Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1739: Ancient Forbidden Group


A purple thunder and lightning pierced the sky and passed away in a flash.

Xiao Yi is now heading back to the extreme east.

The tomb of the ancient emperor is located in the extreme east.

However, it is not the scope of Dongli Sword Palace.

The entire Extreme East is extremely vast, and it is a barren world in the extreme east of the Central Region.

There, it's not a dangerous place.

Because there is not even half a monster beast there, and no half-human martial artist will go there to experience it.

There, wind and sand blown all the year round, barren so that no grass grows, no forest grows.

Some are just the extremely eastern iron stones everywhere, and the vastness that can't be seen at a glance.

There, it seems like a day for thousands of years.

Dongli Sword Palace is located in the middle of the Far East.

And in the depths of the Far East, at the very end, there is an ancient forbidden group.

The tomb of the ancient emperor is located there.

Xiao Yi remembered that a few months ago, he met a group of people from the Tianzang Academy in the Hengyuan area, near the Huoya area, which was a little bit more.

At that time, if you guessed correctly, Gu Feifan and his group would go east to experience.

The final destination happened to be the Far East.

They chose to go directly to the tomb of the ancient emperor by way of experience.

Later, when encountering the poison robe, the group had no choice but to leave.

However, when Xiao Yi made a noise in the Tianzang Academy, he did not see Gu Feifei and others.

Thinking about it, after that time, Gu Feifan and the others did not return to the Tianzang Academy, but went on a detour to the east, practicing while rushing.

Another point, in fact, after the last time the major forces competed in Dongli Sword Palace.

The warriors who have won the quota do not actually need to leave.

Because at that time, there was only one month left before the tomb of the ancient emperor was opened, so he could close the door directly in the Dongli Sword Palace.

Until the time is almost up, directly follow the warriors of Dongli Sword Palace to the depths of the Far East.

However, many warriors still choose to return to their own forces.

Taking advantage of the last time, I will be guided by my parents again, and in the last few days, I will be taken by my parents.


Five days later.

Xiao Yi flew all the way, returned to the extreme east, and flew past Dongli Sword Palace.

one day later.

Xiao Yi flew to the depths of the far east.

Ahead, surrounded by mountains.

Xiao Yi glanced at it and frowned slightly.

He didn't even need to perceive, he could tell at a glance that these mountains were so rugged, like iron mountains.

Xiao Yi's fingertips shot out a sword gas slightly.

Sneer... the sword aura burst out in shock, but when it hit the mountain, it bounced back, leaving only a slight sword mark on the rock.

On the mountains, the yellow wind keeps blowing.

Xiao Yi nodded. The mountains on this side of the Far East have been struck by barren winds for thousands of years, and they have long been extraordinary peaks.


In the sky, the purple thunder and lightning passed over the mountains in an instant.

Behind the mountains is the ancient forbidden group.

Xiao Yi glanced at it, his face suddenly changed.

The scope of the entire ancient forbidden group is vast.

One by one ancient prohibitions, formations, or existence alone, or in twos and threes into one.

There are many forbidden formations, and even Xiao Yi dare not say that he can break them.


After a long while, Xiao Yi flew to the center of the restricted group.

Below, there is already a gathering of warriors.

Of course, to Xiao Yi, these are almost all familiar faces.


Xiao Yi's figure flashed and fell from a high altitude.

"Xiao Yi."

"Junior Brother Xiao Yi."

"Brother Xiao Yi."

Almost the moment when Xiao Yi fell, a series of greetings came.

Xiao Yi looked at these familiar faces and familiar voices, and nodded.


Two figures came first.

One is Ye Liu; the other is Qinglin.

On the other side, it was Zhang Nanfeng who called out "Brother Xiao Yi".

Zhang Nanfeng, in the Tianzang Academy.

However, after Zhang Nanfeng yelled happily, he was stopped by a cold look.

The gaze came from an elder from the Tianzang Academy.

Zhang Nanfeng's expression was bitter, and he stopped abruptly when he planned to walk towards Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi glanced, smiled, nodded, said hello, and said he didn't mind.

"Brother Xiao Yi." Ye Liu took the lead and patted Xiao Yi on the shoulder.

"In the past half a year, I have found you hard enough."

Xiao Yi smiled, looking at Ye Liu, a trace of shame flashed in his eyes.

"I have been in retreat for more than half a year and have not been out."

"It was only a few days ago that I left the customs, and I received your letter to me in the main hall."

"I was relieved to hear that Miss Lianxing is all right. You two are ready to get married again, and I am even more happy."

Xiao Yi knew about these things a long time ago.

When I competed in Dongli Sword Palace a few days ago, I knew it.

But now, it is natural to pretend to be joyful.

"Haha." Ye Liu smiled, glanced at Xiao Yi's eyes, a strange color flashed across his face.

Xiao Yi also smiled, he naturally knew that the kid Ye Liu had been paying attention to his eyes just now.

Thinking about it, Ye Liu wanted to test it out.

However, even the old foxes couldn't find the clues, and even if Ye Liu was witty, he couldn't find out much.

"Xiao Yi." At this time, Qing Lin also patted Xiao Yi on the shoulder.

However, compared with Ye Liu's temptation, there is joy on his face; Qing Lin, only pure joy, there is still a trace of worry in his eyes.

Of course, there is still a trace of concern.

So this simplicity comes with a little complexity.

Speaking of it, Xiao Yi has never seen Qinglin since the last time the Hundred Courts disputed.

As far as Xiao Yi is concerned, Qinglin is protected by the deputy dean in his studies, so there is nothing to worry about.

But to Qinglin, Xiao Yi, the junior and senior who he always talked about, was very concerned.

He said a long time ago that he hopes to break into this middle field with Xiao Yi and grow together. That kind of life is more interesting.

And in his eyes, Xiao Yi has always been a ‘madman’ who goes wherever he is in danger.

After Xiao Yi was expelled by the black cloud learning, he had no backing.

Naturally, there was a flash of worry in his eyes.

At this time, Xiao Yi smiled faintly, "Good boy, not bad."

"I haven't seen it for a year, but I have already cultivated it at the peak of the Holy Emperor Realm."

With Xiao Yi's indifferent smile, the complex color on Qing Lin's face disappeared instantly.

"Hey, no, they are almost close to the martial arts power."

Qing Lin returned to his previous look, and gave Xiao Yi a blank look, "You can continue to hurt me."

"If I read correctly, you are now a martial arts master."

"Speaking of which, my cultivation base back then was much higher than yours, but now you have overtaken me."

While talking, Qing Lin explained.

"It turns out to be the martial arts sacred pill of Senior Yunyuan and Senior Taboo." Xiao Yi nodded when he heard this.

"Junior Brother Xiao Yi." At this moment, another familiar voice came.

However, in this voice, there is more obvious complexity and inexplicable.

A figure came slowly.

Xiao Yi glanced, frowned slightly, "Mo You."


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