Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1736: The promise of the three masters

Xiao Yi stared at the three main hall masters.

"Heh." The head of the Hunting Demon Palace smiled suddenly and stared at Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi frowned, "What is the main hall master laughing at?"

The head of the Hunting Demon Palace smiled, "Looking at your outfit, this strong outfit, the old man remembered the past."

"I don't know how many tens of thousands of years ago, the old man was like this when he was young, fledgling, and dressed up."

"The reason for wearing strong outfits is that a qualified demon hunter wanders in dangerous places and various dangerous monster forests almost all the time."

"No matter when and where, this crisp and neat outfit can make the warrior burst out his strongest combat power instantly."

"Oh?" Xiao Yi frowned slightly.

Demon hunters are not necessarily all dressed up.

As far as he himself had seen, there were not many demon hunters in strong outfits.

And like him, there are very few in a black suit.

When Xiao Yi appeared as Yi Xiao, it was because he could be unrestrained, without any fear.

And with this strong outfit, he can fight as much as he wants without being muddled.

It is a state of real comfort and enjoyment.

The head of the Demon Hunting Hall smiled and patted Xiao Yi on the shoulder.

"I believe that I will not misunderstand people."

"Although I can't see your face and don't know too much about your past, after all, your own intelligence is very little."

"But the old man said it dead today."

"The old man believes that with your disposition, you will never violate the Eight Temples Iron Rules for no reason and commit a heinous crime."

"Even if it is committed, it must be excusable and must be done."

"The old man recognizes you, and if you can't even carry these "last resort" to you, what face is there to make you the next successor."

"In the future, if you are willing to take over the Three Halls, even if it is really a heinous crime, as long as the old man is within his abilities, he will be borne for you; even if it is really the Eight Halls Iron Rules, the old man will definitely ignore it for you once. "

"Thank you." Xiao Yi nodded seriously.

"I don't have much to say." The main hall of Yandian curled his lips, "You Yixiao kid's heinous crime, don't just demolish my main hall of Yandian."

"Others, the old man doesn't care."

The head of the Yaozun Hall frowned and hesitated.

The master of the Hunting Demon Palace smiled, "Old Yao hesitates so much, you only need to take over the two halls, kid Yi Xiao, you don't have to worry about Yaozun Palace."

"That's how it works." The master of the Yaozun Hall instantly lowered his brows.

"I don't say much, Yaozun Palace exists for the world's alchemists."

"Its duty, in addition to protecting the mainland, is to inherit and refine medicine."

"You kid, don't violate those iron rules for refining evil pills, just do something that makes people and gods angry."

"Others, the old man doesn't care."

The head of the Demon Hunting Palace smiled and looked at Xiao Yi, "Now that the three of me have promised, can you rest assured?"

"Yeah." Xiao Yi nodded, "Thanks to the three main hall masters."

"The kid said goodbye first."

"What about taking over?" The head of the Hunting Demon Palace asked again.

Xiao Yi nodded seriously, "This matter, the kid promises to consider it carefully."

"When the visit to the tomb of the ancient emperor is over, the kid will reply."

"Yes." The head of the Hunting Demon Palace smiled, "Go."

"Our demon hunting area also has the Wanyan area, which is far from the tomb of the ancient emperor. You don't need to go back to the main hall to retreat."

"However, if you go to the tomb of the ancient emperor, do you need moxibustion to protect you?"

"No need." Xiao Yi shook his head, "You have to worry about the three chief hall masters."

"That's up to you." The head of the Hunting Demon Palace nodded, "You have always been cautious in your actions, and we have always been relieved."

"Go, after the tomb of the ancient emperor, the old man is waiting for your answer."

"Yes." Xiao Yi nodded and bowed to the three.

Then Ziyan Fire Wing flicked and Yukong flew away.

On the spot, the chief hall master of the Hunting Demon Palace and the chief hall master of Yandian smiled.

"Laughing?" The head of the Yaozun Hall curled his lips. "You still don't know what iron rules this kid has touched, so you have to force me to agree."

"Is there any problem?" the head of the Hunting Demon Palace asked back.

"This kid's disposition, mind, and talent are obvious to all, and we have already recognized it."

"Do I need to hesitate?"

The head of the Yaozun Hall frowned, "I know, but we don't understand what is going on..."

The head of the Demon Hunting Palace interrupted coldly, "Isn't it enough?"

"Even someone with a violent temper like Old Man Yan can see clearly that this kid has a burden and a story, can't you see?"

"If it's not necessary, who wants to wear a mask all year round and dare not show people in their true colors?"

"That young kid, such a splendid evildoer, is it not enough to bear so much?"

The head of the Yandian Temple nodded, "He doesn't want to say, because he just wants to take care of these things by himself."

"All he needs is our attitude, nothing more."

"We dare not give him even these confidence and these promises? Then his successor is too chilly."

The head of the Hunting Demon Palace said in a deep voice, "Old man Yao, we have approved this successor, but we have a lot of suspicions, and we have some reservations."

"Then even if in the future he calls you the Chief Hall Master and calls you Senior, do you still have the face to respond?"

"I..." The head of the Yaozun Hall shook his head, "Finally, listen to you."


In the distance, Xiao Yi has flew far away.

He does want to retreat for a while.

There is still half a month before the tomb of the ancient emperor opens.

He can stay in seclusion for a while.

However, he still has to seriously consider the words of the three main hall masters.

Since he promised to seriously consider it, he will naturally consider it.

In fact, the three main hall masters treated him really well.

Although he didn't have much contact with the three main hall masters, today the three main hall masters have already given promises, so concessions, if he doesn't think about it, it would be too much.

The only trouble is that of Fengsha Temple and Shura Temple.

In general, he is not interested in the position of these chief palace masters.

But if he had to take over, he would prefer the two halls of Fengsha and Shura.

After all, his identity as Yi Xiao was originally intended to be used to carry the pot.

And now, he has to consider the three halls such as the Demon Hunting Palace.

He could only choose one of the two ancient palace alliances.

"No matter who, treats me well, alas." Xiao Yi shook his head helplessly and sighed.

"Wait for the tomb of the ancient emperor to think about this matter."

After flying for an hour, Xiao Yi searched for a deep mountain and forest, and then fell.


The matter was just like what the head of the two halls of Fengcha and Shura had guessed before.

Whether Yi Xiao can recognize and be willing to take over as the third palace depends on this opportunity.

It was the attitude of the three chief palace masters when Yi Xiao went to the Tianzang Academy.

However, if the two main hall masters of Fengsha and Shura knew that the so-called opportunity was only to allow their successors to be pushed to the other three halls, I don't know how they would feel.


Third more.

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