Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1734: Dean Huo's anger

At high altitude.

Senior Luo stood with his hands behind, looking into the distance.

There, a figure was flying fast in Yukong.

The terrifying Yukong speed is probably enough to make all the young Tianjiao in Zhongyu shame.

The figure is Mo You.

At this moment, he was holding Mo You, who was all over his body, and was returning to Heiyun to learn and teach.

Senior Luo looked in the distance, his eyes cold with anger.


Next to him, two figures appeared out of thin air in the air.

To be more serious, it is Elder Jingfeng and Elder Tianchi.

"Dean." The two saluted after they appeared.

"Yeah." Senior Luo nodded indifferently.

"Mo You's fate is guaranteed."

"But then, I have to go back to school to lift the flame ban for her."

The two said respectfully, "With the dean's ability, it's just easy."

"Easy?" Senior Luo frowned, "If it is in the past, it will naturally be easy."

Yes, if it is other times, it is naturally easy.

It is not difficult for him to break the flame prohibition.

It just takes time to beat those flame combinations, it takes a long time.

If it is put at another time, one month will be passed by his fingertips.

But now, the tomb of the ancient emperor will be opened in half a month.

"After that, you two will accompany Mo You to the tomb of the ancient emperor." Senior Luo said softly.

"Remember, if Xiao Yi can walk out of the ancient emperor's tomb alive, he will kill him on the spot and send the corpse back to Heiyun to learn and teach."

"Kill on the spot?" The two elders of Fengfeng were surprised.

Senior Luo narrowed his eyes, "Swordsman evildoer, Mo You is enough."

"Twins? The old man kills one first."

"As long as you have the things in the tomb of the ancient emperor, Mo You will kill this Ziyan Yixiao in the future, as if he would kill a chicken."

"What?" The two elders of Fengfeng showed shocked expressions, "President, what is in the tomb of the ancient emperor?"

"Haha." Senior Luo smiled coldly, "You only need to know that if that thing gets in my hands, I can make Mo You the number one evildoer in the ages."

"But, Dean, Xiao Yi is the disciple we once taught..." Elder Feng Feng wanted to say something.

Elder Tianchi said solemnly, "The dean can rest assured, the two of me will take Xiao Yi's body back to school."

"Yeah." Senior Luo nodded, his figure flashed, and he left.

In situ.

Elder Jingfeng frowned, "I already owe Xiao Yi kid enough for learning, we..."

Elder Tianchi was silent.

After a long while, Elder Tianchi felt his surroundings, and then slowly heaved a sigh of relief.

"Stupid." Elder Tianchi curled his lips. "If we don't agree, what will happen to you as the dean? Do you think that the dean is the only one under us, Heiyun?"

"If someone over there makes a move, do you think Xiao Yi still has life to leave the ancient emperor's tomb?"

"You think..." Elder Fengfeng reacted instantly, his face changed.

Elder Tianchi nodded heavily.

Although Elder Tianchi didn't speak, Elder Fengfeng was already suddenly.


Tianzang Academy, Academy Plaza.

No, now, there is no Xuegong Square anymore.

Most of the Tianzang Academy is in a mess.

Most of the old Zhongling Xiushan mountains have long been broken.

Dean Huo, with a big wave of his hand, countless long rivers of spiritual energy swam around, all the remaining flames that had been raging disappeared.

Ye Shang had already stabilized his injuries for Jiuhan, Lin Xinghe, and the retreat elders.

Tianzang Academy has not only the peak of Tianyao Peak, but also excellent alchemists.

One by one, the pharmacists methodically treated the elder and deacon Zhou who had been injured and fell to the ground.

Jiuhan, Elder Lin Xinghe Twelve Peaks, etc., took the lead in stabilizing their injuries and hurriedly came together.

"Old Dean." Everyone saluted first.

But everyone's faces were filled with righteous indignation.

"This Ziyan Yi Xiao is so defiant, it hurts me to wait for the elder and deacon of the Academy, and destroys the great place of my Academy."

"In any case, the old dean must seek justice for the Academy.

"Yes, please be fair."

"What about the Three Halls? My Tianzang Academy is also the first Academy in the Central Region."

Everyone was extremely angry.

Even though the battle was over, Yi Xiao had also retreated, and the farce of the Tianzang Academy came to an end.

However, the Tianzang Academy has suffered heavy losses, and the elders are obviously endless.

"The old dean, please be fair." The elders said in unison.

Dean Huo has been silent, neither joy nor sadness.

Only then did he show a slight sullen expression, "Just ask for justice? Then tell me, old man, why go to the Third Hall to ask for justice?"

"Huh? Tell me about it." Dean Huo increased his tone.

"Why do people come to my Tianzang Academy to make a noise, you don't know?"

"Indulge the disciples of the Academy, use the name of the eight halls, issue wanted warrants indiscriminately, use the knife to kill, and still want to use strong words?"

"How thick should the old man's face be before I dare to seek justice from others?"

Dean Huo obviously has absolute prestige in Tianzang Academy.

Under such anger, the elders hurriedly bowed, "The old dean calms down."

An elder of the Twelve Peaks repeatedly said, "Mo worry, after all, you are young, and you don't understand the severity, and you will make mistakes."

"You are young?" Dean Huo asked back. "You are not a reason to be unscrupulous."

"Then Xiao Yi, when he entered my palace, he was 22 years old and 10 months old, and counting the time, he was at most 26, but not 27."

"This Ziyan Yi Xiao is a twin with him, the same age, and no more years older than Mo You."

"How can people be the arrogance of the Three Halls of Heaven, and the warriors in all regions love it? How can people behave in a measured manner, endlessly chasing evil cultivators without disturbing the peace of any region?"

"Everyone in Zhongyu is shocked how courageous people are."

"And my Tianzang Academy, you are the first Academy in the Central Region, but the disciples taught are so unbearable?"

Dean Huo gradually showed anger.

"But." Tianjianfeng elder clung his hands, "Na Yi Xiao, after all, today he injured all the elders, and also killed the two elders of Tongtian Peak and Tiandifeng."

"If we don't hold it accountable, when this incident comes out, the reputation of our Tianzang Academy will surely be damaged."

"Our Tianzang Academy has been passed down for countless years, and we have never suffered such a big humiliation..."

Dean Huo interrupted coldly, "Our Tianzang Academy has been passed down for countless years, and we have never seen such a terrifying evil as twins."

"If your Heavenly Sword Peak didn't expel Xiao Yi from the academy back then, he is now the fourth personal biography of the old man."

"That's how enchanting Yi Xiao's talent is, you see, you are strong men who have been famous for many years, in his hands are not the enemy of one."

"Then he practiced alone, and he achieved today's achievements by his own strength."

"Where is Xiao Yi? As one of the twins, the old man recognized his talent back then. If he entered the old man's school early and was carefully guided by the old man, today, what a great kendo evildoer would be born in my Tianzang Academy."

"Today, how can such a farce happen again?"


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