Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1760: Three links

In the medicine refining channel, Xiao Yi and his party kept moving forward.

Whoosh... Another pill came out of the sky.

"Huh? Pure Yuandan?" This time, Xiao Yi was stunned.

If he guessed correctly...

Sure enough, bang... a loud sound.

The pure yuan pill burst into ‘self-detonation’, and under the self-detonation, it did not produce half poisonous gas or monstrous flames.

But the violent air current shook everyone except Xiao Yi back ten steps.

"Sure enough." Xiao Yi nodded secretly.

The surging pure power comes as a shock.

In the next second, two consecutive pills came out of the air.

It's two poison pills.

If Xiao Yi was also stunned by the self-detonation of the Pure Yuan Dan just now, I am afraid that he would not be able to react at all to resist the two poisonous pills.

The combination of Pure Yuan Pill and Poison Pill was a little troublesome.

Of course, Xiao Yi didn't take it seriously.

Several lines of purple electric sword qi in his hand strangled two poison pills with ease.

For the next few minutes, Xiao Yi kept taking the lead, blocking the pill that came out of the air.

"Poison Burning Pill."

"Blow Yan Pill."

"Pure Yuan Dan."

"Moon Mountdan."


Xiao Yi's figure moves forward or backward, the sword in his hand, splits or blocks, or snaps...

That Moon Mang Pill is also a cultivation medicine.

However, after bursting pill, the violent air current is like a cold light, and it is extremely dazzling.

If it is split with a sword, the cold air current will travel through the sword, and even with the sword's edge, the power will be even greater.

Xiao Yi also had to use the purple lightning thunder power in the purple lightning sword to forcibly destroy it.

I don't know when to get up, the face of Gu Lianxing behind him became more and more horrified, and even his pupils shrank.

She obviously found that Xiao Yi's movements were often one step faster than the eruption of the pill.

This is not a question of speed.

After all, there are countless elixirs in the refining channel, with varying effects, and different methods are needed to deal with it.

As far as speed is simple, Xiao Yi is useless no matter how fast.

What really shocked her was...

"The pill is not exploded, you can see what kind of pill at a glance, how did you do it, son Xiao Yi?"

She clearly discovered that when the pill came out of the air, Xiao Yi had already moved on his body as soon as he moved.

This means that Xiao Yi recognized all kinds of pill at a glance, and he didn't even need to perceive or observe carefully.

I recognized the pill in an instant, so I could deal with it earlier.

Xiao Yi flicked his fingertips, flicking away two blasting pill, and then he whispered, "Different pill, texture, there are some subtle changes."

"It's not difficult to get in touch with more medicines, and to make more medicines by yourself."

Everyone, go all the way.

Gu Lianxing followed behind, thinking about Xiao Yi's words, but his expression became more shocked.

"Along the way, there are more than a hundred elixirs."

"Young Master Xiao Yi can see its efficacy and the method of deciphering it at a glance. Your medicine skills must have been astonishingly high."

"It's a pity that you such a drug-refining evildoer didn't enter the Medicine Hall."

Xiao Yi heard the words, but said nothing.

This medicine refining channel is really troublesome.

The pill in the hands of a pharmacist can save and kill people.

Taking the pill to explode itself, different pill contains different aura, and the means of attack are different.

But the level of these pills is much higher than the two Gu Lianxing and the dozens of Tianjiao.

Xiao Yi had to break the pill in advance and became extremely passive.

However, using the pill to explode as a means of combat is extremely extravagant.

Xiao Yi has never tried this.

After all, if you really want to deal with the enemy, then the pill you need is at least to be at the same level as yourself, or even higher.

As for peerless strength, at least a peerless pill is needed to explode the pill.

And the effect is not necessarily really good.

Peerless pill, after a battle, how many bursts are you?

A normal pharmacist would never have such a fool to go to such a waste.

This is the tomb of the ancient emperor. There are countless opportunities, countless treasures, natural, countless pills, and can withstand consumption.

A few minutes later.

Everyone moved forward, and the level of the elixir that appeared continued to increase.

At this point, a pill of a peerless level has appeared, and the Hundred Dao Pill is also impressive.

However, this could not stop Xiao Yi's footsteps after all.

Xiao Yi had already said that this path of medicine alone could not stop him.

Unless it was a rare pill from ancient times, or a pill that far exceeded his level.

Otherwise, it is not difficult for him to crack.


Suddenly, Xiao Yi's footsteps stopped abruptly.

A group of people behind him also stopped quickly.

Xiao Yi looked back, and the whole passage, they have walked less than one-tenth now.

And where he stopped now, blood suddenly spread, and blood kept emerging.

Xiao Yi glanced at it and nodded.

This is where the prohibition on refining medicine and the prohibition on blood flow intersect.

Blood tract restriction is exactly the passage of Ye Liu's team.

In other words, here, the two channels have a junction.

Through the huge passage, Xiao Yi glanced in the distance, on the side of Ye Liu's passage.

Sure enough, within Ye Liu's blood passage, there was also a sudden outbreak of Poison Pill.


In the blood channel.

"Poison Pill? Damn it." Ye Liu was startled at first, and then he cursed.

In his team, the players he brought were quite good, far surpassing Xiao Yi's team.

Several Palace Lords of the Eighteen Houses, Xue Bai and He You, were among them.

Therefore, they originally joined hands, and the difficulty is not too great.

Suddenly, there was an outbreak of Poison Pill, but it was still acceptable.


Ye Liu flicked his fingers, and dozens of pills popped out.

Ye Shengliujue, there is no medicine, he is also an excellent alchemist.

Therefore, it is not too difficult for him to break it.


The other channels have gradually begun to change.

The original speed of each team was faster than Xiao Yi's team.

Xiao Yi caught up with the speed again.

Therefore, the teams, at this moment, are traveling the same distance on the various passages, and almost all have come to the intersection on their respective passages.

Suddenly sword light flew over Ran Qi's wind tunnel.

On the other side of Zhang Nanfeng's kendo passage, there was a sudden gust of wind.

Obviously, the channels of the two have a connection point.

The rest of the teams are the same. They are connected to each other, and the difficulty suddenly increases.

On the medicine refining channel, Xiao Yi's brow suddenly wrinkled.

Because besides the overflow of blood under the feet, there is actually a puppet with a cold face in front of him blocking the way.

Xiao Yi glanced at the other side.

The left side of my own medicine refining channel is connected to Ye Liu's blood channel, and the right side is connected to the black cloud learning team and the physical training channel.

In other words, the remaining channels are only connected in pairs.

Only oneself, this medicine refining channel, is connected by three paths.

Before he could think about it, dozens of puppets in the channel had already attacked.

At the same time, a few pills of elixirs arrived.

Under the feet, the blood has gathered into a small stream, which overflows the heel.

Whoosh... a **** sharp arrow burst out of the air and hit his throat.


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