Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1786: That cold heart

Outside the cave.

The Aodong Building, the elders of the Five University Palace, the elders of the Eighteenth House, and the elders of the major forces all probed and perceives their own Tianjiao.

Those who can come to participate in the tomb of the ancient emperor are all hopes in their own forces. They are either the Young Palace Master, the Young Sect Master, or the Chief, and all are the successors of the next generation.

They, as far as all forces are concerned, are people who cannot afford to lose.

After a while, the elders of the major forces stopped feeling, and all heaved a sigh of relief.

"It deserves to be the most enchanting generation." Aodonglou glanced at all Tianjiao present, and nodded with a chuckle.

The Elder of the Eighteenth House also nodded and smiled, "That's right."

"How dangerous is the tomb of the ancient emperor."

"According to past experience, the casualties are at least double digits."

"Even if they can come out alive, they will often end up with serious injuries."

"It's good this time. Although 15 teams were seriously injured, at least one survived without landing."

"Not bad." Aodonglou smiled.

"Although in the tomb of the ancient emperor, there is a life-saving prohibition for the Tianjiao."

"This prohibition, once it enters the main game, its effect will be greatly reduced, and it will not take effect for a long time."

"Most Tianjiao evildoers can't resist the temptation of the main game, or are naturally arrogant and try to get ahead."

"As soon as you enter the game, when the danger really breaks out, there will be no retreat at that time, and you will die."

Regarding the situation in the tomb of the ancient emperor, whether it is the Aodong Tower, the lord of Dongli Sword Palace, one of the three major sword palaces, or the elders of the Five University Palace, the elders of the Eighteenth House, etc., it is very clear.

When they were young, they must have entered the tomb of the ancient emperor like today's young Tianjiao.

They must have told their Tianjiao about the situation in the cave, but they didn't elaborate.

Because they know it, it's useless to say it.

Facing the temptation of the main game and the tomb of the ancient emperor, no young Tianjiao could resist.

They have all been young. Knowing the young Tianjiao, all of them are proud and will inevitably choose to enter the main game.

So they don't need to elaborate, it's useless to say it, just probably explain the situation and danger to their Tianjiao.

In the current situation, all 15 teams survived unharmed, which made all the strong players feel gratified.

"Huh? That's not right." Aodonglou frowned suddenly.

"The little friend Xiao Yi hasn't come out yet."

"Xiao Yi?" Hearing this, the elder of the Eighteenth House had a complex expression, frowning, joy, or disgust.

"Little Thief Xiao Yi?" The elder of the Five University Palace frowned uniformly.

"Yin Feng, what's the matter?" Ao Dong Lou looked at Ao Yin Feng and asked.

Proud Wind arched his hands, "Report to the Palace Master, Deputy Palace Master Xiao Yi is still in the main game."

"In addition, I am waiting for Tianjiao to come out safely, relying on the protection of Deputy Hall Master Xiao Yi."

"Before this." Ao Yinfeng said, looking at the Fifth University Palace team with a ugly expression.

Ao Yinfeng, roughly explained it again.

At the same time, the first-class talents that came out last also explained the situation to their elders.

All of a sudden, unkind eyes gathered on the ranks of the Five University Palace.

"Bastard." Aodonglou snorted coldly, "Hold Tianjiao and force to break the game together?"

"Five University Palace, you are so powerful."

Unhappy and cold words rang out from all major forces at the same time.

"Five University Palace, as well as Heiyun learning and teaching, we have noted this matter."

The elder of the Five University Palace heard this, his face changed first, and then he sneered.

"Holding? What is holding?"

"Those idiots who obviously don't have the skills, but have to enter the main game over their own capacity, are qualified to talk nonsense?"

"Without the strength, what do you do to enter the main game? Will it be a drag on the team leaders?"

"And since you have entered, it is difficult to protect yourself. Is it possible that you have to take care of the team leaders, and even affect the overall situation?"

"Our Five University Palace teams entered the game together and broke the game together. If there are external factors, it is reasonable to make the last move."

"Not bad." Jin Chen sneered. "In the tomb of the ancient emperor, there are many dangers and changes in a flash."

"Do you want us to accommodate those wastes?"

"When you enter the main game, you can't help it, and the strong do it. With such a simple truth, all the martial arts strong in the room don't understand? Really a joke."

"You..." The major first-rate powers looked ugly at once.

the other side.

Ye Liu ignored the disputes between many forces, but frowned and looked at the two Gu Lianxing.

"Lian Xing, you let Huo Wu stay by Brother Xiao Yi? It's really a nonsense."

"The tomb of the ancient emperor is extremely dangerous. If it drags down the Xiao Yi brothers and causes accidents, what should be done?"

"Furthermore, with Huo Wu's strength, staying in the main game is equivalent to dying. If she has a half accident, can you please go away?"

Ye Liu's tone was very serious, even with a bit of blame.

Gu Lianxing's face was bitter, "I'm not worried about Young Master Xiao Yi, you said, Brother Ye, in the main game, I am afraid that everyone will die, he will not die."

"Your instincts have always been extremely accurate."

"Furthermore, I also want Huo Wu to marry Young Master Xiao Yi."

"Huo Wu's mind, you know; and Young Master Xiao Yi is obviously a man worth entrusting his whole life."

"What's wrong with me."

"You... alas." Ye Liu choked, shook his head and sighed.

Gu Lianxing also sighed.

"Huo Wu, her beauty, family background, are all the best choices, so throwing her arms in her arms, if you change to another man, she would have long been a dream."

"Young Master Xiao Yi is fine, and oil and salt won't enter."

"Originally, I thought Huo Wu was willing to live and die, and he would be able to move him."

"It's a pity, alas, I was wrong on this point."

Gu Lianxing sighed heavily.

"Hundreds of fingers are soft, not softening his cold heart."

"Life and death depend on each other, and he cannot be touched yet."

"Young Master Xiao Yi, I am afraid that he is also a most loving and holy person, and there is nothing that can shake between him and her sweetheart."

"It's good to know." Ye Liu shook his head.

"The person Brother Xiao Yi is waiting for is probably more bitter than you and me."

"In the future, don't do this anymore."

"Otherwise, if Brother Xiao Yi waits for that person in the future, between Brother Xiao Yi and I, I am afraid that both our faces will not look good."

Ye Liu's tone was already somewhat serious.

"I see." Gu Lianxing curled his lips, but nodded.


Ancient Emperor Cave House, within the main bureau.

The original situation was that monsters were raging, and anyone waiting under the siege of monsters like the tide, had to work hard to save their lives and quickly gave up and retreated.

The current situation is completely different, and even if someone sees it here, they will definitely be shocked.

The monstrous flame, wandering everywhere.

Those beast hands with scaly scales seemed to be the emperor of these flames.

Simply swinging and manipulating it is enough to make the world's powerful flames command it like an arm, and even burst into shock.

Under the flames, like the tide monster beasts, they can't even retreat or even get close for a few minutes.

These beast hands belong to a young man.

And the young man, in this dangerous main game where outsiders have heard of it, wandering idle, with nothing to stop.

Young man, Xiao Yi!


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