one knows how many retreat elders are hidden in the mountain.

I'm afraid it's just a peerless realm, there are not a few.

Those who are well-known in the realm of peerless power are not a few, such as Huaqingyi.

Of course, there are still some strong people who are even forgotten by the world, whose years of retreat have long been untraceable.

Just like these three old men.

Therefore, he has not been in a hurry to make a move. He wants to forcefully enter the Tibetan Academy to get people. There is no need to pay attention to the elders of the Twelve Peaks and most of the elders. His true opponents are the unborn powerhouses on the Tianzang Mountain. .

Ruhua Qingyi even forced him to sacrifice a beast hand.

Another example is these three old men, the so-called Xue Gong Taishang.

Xiao Yi couldn't recognize these three people either.

He recognized Hua Qingyi because Hua Qingyi did not have a small reputation in Yandian, and he was only a figure who left Yandian decades ago.

And the three old men in front of him intuitively told Xiao Yi that the years they had lived were quite amazing, even beyond his imagination.

The breath alone was already above Aodonglou and Long Xiao.

Although these three people are also only peerless 9999 Dao, their profound strength and cultivation are absolutely amazing.

"Xue Gong is too high, isn't it?" Xiao Yi's voice was very soft.

"I only ask you, whether this is right or wrong, do you divide it?"

"Fun." The three elders, one in the middle, nodded.

"What is right and wrong?" The one on the left said plainly.

"Destroying the gate of the school, the elder of the hurt school, it is not." The one on the right said in a solemn voice.

Xiao Yi narrowed his eyes, "In this way, you don't pay this person anymore."

A person in the middle said solemnly, "Academy disciple, how can you easily hand it over."

The one on the left whispered, "At least, it won't be handed over to you fierce people."

The person on the right said solemnly, "It is the choice of the elders of the academy to make or not; it is our business to allow you to be presumptuous in the palace.

"Okay." Xiao Yi nodded indifferently, "In this way, your Tianzang Academy, if you don't distinguish between right and wrong."

Xiao Yi said indifferently, and took out a list in his hand.

The list is very light.

But it instantly attracted the attention of everyone present.

Of course, at the same time, the letter in Elder Tongtian's hand also attracted everyone's attention.

For the warriors present, they couldn't see the content of the letter.

However, it only needs to be covered by a perception to know.

Of course, the premise is that the believer is willing to be perceived.

Elder Tongtian didn't hide it, but instead shook his hand to pass the letter, and said coldly, "A good Ziyan Yixiao, not only does he come to my Tianzang Academy to get people, but he also hurts and kills?"

That was a letter from the deputy dean.

What was written on it was naturally something that the deputy dean knew about and the purpose of Yi Xiao's coming to Tianzang Academy.

Of course, the most important thing is that the letter also contains an exact list.

The eyes of everyone present looked at Xiao Yi, felt, and slowly let out.

Xiao Yi glanced at it and snorted coldly, "Humph."

All the perceptions that came to him were taken back in an instant.

The elders and deacons frowned, although they could not perceive the contents of the list in Xiao Yi's hands.

But obviously, it was exactly the same as the content of the list in the letter passed by the elder Tongtian.


"No wonder I saw this person so familiar before."

"Take revenge, and vent your anger for the elder friends of these two people?"

All the elders and deacons knew what had happened, but they still frowned.

"Twins? Huh." Mo You smiled contemptuously.

"No wonder the way I saw you before is so similar to the feeling when I saw that little thief."

"The same is disgusting, the same... it makes people feel like looking at a shredded waste."

Boom...a scorching air wave suddenly swept out.

Xiao Yi's body was already covered with flames.


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