Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1788: Drug Road Control

The first cloud three people, needless to say, are the most outstanding evildoers in the three halls.

Ye Liu and Ran Qi are the most outstanding Tianjiao in the Eighteenth Mansion.

In Xiao Yi's comparative judgment, among the chiefs of the five university palaces, except for Gu Feifan, the other four are definitely far behind these five.

Especially Ling Hong, the gap with these five people is even huge.

In just a few hours, they would never break the ban.

The only possibility is that they have known the prohibition here a long time ago, and they have long been able to crack it.

Xiao Yi recalled what Jin Chen and others had said before, and the death order of Senior Luo. The more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong.

He always felt as if he should think of something.

And on another point, there is Senior Luo behind the chief of the Five University Palace, which is good to say.

Where is Ling Hong? Behind Ling Hong was Arrow Star Mansion.

There is also proud wind.

Xiao Yi remembered that the time when Ao Yinfeng broke the restriction was the same as Ling Hong.

"Huh." Xiao Yi took a deep breath unconsciously.

For a time, there were countless thoughts and doubts in my mind.

However, thinking about it now is useless.

Xiao Yi shook his head, and could only temporarily suppress his doubts, staring directly at the drug path restriction in front of him.

For other things, wait until the main game is broken.

Xiao Yi let out perception.

In my mind, a pill appeared out of thin air.

The medicine road prohibits here, not for comprehension, but for refining medicine.

"Is it a legendary pill?" Xiao Yi looked at the pill in his mind, and gradually understood.

The so-called legendary pill is a level above the peerless pill.

However, looking at the contents of this pill prescription, as well as the necessary materials, etc., should not be a rare pill.

It's just the cultivation medicine needed by the legendary powerhouse.

Just like those Holy King Pills taken by the Holy King Realm, the Holy Emperor Pills taken by the Holy King Realm, and so on, the most common pill for cultivation at all levels.

In terms of grade products, it is natural that the legendary pill is higher than the peerless pill.

However, in terms of the degree of rarity, the pill now on this pill is far inferior to the special peerless pill such as the Baidao Pill and Star Reaching Pill.

Therefore, this pill recipe looks like a legendary level and extremely difficult, but in fact, it should not be much more difficult than a hundred pill.

"It deserves to be the most difficult restriction in the cave." Xiao Yi gave a wry smile.

Of course, it is no wonder that Linghu Wang had preferred to choose another prohibition instead of this medicine prohibition.

The legendary pill, at least it needs the peerless pinnacle alchemist to have a certain chance to be successful in refining.

This is just a chance.

Looking at Zhongyu, how many people can there be a peerless peak alchemist?

Even if it is a lot, it will never appear among a group of young evildoers.

Of course, Xiao Yi is an exception.

It took two hours for Xiao Yi to fully comprehend the pill in his mind.

Whoosh, the Bahuang furnace appeared out of thin air.

At the same time, outside the giant gate of Medicine Dao, a piece of material appeared out of thin air.

This is the difficulty of the medicine road prohibition, the prohibition on the other giant gates can be broken after comprehension.

The path of medicine banned here, and after comprehending the pill, he still had to refine it.

Another point, I have to say the preciousness of the legendary pill.

Even the simplest and ordinary legendary pill, but it can make the legendary strong take the capital to produce effects, and the pill created by it is already enough to be called a legend.

The required treasures are all extraordinary.

Therefore, the main bureau banned here, until the enlightened person has thoroughly understood the prescription, the material will not appear.

When the Hundred Dao Pill was refined before, but the pill prescription had not been enlightened, the materials were given directly.

The difference between the two can be seen.


At this time, Xiao Yi shot a flame and threw it into the furnace.

Subsequently, all the treasures of heaven, material and earth, methodically joined the flames.

Under the powerful flames of the world, Xiao Yi's medicine refining speed soared.

Even the legendary level of heaven and earth treasures can't withstand the terrifying high temperature of Amethyst Lingyan, but they all turn into liquid medicine in a moment.

After half an hour.

"Close." Xiao Yi shouted in a low voice.

In the eight waste furnace, the flame dissipated, and a pill of perfect roundness floated out.

The strong pill fragrance rushes to the face, making people refreshing.

The aura above the pill, thick and pure, made Xiao Yi's eyes bright.

This pill, even if it was swallowed by a terrifying warrior in his small world, it would also have a great effect.

This is the power of the legendary pill.

However, he could not take this pill.

With a move of Xiao Yi's fingertips, the pill flew from the furnace to the front of the prohibition gate.

Wow... there was a surge in the air.

Within the pill, the power of the medicine overflows automatically.

The overflowing medicinal power quickly counteracts the power of the medicinal path prohibition.

But for a while, above the giant gate of Medicine Dao, the restriction was broken.

However, at the same time, boom...

Within the main game, there was a roar and aura burst out.

The aura of countless monsters and puppets around him instantly soared to the level of peerless 9999.

Yes, the monsters and puppets who were originally only at the Peerless 9998 level, at this moment, have completely entered the Peerless 9999 level.

However, it is obvious that at most the level that you have entered at the beginning is considered.

Such as tide monsters and puppets, still unable to break through the terrifying flames spreading 100 meters.

Xiao Yi glanced at it, smiled confidently, and ignored it.

He has condensed two beast hands, and the six-color ring of flame is also wrapped in his hands.

With his current strength, he is not afraid that these monsters and puppets are just worthy of stepping into the peerless 9999 level.

I have to say that the increase in the two animal hands is indeed terrible.

The six-color circle, to be precise, is the reincarnation of the nine suns, and its increase is equally astonishing.

The five elements prohibition, the five repairs prohibition, the four forces prohibition, the demon formation prohibition, and the phantom path prohibition, a total of 16 prohibitions have been broken.

The 18 banned giant gates were originally surging with the power of banning.

At this time, 16 of the giant gates had no bans and became ordinary.

Only the last two are left, and the restraint is still powerful.

Xiao Yi walked to one of them and glanced at it.

"Poison Road?" Xiao Yi frowned slightly.

Yes, the 17th ban on the giant gate is exactly the drug ban.

Star blood thunder wind is the four forces of heaven and earth.

The poison road is not among them.

Xiao Yi frowned slightly. He didn't cultivate the Poison Dao. Although he possessed the Poison Pill in his body, he was not very good at Poison Dao after all.

"It can only be broken." Xiao Yi frowned.

In any case, to break the game, 18 bans must be broken.

He can only bite the bullet and forcefully break this poison road prohibition.

"Huh." Xiao Yi took a deep breath and sat cross-legged in front of the giant door of the drug road restriction.

Perception is released and enlightenment begins.

A series of martial arts knowledge flooded into my mind.

In just a moment, Xiao Yi was very angry.

To him, these poisonous knowledge is unfamiliar martial arts knowledge.

Xiao Yi gritted his teeth, his eyes suddenly cold.

"What is poison, I don't know."

"But I want to break you, but it's not impossible."

"'s not right." Xiao Yi was about to forcefully comprehend, but the knowledge of the poison path in his mind suddenly felt a little clear.

"The Poison Book?"


Third more.

Next update, before 12:30.

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