Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1807: Ancient divine pill

Cold, arrogant, cold and arrogant, even with a trace of contempt, resounded at the end of the entire cave.

The voice, entrenched on the huge bed, circulated for a long time, and lasted for a long time.

Xiao Yi squinted and stared coldly.

After a while, the coldness in his eyes gradually dissipated, replaced by a touch of helplessness and a sigh.

Xiao Yi shook his head and retracted his gaze.

His ‘Ancient Emperor, but so’ was just a catharsis after he broke 18 bans.

As the old man's spiritual consciousness disappeared, Xiao Yi finally felt a little mixed.

Perhaps, for the opportunity of the ancient emperor's cave mansion, the old man forcefully triggered the restraint and was imprisoned by the ancient emperor's cave mansion, and it is understandable that he died here alive.

However, the old man is the predecessor of Yandian after all, and there is something he deserves Xiao Yi's respect.

However, venting goes to venting.

When it comes to ancient emperors, Xiao Yi dare not really contempt.

The most amazing martial artist in the history of the Yanlong Continent, the first emperor of the ancients, left too many legends and too many incredible things.

Only the three-year-old cultivation, half a month of extraordinary, five-year-old into the extreme state, weak and powerful, is enough to make future generations marvel at him, no one can match.

Xiao Yi had personally experienced the power of these 18 prohibitions, and he knew how monstrous the ancient emperor was.

The five elements and five cultivation, the four powers of heaven and earth, the three special methods of Illusory Demon Poison, and the terrible magic way.

The methods that the ancient emperor was proficient in were too many and too terrifying.

When these kinds of methods have different martial arts, any one of them can reach the sky, and any one of them is enough to give him the title of the first emperor of martial arts.

He, the first emperor of ancient times, really deserves his reputation.

In addition to that terrible magic way, among the martial arts emperor, no one can compare to him.

The title of the first emperor in ancient times is even more well-deserved.

Of course, from a certain point of view, Xiao Yi now, at this age, as a young evildoer, broke the test he left behind, and broke his 18 prohibitions one by one, but he is also qualified to despise him.


At this moment, Xiao Yi's figure flashed and fell from midair.

Not far away, the fog demon floated.

Those hollow eyes stared straight at Xiao Yi, "Master, great."

"Is it awesome?" Xiao Yi smiled faintly.

The void of the fog demon was full of coldness, lifelessness, and indifference.

But for some reason, Xiao Yi always felt that the fog demon looked at him gradually, and there was a bit of ‘emotion’ in his eyes.

This emotion belongs to the emotion of living beings.

Perhaps it is because the spirit of the fog demon is growing faster and faster now.

As for the fog demon, watching its owner do everything possible to break the powerful prohibitions, it naturally has a powerful feeling in its heart.

Wow... Wow... Wow...

At this time, within the main game, the power of restraint appeared again.

Xiao Yi glanced, there was no surprise, no half-discrete movement, just raised his head to look at the huge bed.

Long before, he felt that the 18 prohibitions, after he broke them, did not really dissipate.

Instead, they followed the more important restrictions of this ancient emperor's cave mansion, and returned to the huge bed after the collapse.

Therefore, after Xiao Yi broke the 18 prohibitions just now, he has been waiting for the final change.

If he guessed correctly, then, it was the time when the ancient emperor's chance was truly present.

He broke the 18 prohibitions. Rather, he broke up the 18 prohibitions and allowed the force of the 18 prohibitions to return to the bed to impact the real prohibition on the bed.

From the very beginning, Xiao Yi felt that the aura exuding on the bed was almost equivalent to the aura of the entire cave.

Therefore, he only needs to wait now.

Of course, this time will not be too long.

Xiao Yi waited, recalling the scene of the previous break.

This time, the tomb of the ancient emperor and his entourage can be regarded as the first time he used all means.

Kendo, fire control, physical training, medicine... all kinds of methods are listed.

Beast hand, beast feet, burning vitality in the body, the holy disk of heavenly secrets, the sword of killing, blood erysipelas in the body, all the cards are exhausted.

This battle can be regarded as the most hearty one in his history.

Don't have to keep your hands and worry because of identity restrictions like you are outside.

This time, it was just now that he really fully exploded his strength, and he knew what level he had reached now.

This harvest alone is already a rare experience.

Xiao Yi was even convinced that even if he faced ordinary legendary powerhouses, he was not afraid of it.

If it was against the martial artist who had just entered the legend, he would be able to ignore it.

The breath on the huge bed is emerging and condensing.

Xiao Yi temporarily retracted his gaze and glanced at the Excalibur in his hand.

Recalling the breaking of the last ban, Xiao Yi still had some lingering fears.

At the last moment, the erosion and swallowing of the soul power storm made him smell death in an instant.

Soul Dao, in fact, was the one he was most uncertain of.

Illusion Dao prohibition, he is not proficient in Illusion Dao, and there is nothing to say.

As for the Soul Dao Restriction, even though he was considered a Soul Master, the few fire-attribute soul power in his body was nothing at all.

To be precise, he was only a half-hearted soul master.

Therefore, he was totally unsure of Xuan'ao's Soul Dao restriction. The last thing he could rely on was to kill the God Sword in his hand.

At the last moment when the spirit power storm dissipated, Xiao Yi couldn't say whether it was the reason for killing the Excalibur or something else.

Of course, he can only attribute the soul-control effect of the Excalibur Sword.

"Excalibur, what is your origin?" Xiao Yi stared at Excalibur. This was the first time he had asked such a question.

This sword obtained from the ancient Fengxu mystery reveals strangeness everywhere.

Xiao Yi couldn't even see what grade he was.

Say it is the treasure of heaven and earth, there is no breath of heaven and earth on it.

Say it is a sacred weapon. Except for the inability to see what rank it is, this sword must be sharp but not sharp, and it must increase in amplitude.

Even the low-grade holy artifacts and middle-grade holy artifacts have a surging aura on them, with extraordinary power, and a strong increase in martial arts.

But the Excalibur, it looked like an iron sword.

Of course, the above breath is full of ancient meaning.

And the most weird thing is that almost a year ago, when he was in the inheritance of the main hall of the wind brake, he was instantly blasted to the wind brake prison.

Xiao Yi frowned and thought.

At this moment, on the huge bed in front, a torrent of weather broke out of thin air.

Xiao Yi was taken aback and looked up.

On the huge bed, a thick black glow appeared, reflecting the end of the entire cave.

Heimang is extremely dazzling.

The black is extremely rich, as if dripping water.

"It's terrifying." Xiao Yi took a breath.

The cold gaze was actually under the black glow, it was difficult to look directly.

Xiao Yi endured the dazzling black light and looked directly at it.

Waiting to see what was inside the black light, Xiao Yi suddenly shrank his pupils, and then his eyes widened.

"Budo Sage Pill?"


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