Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1728: No one else

Eighteen Houses in the Central Region, six stars and six lights, five days and one holy.

Between the eighteen houses, each other's forces are similar.

But for countless years, the palace master of Ye Sheng Mansion must have been a sage, ranking the strongest among the palace masters.

However, Xiao Yi knew the names of these two people.

But the deeds of the two are unknown.

After all, these two were strong people more than a thousand years ago, and Xiao Yi would be fine and would not check the people so long ago.

Just at this time.

Jiu Lian yelled, "Xinghe, you and I will join forces to win this Yi Xiao."

"Yeah." At this moment, the old man who stood in the way of Xiao Yi nodded.

This old man was originally the one among the three sages.

At this moment, a sharp sword slowly appeared in his hand.

"Xinghe? Lin Xinghe?" Xiao Yi's pupils shrank.

Originally, when he heard the word "Xinghe", he was still not sure about the identity of the old man in front of him.

But seeing the old man holding the sword, and seeing the sword strength of the old man holding the sword, he instantly recognized it.

The sword in the old man's hand, a little bit of starlight condenses it.

Xiao Yi paused for the first time, then stopped.

"Some skills, you can recognize the old man?" The old man in front of him, holding a sword in his hand, nodded.

When he nodded, there was no joy or sorrow; but for a moment when he raised his sword, the astonishing strength of the sword made Xiao Yi's eyes hurt.

Yes, he recognized the old man in front of him.

To be precise, the old man's sword power was recognized, and then he recognized the old man's identity.

Because, the old man's sword power, he recognized, this kind of swordsmanship, he knew, and also practiced.

Lin Xinghe, Jianyu Lin Family doesn't know how many previous Patriarchs.

The time of fame was more than two thousand years ago.

And the kendo he cultivated is exactly the kendo on the sword stele that Xiao Yi first comprehended within the forest of ten thousand sword steles in the sword domain.

Yes, it is Star Swordsmanship.

Lin Xinghe, Ye Shang, Jiuhan.

All three of them are the illustrious generation more than a thousand years ago.

Each of them was once a leader in their cultivation, and the strongest in the Central Region.


At this time, Jiuhan, who had been severely injured by Xiao Yi, had recovered.

Ye Shang, as the former Palace Master of Ye Sheng Mansion, naturally understood Ye Sheng Liujue.

The power of medicine is really powerful.

At this time, the three of them had formed a triangle and surrounded Xiao Yi.

"Yi Xiao, the three of me serve as Supreme Masters in Tianzang Academy, and will not let you continue to mess around."

"In a word, either, catch it with one's hands, or die."

"With the forces behind the three of me, even if you kill you, the successor of the Sandian, the Sandian dare not say anything."

"After all, you haven't officially taken over."

The three said in a cold voice.

Xiao Yi had already reacted from the previous surprise, and his eyes once again returned to that indifference, and... hideousness.

"There is no need for the Three Halls, I am Yi Xiao alone and kill the three of you, and the forces behind you dare not talk nonsense."

"If you dare, I don't mind being slaughtered together."

Xiao Yi's laughter was extremely ferocious.

The other arm, Kaka Kaka... the hand of the beast, instantly condensed.

At this moment, he has two beast hands out.

In fact, as early as when he stepped into the level of martial arts power, his strength had already leapt qualitatively.

He only relied on the six-color flame circle and the increase of six powerful flames in the world.

There is also the fire control increase of the Fire Control Beast that is already comparable to the Bingluan sword rank.

With a single beast hand condensing, his fire control ability is already worthy of stepping into the peerless 9999.

So he didn't need to condense the beast hand before, and he could defeat Hua Qingyi under the six-color flame circle.

Under the condensed beast, he directly defeated Jiuhan.

And now, Lin Xinghe, Ye Shang, and Jiu Han, the three peerless seniors who were once famous, have joined forces, and he has to condense a second beastman.

However, his strength is still in peerless 9999.

The gap between Peerless 9999 Dao and the legendary bottleneck is quite terrifying.

That is a gap that can hardly be closed by any means.

Therefore, even if Xiao Yi's two beast hands are condensed, his level of strength is still in the peerless 9999 Dao, of course, it is the peerless 9999 Dao almost invincible.

It's enough to deal with these three people.

The three Taishang obviously also noticed the changes in Xiao Yi's arm.

"Will the soul materialize again?" Lin Xinghe shook his head.

"Ming is stubborn." Ye Shang shouted coldly.

"Kill it on the spot." Jiu Han said directly.


The three shot instantly.

The moment Lin Xinghe's sword was slashed, it instantly came to Xiao Yi's head.

That sword is as fast as a star, and as fierce as a galaxy.

This sword is a sword of Zhanxing.

Xiao Yi had understood this sword, but he was not afraid of it.

Ye Shang's hand slammed.

Xiao Yi also recognized this palm as Ye Shengzhang.

However, in this palm, the power of the Six Jues was surging, and Ye Shang obviously wanted to shoot with all his strength to directly kill Xiao Yi.

Jiuhan's palm also attacked at the same time.

That palm, the ice is overwhelming, and it is also full of effort.

Xiao Yi narrowed his eyes and fists out.

Above the ferocious beast's hand, a little red glow broke out, and the six-colored flames ran away.

At this moment, his fighting spirit was overwhelming.


Lin Xinghe's sword struck Xiao Yi's arm.

But the result was a spark.

Xiao Yi's hand was intact.

Boom... Jiu Han's palm also blew on Xiao Yi's other arm again.

Bang... Xuanbing mad dragon, cold and violent.

But as a result, the mad dragon is annihilated, the mysterious ice is scattered, and there is no way to be half-hearted.

Weiye Shang's palm hit Xiao Yi's chest heavily.

"Puff." Xiao Yi spouted out blood.

The face under the mask was already pale.

"Get off." Xiao Yi yelled coldly, and the two animal hands shook.

Lin Xinghe's sword and Jiuhan's palm were simultaneously shaken off.

Weiye Shang's palm was still printed on Xiao Yi's chest.

In the distance, Mo You sneered, "Yi Xiao, wasn't it crazy just now?"

"Take me? Just rely on you?"

"The three majesty, quickly kill this evil thief, dare to make a noise in our Tianzang Academy, even the Third Hall can't keep him."

"Puff." Xiao Yi spit out blood again.

"Ye Sheng Liujue, really amazing."

Xiao Yi's eyes stared at Ye Shang.

Ye Shang frowned, "Yi Xiao, you are a great evildoer."

"Catch it now, the old man promises to spare your life."

Xiao Yi smiled indifferently, "Ye Shang, based on your sentence, I will spare your life today."

Xiao Yi's hand moved instantly.

Against the palm of his chest, with a serious injury.

Boom... Xiao Yi's hand blasted out with a punch.

"So fast." Ye Shang's pupils shrank.

"Ye Shang." Lin Xinghe and Jiuhan arrived in an instant.


The aura on Xiao Yi's body exploded to the extreme at this moment.

Three violent six-color wandering dragons rushed out violently.


Three roars in a row.

Bang... bang... bang...

Three bursts in a row.

Lin Xinghe, even with a sword, was bombarded.

Jiuhan, the ice was completely broken, and was also bombarded.

Ye Shang's palm was scrapped and he flew for kilometers.

Three figures, swallowed by three flame dragons, were hit and flew heavily.

When the three of them fell to the ground, their faces were already pale, and blood spurted out.

"It's you." Xiao Yi wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and looked directly at Mo You.

"You..." Mo You trembled, "How is it possible that the three are too defeated?"

"Stop him." In the distance, Lin Xinghe endured his injuries and shouted violently.

"When the battle is over, the dignity of the Tianzang Academy will not be trampled by outsiders."

"Yes." Around, the elders who hadn't taken action before; on the ground, the elders who were already injured by the blast, responded one after another.

The response was uniform.

No one hesitated.

The cohesion of the entire Tianzang Academy is indeed amazing.


Countless streams of light rose up into the sky.

The entire Tianzang Academy was suddenly turbulent.

The peaks are swaying, the earth is shaking and the mountains are shaking.

High in the sky, a vast array of mystery, like threads, suddenly rises.

"The guardian formation of the Tianzang Academy?" Xiao Yi frowned slightly.

Any force, sect, etc., its guardian formation must be the strongest formation of this force.

Lin Xinghe yelled violently, "Disciples of the inner and outer gates, every disciple of the Twelve Peaks, and all the disciples of the retreat, immediately evacuate to the outside of the Twelve Peaks."

"All deacons and elders must maintain the big formation and kill Yi Xiao."

Boom...Above the great formation, a mighty aura that resembled a **** of heaven and earth, suddenly descended, taking Xiao Yi straight away.

That amazing power actually changed Xiao Yi's expression.


Xiao Yi put his hands together, and each of his mysterious handprints were quickly formed.

Just before that awe-inspiring momentum fell, a pillar of fire in Xiao Yi's hand rose into the sky.

"Tianhuo Yin." Xiao Yi shouted violently.

The soaring flames actually blasted back this momentum.


In just a few seconds, a thunderous roar erupted.

The whole world suddenly became white.

The flames seemed to ravage the entire world.

When the flame disappeared, everything returned to normal.

Above the sky, the big formation was already shattered; on the ground, Xiao Yifen was not damaged.

That arrogant but indifferent body walked again...step by step.

"With my Tianzang Academy's guardian formation, coupled with the power of hundreds of elders and thousands of deacons, I can't stop this son?" Lin Xinghe's face was pale.

"What a terrifying evildoer." Ye Shang's voice trembled unconsciously.

In the distance, the proud and indifferent figure walked step by step.

The pace is very light.

However, in everyone's eyes, it seemed to be stepping on the dignity of Tianzang Academy.

From the moment that proud figure appeared, he walked tightly and slowly.

But no one can stop him.

The elders who shot, the Twelve Peaks, the Tianzang Peaks, and even the three Taishang were defeated one by one.

His fist blasted all the experts in the Tianzang Academy.

His flame burned away the last hope of the Academy.

The entire Tianzang Academy, the first Academy in the Central Territory, could not stop this young enchantment.

"Zi Yan Yi Xiao."

I am afraid that from today, no one will forget this name in Tianzang Academy.

"One of the twins?"

Many elders murmured to themselves.

They looked at Yi Xiao, but they also remembered the kendo evildoer who was expelled from the academy in public and left proudly because of the injustice of the academy.

This fire-controlling evildoer is so terrifying, how far is that kendo evildoer now?

That kendo evildoer is also one of the twins.

If he is here today.

If he was not expelled from the academy that year.

So, today, this kendo evildoer will surely be able to contend with this fire-control evildoer.

It's a pity, everything, there is no if.

That kendo evildoer was expelled back then, except for the deacon You, no elder or deacon to keep him, and no respected elder of Tianzang Mountain came to preside over justice for him.

Step... step... step...

Xiao Yi's footsteps were very slow, but it seemed to be stepping heavily on her heart when she heard Mo worry, making her heartbroken.

"Yi...Yi Xiao...Do you know who my brother is?"

"If you hurt my hair..."

Step on, Xiao Yi's footsteps stopped one meter away from Mo You.

In the distance, a figure came quickly, "Brother Yi, show mercy."

This is Mo You's voice.

And beside Mo You, an old man appeared out of thin air.

That's the old dean of Tianzang Academy, old dean Huo.

"Today, it's useless for anyone to come." Xiao Yi shook his head indifferently.


Sixth more. (burst)

Update today, over.

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