Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1774: Beast tide in the main game

In front of Changsun Chilie's giant gate, the same monsters gush out.

"All monsters with martial arts power?"

Changsun Chilie's face was startled, and he quickly shot.

He, the Yandian Tianjiao, shot equally extraordinary, a large flame, instantly burning monsters.

Similarly, he couldn't stop all the monsters.

And Tianjiao behind him is also ready to defend.

However, the monster beasts that have reached the level of martial arts power can be blocked by those ordinary first-class forces Tianjiao.


With a roar, a demon beast that crossed the area of ​​Changsun Chilie's resistance blasted a Tianjiao with a punch.

"A lot of strength, what kind of monster is this?"

A Tianjiao exclaimed.

"Ancient demon." Two voices sounded in unison.

"Huh?" First Yun said softly and looked at Xiao Yi.

He was the two who called out the word "Ancient Demon" at the same time.

"The ancient demon is a fierce beast in ancient times. I don't know how long it has been extinct in the Yanlong Continent. You know?" The first cloud looked at Xiao Yi in doubt.

Xiao Yi didn't say a word, only swung his sword to kill the monster.

Ancient monsters are fierce beasts of ancient times, resembling wolves and tigers, with sharp fangs and infinite power.

"Girl Huowu, Girl Lianxing." Xiao Yi asked while waving his sword.

"You two are enough to deal with these monsters, right?"

"Reluctantly." The two nodded.

The two of them are the Young Master of the Eighteenth Mansion anyhow.

Although it is only the peak cultivation base of the Holy Emperor Realm, the strength can definitely be above the martial arts power.

Xiao Yi nodded, "The rest, go help First Yun them."

"Okay." Ten Tianjiao, who was originally behind Xiao Yi, responded with a cry, and then flashed behind the first cloud.

"Nanfeng, Yue Tian, ​​you also go." Xiao Yi said.

"Okay." The two nodded, and flashed to the area behind Changsun Chilie.

Normally, these first-class arrogances are definitely not the opponents of these monsters.

But somehow they got the middle-grade pinnacle holy artifact.

Moreover, they are teaming up to surround the monster beasts, so with some means, these monsters can also be killed.


A few minutes later, Hua Ruo Lian's ban was also broken.

This time, before Hua Ruo Lian opened the door.

Inside the gate, the monster beast rushed out directly.

"Strong again." Xiao Yi frowned.

Today's monsters are afraid that their strength has reached 9,800 levels of martial arts power.

Hua Ruo Lian, the monster beast that rushed out was directly the strength of 9800 martial arts powers.

These monsters couldn't hurt him, but he couldn't stop all of them.

More than half of it jumped past his resistance.

Near him is the team of the Five University Palace.

As soon as the monster rushed out of the encirclement, it immediately became fierce.

"Naughty animal, you are looking for death." In the Five University Palace, the forbidden giant gate of Jinchen Academy is the closest to Hua Ruopian.

Therefore, the Jinchen Academy team was the first to be attacked by the monsters that rushed out of the encirclement.

"If you continue like this, the monster beast will reach its peerless strength." From a distance, Xiao Yi squinted his eyes.

"By then, ordinary Tianjiao can't stop it at all."

"Even the leaders of us can't block all the monsters."

"Girl Lianxing." Xiao Yi snorted softly, "You, Girl Huowu and everyone leave first."

The first cloud also shouted loudly, "Those who don't want to be buried in the belly of the monster beast, and those below the peerless strength, all retreat."

"No." In the team of the Five University Palace, Jin Chen suddenly spewed out a mouthful of blood, then shouted violently.

His prohibition has not been broken, but he has been harassed by the monster beast at close range, leaving the state of enlightenment.

Jin Chen said coldly, "We leaders, we can't stop all monsters."

"If other people also leave, the main game will definitely cause monsters."

"By then, how will you break the game?"

First Yun shouted coldly, "Fate is more important, or life is more important?"

"You don't know the ferocity of monsters?"

"Once the demon beast erupts to the point when it is too difficult for us to resist, the Tianjiao present will surely suffer countless deaths and injuries."

"Humph." Jin Chen snorted coldly, "Those who are timid and afraid of death, just go."

"Only the young Tianjiao can enter the tomb of the ancient emperor."

"We can only enter once in our life. If we give up this time, we will have no chance in the future."

While talking, Jin Chen slapped a palm, killing a monster that had struck.

Jin Chen's cultivation base has not entered the peerless world, only at the 9800 level of martial arts power.

But his strength can naturally burst above peerless.

"Ill." First Yun cursed.

"If you don't want to die, just retreat quickly."

Hearing the words, the arrogances gradually retreated.

The situation in the main game greatly exceeded their expectations.

If they stay here again, once all the monsters rush out, then they will be a battle of trapped beasts.

The whole main game is like a monster lair.

With their strength, the crisis here is bound to be great.

"Out." A Tianjiao took the lead in shouting.

However, the unexpected moment was blasted out by the cave mansion, and it did not happen.

"Huh?" This Tianjiao was stunned, then his expression changed.

"What's the matter? Can't leave?"

"It's not that you can't leave." First Yun said coldly, killing more than a dozen monsters, "but can't leave instantly."

"I said it a long time ago. Here in the main game, the effect of the prohibition of the Dong Mansion outside is extremely weak."

"Even if you want to leave by prohibition, it is not an instant matter."

"If you don't leave now, then it will be hard for you to survive."

The faces of the arrogances changed drastically, and they all shouted, "Out."

In the same way, all the arrogances did not leave immediately.

Ten minutes later, Tianjiao, who was the first to shout ‘out’ before, suddenly disappeared in place, disappearing out of thin air.

And this time.

The restrictions imposed by Ye Liu, Ran Qi, and Gu Feifei were broken one after another.

Bang... bang... bang...

The explosion of the three prohibitions broke.

At the same time, the aura of monsters within each giant gate instantly soared.

"Peerless 9991 strength." Xiao Yi glanced at it, and his expression also changed.

Heiyun learns and teaches over there.

There are more and more physical puppets that have crossed the range of Mo You's resistance.

But for a while, it even broke through the blockade surrounded by the disciples of Heiyun Xuejiao.

A puppet, a terrifying fist, went straight to Tong Ye.

"Not good." Tong Ye looked surprised.

A puppet in Peerless Realm is simply not something he can deal with.

"Tong Ye." Qing Lin's eyes were quick, and he shot instantly.

The cyan scales had already covered his hands, and under one claw, a puppet was instantly dismembered.

More and more puppets rushed out.

"Qin Yi, be careful." Qing Lin exclaimed.

Except for Mo You and Qing Lin, Tong Ye and Qin Yi are the strongest disciples of the teaching team, so they have always been at the forefront of the encirclement.

Naturally, the two of them are also the first to attack the puppets.

"Junior Brother Qin Yi." In front of him, Mo You retracted his sword in an instant, dashed forward, and split a puppet with a sword.

However, this kind of consequence is beyond the giant gate, at this moment there is no resistance from him.

The tide of puppet army rushed out immediately.

In just a short time, more than a hundred puppets rushed out.

A large number of monsters rushed out of the giant gate of First Yun, Changsun Chilie, Hua Ruolian, Ye Liu, Ran Qi and others.

For a time, within the entire main game, monsters raged and puppets were everywhere.

"That's bad." Mo You's face tightened.


Sixth more. (burst)

The update is finished today.

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