Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1764: Middle of the channel

"Can't go?" Everyone was stunned.

"Here, it's only half the distance of the passage."

Gu Lianxing has always been Bingxue smart, but he was the first to react, "Young Master Xiao Yi said, wait, but wait for the other teams?"

"Not bad." Xiao Yi nodded lightly.

Here, it is indeed only half of the passage.

But here, 14 channels are already connected.

If you add another one, the 15 channels of each team will be connected.

If you didn't guess wrong, although this forbidden channel is long and half the distance, the real test is the last one.

But now, in front of the passage, there is obviously an inexplicable pressure hitting it, making it difficult for people to enter.

The Dongfu forbidden pattern on Xiao Yi's arm was bleak.

Proof, test, need to wait.

Therefore, Xiao Yi could only stop.

However, this did not prevent Xiao Yi from staring ahead, his face full of war.

The reason why he suddenly accelerated his pace before was because he felt the existence that could give him pressure.

And this pressure did not come from the three puppets just now.

Or to be precise, the pressure of the three puppets on Xiao Yi's kendo was not much.

Therefore, what he really looks forward to is the next test, which is also the deeper part of this passage.

There, maybe it was the place that really made his mind feel pressured inexplicably.


Xiao Yi waited and looked at the conditions on the other passages.

Among the teams, except that he took the lead in the middle of the passage.

The three teams of Ye Liu, Ran Qi, and First Yun, a total of five teams, also accelerated their pace early.

On the other side, on the passage of Heiyun's learning and teaching, an abrupt figure continued to march forward.

It is Qinglin.

Compared with Ye Liu and other five teams going forward together, Qinglin, who is going forward alone, seemed a bit crazy.

The channel for the black cloud learning and teaching team, but the puppet channel, was originally the most difficult one among the channels except for the medicine channel.

In addition, each channel is constantly moving forward, and the more connecting points, so the difficulty is also soaring.

But this fellow Qinglin, however, was breaking things all the way.

Those arms covered with cyan scales are surrounded by wind.

The sharp claw draws out, and it tears everything like a wind of nothingness.

Fighting the puppet meekly, traversing the flames, shaking the thunder and lightning, tearing the sea of ​​blood and blood, this fellow Qing Lin actually rushed all the way.

Although his cultivation base is not as good as Ye Liu and others, his forward speed is actually faster than Ye Liu and others.

Only 5 minutes later, Qing Lin had arrived at half the distance on the passage.

Like Xiao Yi, in front of Qing Lin, three puppets appeared out of thin air.

The three puppets control the attributes of the five elements in the same way.

However, Xiao Yi glanced at it, but frowned and gave a wry smile.

In his perception, although these three puppets looked exactly the same as the three he was fighting against, in fact, they were one level weaker.

The aura of the three puppets on the body repair channel only reached the peerless 9994 level.

Counting various increases, it only reached a level comparable to that of the peerless 9995 Dao of human martial arts practitioners.

"This kid is going to suffer a little bit." Xiao Yi glanced at it and nodded lightly.

Qing Lin's cultivation is comparable to the level of martial arts power.

But his strength is far more than that.

Especially since he has successfully awakened his spirit for the second time, he is extremely powerful.

He also knew that Senior Yun Yuan and Yu ignored the blood cloud sacred pill of the two seniors.

In terms of level, the blood cloud sacred pill is comparable to the legendary martial art sacred pill.

The entire Heiyun learning and teaching, I am afraid that Senior Luo's martial art sacred pill can be stronger than the blood cloud sacred pill.

Therefore, the second awakening of Qinglin's martial soul must be extremely successful.

Long ago, Xiao Yi was surprised at Qinglin's martial spirit and martial arts means.

Naturally, the current Qinglin's spirit is stronger, and the combat power it gives is even more terrifying.

If Qinglin had the best strength, he should be able to defeat these three puppets, but it would not be easy.


A few minutes later, the battle between Qinglin and the three puppets almost went into a fever pitch.

With Qinglin's strength, three puppets can't be helped; but his hand covered with scales turned out claws. The wind of emptiness was extremely terrifying, and the three puppet claws were born with several deep cracks.

However, as the three puppets took over the Peerless Rock Pill and Qinglin, they fell into a disadvantage in an instant, and even slightly lost.

With the increase of Peerless Rock Pill, the level of the three puppets has increased to 9996.


Just at this moment, a sword of black light flashed by.

The sword fell, and the three puppets split their bodies instantly.

The battle ended in an instant.

"Junior Brother Qinglin, are you okay?" Mo You asked softly.

Mo You made the shot.

With Mo You's peerless 9994 cultivation base, his strength is terrifying, and he can easily kill these three puppets in seconds.

At the path of refining medicine, Xiao Yi withdrew his eyes.

He looked at Ran Qi, Ye Liu and others.

The two teams also came to the half of their respective passages.

Three puppets appeared out of thin air.

And sure enough, as Xiao Yi expected, the level of the three puppets was once again weaker.

On the passage of the two, the level of physical puppet repair only reached the peerless 9993 level.

Even with the attributes of the five elements, the four powers of heaven and earth, it only reaches the peerless 9994 level.

Compared with the three that Xiao Yi encountered, they were two levels weaker; and compared with the channel of Heiyun learning and teaching team, it was also weaker.

Sure enough, the path of refining medicine is the most difficult one, and the path of physical cultivation is the second.

Ye Liu and Ran Qi's cultivation base was originally in Peerless Dao 9990, and the three puppets they faced each other were much easier to deal with.

The same is true for the first cloud and the three people. The cultivation of the foundation is in Peerless 9891 Dao, which is much easier.

But ten minutes.

The respective puppets of the five teams were defeated one by one.

Next, the eight teams from the Five University Palace, Ling Hong's team, Zhang Nanfeng's team, and Ao Yinfeng's team have not yet reached the middle position.

Ten minutes later, among the eight teams, Gu Feifan's team arrived first and encountered three puppets on the passage.

And half an hour later, the remaining seven teams also came to the middle of their passage.

An hour later.

Gu Feifei and the elite disciples of the Tianzang Academy jointly ‘killed’ these three puppets.

Then came the team of the Four University Palace.

Then, Ling Hong and Ao Yinfeng's two teams.

After Ling Hong fought hard for a long time, he shot three arrows in a row, penetrating the bodies of the three puppets.

Ao Yinfeng, after a bitter battle, also defeated the three puppets with heavy losses under the team's hands.

Zhang Nanfeng's team is the weakest among the 15 teams.

However, the kendo channel they took was also the weakest and easiest one.

Among the 15 teams, his team defeated the three puppets in the end.


Second more.

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