Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1730: Holy sword


Mo You frowned when he heard the words.

"Brother, what are you talking nonsense with this thief." Mo You curled his lips.

"This evil thief is just playing you."

Mo You shook his head, "I believe that Brother Yi's reputation will not fool me."

"But." Mo You looked directly at Xiao Yi.

"It is absolutely impossible for you to kill your sister."

"How about this…"

Clang... A trembling sound rang.

A sharp sword was held in Mo You's hand.

"Brother Yi, you and me fight."

"If I win, please ask Brother Yi to sell me a favor, and don't bother with her sister."

"Of course, I promised Brother Yi before, I will still do it."

"Whether it is an apologize or an apology, there is no answer."

Mo You knew very well that with Yi Xiao's reputation today, few people who were targeted by him could survive.

Xie Xiu is low-key and secretive, with weird methods, but still can't escape Yi Xiao's pursuit.

Not to mention his sister?

Therefore, he hopes to be resolved in this way.

Of course, in his words, he only said that if he wins, it would be so; but he didn't say a word that he would lose.

Obviously, Mo You is confident.

He dared not say anything else, but the younger generation of Tianjiao enchanting, he had never been afraid of anyone.

"Go ahead." Xiao Yi said concisely.

"Okay, refreshing." Mo You nodded.


The shocking sword intent burst out from Mo You Sword in an instant, and then swept across the sky.

This sword was just Mo You's sword, pointing directly at Xiao Yi.

This sword hasn't really been split yet, it's just a sword intent brewing.


The flame on Xiao Yi's body was annihilated instantly under the sword intent.

Pedal... pedal... pedal...

Xiao Yi stepped back several steps.

Around, the elders of the Xuegong who fell to the ground were shocked, "What an amazing fighting spirit."

"Forget Worry Sword Mo You, already has such strength?"

Lin Xinghe narrowed his eyes, "This son's cultivation base has not reached our level."

"But when it comes to the sharpness of swordsmanship, kendo attainments and strength, it is already not to be underestimated."

Lin Xinghe was the former Patriarch of the Lin Family of Jianyu, a peerless sword repairer who had become famous more than two thousand years ago.

His eyes are so harsh.

He possesses the swordsmanship of Zhanxing, and his kendo attainments are so unpredictable.

Even he was shocked and praised, and it is not difficult to imagine Mo You's kendo level today.


Flames broke out again on Xiao Yi.

"Peerless 9994 cultivation base."

Xiao Yi nodded indifferently, and saw Mo You's cultivation level at a glance.

Yes, Mo You's cultivation base alone has reached 9994 Peerless Dao.

On cultivation base, it is consistent with Shui Ninghan.

However, Xiao Yi was able to judge that Mo You's explosive strength was absolutely far superior to that of Shui Ninghan, just for the moment that pointed the sword and the sword intent.

"Brother Yi, are you ready?" Mo You asked in a deep voice, his face overwhelmingly wary, but at the same time his face was solemn.

Although he is confident, he is not careless.

Yi Xiao's record lies here.

The elders of the various academic palaces around him fell to the ground injured, and they are also impressive.

Almost before it fell to the ground, Mo You already knew that Yi Xiao was very strong.

If nothing happens, this will be the strongest opponent he has ever encountered among the Tianjiao evildoers.

"Go ahead." Xiao Yi still said indifferently.

"Okay." Mo You nodded and shot instantly.

The Forgotten Worry Sword in his hand exudes amazing black light.

Within the black light, the sword shadow is heavy.

Xiao Yi stared at the sword that struck, and he felt a blur in his eyes, and he could not tell what was a sword shadow and what was a real sword.

Xiao Yi frowned and blasted out a punch.

The fist blasted straight towards Jianying.

However, the expected roar did not appear.

The black light sword shadow that struck was actually a flash.

The fist that Xiao Yi threw out seemed to be in the air.

At this moment, Mo You's sword pierced directly from Xiao Yi's fist.

Xiao Yi reacted extremely quickly, with a retreat, which could be avoided.

The sharp point of the sword was as good as passing between his neck, and the purple inflammation between his neck collapsed instantly.

If he was a step slower and didn't avoid this sword, he must have been seriously injured at this moment.

"Awesome, worthy of my brother." Not far away, Mo You laughed triumphantly.

"What Ziyan Yixiao, what twins, just one face to face to lose?"

Around, the elders of the various academic palaces also showed shocked expressions, "It is worthy of Forgetting Worry Sword Mo You."

"It's worthy of being the evildoer who was able to crush our Twelve Peaks chief ten years ago."

"The battle for the first place in the hundred academies is really worthy of reputation."

Lin Xinghe nodded in satisfaction, "This magic sword is really amazing."

"It is as strong as Yi Xiao, but he almost can't resist it..."

However, Lin Xinghe's words are not finished yet.

Xiao Yi's side.


Xiao Yi's beast hand actually held the Wangyou Sword instantly.

The Wangyou sword exudes the ultimate black glow, extremely sharp and extremely powerful.

But the point and body of the sword can't help the beast hand.

Xiao Yi's hand was held tightly.

Mo You drew his sword subconsciously, only to find that his sword couldn't move the slightest.

"A lot of strength." Mo You frowned.

"Hold my Forgotten Sorrow Sword? Great."

"I'm not interested in wasting time with you." Xiao Yi shook his head indifferently.


Xiao Yimon shook his hand heavily.

Forget Worry Sword, broke instantly.

"You..." Mo You frowned, a trace of blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth.

This sword is his martial soul.

If he is forcibly pinched off, he will naturally suffer backlash.

However, being able to forcibly squeeze off his Wangyou Sword Martial Spirit is definitely not something that can be done without waiting for strength.

"Despicable." Not far away, Mo You gave a cold voice.

"Yi Xiao, would you just wait for three abuses?"

Xiao Yi ignored it, but looked directly at Mo You, "Make your strongest sword."

"As you wish." Mo You nodded.

"Holy Sword."

Mo You's sword suddenly changed.

On the sword, the annihilation breath is overwhelming.

The sword, which has always been inexhaustible, is sharp and sharp.

Now, coupled with this annihilation breath.

This sword is bound to be like a broken bamboo, and it is almost impossible.

"A strong sword." In the distance, Lin Xinghe felt the most intuitive.

"I'm afraid I can't stop this sword."

"Sacred Sword?" Xiao Yi squinted.

If he remembered correctly, after he passed the Dengyun Road that year, the vice president told him that there would be a big reward.

After that, Senior Luo gave him two exercises.

One of them is the Sacred Palm.

The Sacred Palm is the strongest martial skill Heiyun has learned and taught.

Sacred Palm, Xiao Yi had comprehended, but did not rest assured to practice.

Never thought, there is also a holy sword.

With Xiao Yi's current eyesight, it can be clearly seen that the level of the Sacred Sword is much higher than that of the Sacred Palm.


Mo You's sword came out instantly.

The sword is almost at its extreme; the annihilation of the aura, almost instantly, has come to Xiao Yi's throat.

However, when the sword was still an inch from Xiao Yi's throat, the sword failed to advance even further.

The sword body was held by the beast's hand again.

That astonishing annihilation aura is equally difficult to separate from the beast.

"You lost." Xiao Yi said indifferently.

"You..." Mo You's face was instantly ugly.

Click... bang...

Xiao Yi squeezed the palm of his hand, forgetting the sword of anxiety, and the aura of obliteration, all collapsed.

With a punch, Mo You spit out a mouthful of blood and was blasted back 100 meters.

High in the sky.

A figure suddenly appeared out of thin air.

The figure, cold eyes, looked directly at Xiao Yi below.

The figure slowly stretched out his hand, just about to press it down, but stopped instantly.

The figure glanced not far away.

High in the sky, three figures stared at him.


Second more.

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