Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1809: Shocking awakening

However, this flame power is too surging and huge after all.

In Xiao Yi's guess, the so-called short time is probably at least one and a half years or more.

Of course, a mere one and a half years is actually a very short time.

But for Xiao Yi, it seemed too long.

Xiao Yi frowned, holding the ancient emperor's martial arts pill in his hand, frowning in thought.

This martial art sacred pill, he could use it as the second awakening of the martial soul.

For the martial artist, the second awakening of the martial soul is absolutely extremely important.

After all, Wuhun is the existence that accompanies the warrior throughout his life, is the foundation of the warrior, and is also the top priority.

Xiao Yi had also been looking forward to the second awakening of his martial soul for a long time.

Regardless of the Eighteenth Palace Tianjiao he had encountered, or the Five University Palace Tianjiao, one by one, they all awakened the second martial spirit.

Therefore, their cultivation base can open him a great distance.

Even if he has been practicing at the limit and constantly improving his cultivation level, he still can't catch up.

No, to be precise, it was a part of it, but it couldn't be matched after all.

His huge small world and Qi fountain were one factor, and Wuhun had not awakened for the second time.

As long as he cooperated with the pure and huge flame power left by the old man, Xiao Yi was confident that he could successfully awaken Wuhun a second time.

But if so...

This huge flame power would be wasted on Wuhun's breakthrough.

And if he does not perform the second Martial Spirit Awakening now, this flame is definitely enough for his cultivation to step into the legendary level instantly.

Moreover, after absorbing all this flame, if he slowly absorbs it in his body in the future, at most one year, his cultivation level will definitely be equal to the level of Palace Master Chengfeng and Palace Master Hengtian.

It may even be higher.

After all, the strength of the old man was quite terrifying.

Even in the state of Spiritual Consciousness, the power of the controlled flames, the breath alone, far surpassed the two masters of Chengfeng Palace and Hengtian Palace.

Xiao Yi couldn't accurately judge the difference, it was too big.

Therefore, the pure flame transformed by the old man's cultivation base is definitely enough for his cultivation base to soar to a very high level.

Xiao Yi pondered.

This flame is used for the second awakening of the martial soul, or is it used for the breakthrough of cultivation.

The two can only choose one, and Xiao Yi is also a little vacillating.

"I have more than half a year left." Xiao Yi stared at the flame in front of him, frowning and muttering to himself.

The three-year agreement is only half a year away.

Once Xiao Yi made a promise, he would finish it.

This promise has nothing to do with Cang Yue.

It came from the two goals he had set before he came to the Central Region.

In fact, even if there was no such agreement, he would not tolerate any longer.

Or, to be more precise, he didn't want her to wait too long.

"If you are really waiting, that kind of suffering, I am afraid it will be very difficult." Xiao Yi muttered to himself.

For a long while.

Xiao Yi narrowed his eyes and made a decision.

"If I simply absorb this flame power, at most one year, I will have the real vertical and horizontal midfield, and I will not be afraid of anyone."

"If it is used for Martial Spirit Breakthrough, my cultivation level will also improve, but it will not improve that much."

"But Wuhun's breakthrough is a qualitative leap."

"There are still more than half a year. In the past six months, I may not be able to equalize these cultivation levels by myself."

Yes, if Wuhun succeeded in awakening for the second time, his foundation, talents, etc. would all be a qualitative change.

Although directly absorbing this flame power, the cultivation base will soar rapidly.

But under his stronger Martial Spirit, within half a year, he might not be able to equal these cultivation levels.

A touch of confidence emerged under Xiao Yi's handsome face.

A touch of determination was revealed in the clear eyes.

Xiao Yi immediately sat down cross-legged, and quickly threw a pill of pills into his mouth.

He has to recover from his injury first.

After breaking those 18 prohibitions, he eventually suffered serious injuries and backlashes.

After half an hour.

"Huh." Xiao Yi exhaled lightly.

The injuries on his body have healed.

Nowadays, everything is full of energy.

At this moment, he is in his peak state.

Xiao Yi swallowed this martial arts sacred pill exuding rich black light.

The martial arts sacred pill enters the belly and automatically enters the small world.

Under Xiao Yi's control, the martial art sacred pill floated in front of the fire control beast spirit.

Xiao Yi had been preparing for the second awakening of the Martial Soul in the past. The Fire Beast had already reached the deep purple rank, and could break through to the next level at any time.


In the small world, the Fire Control Beast looked at the martial arts sacred pill floating in front of him, opened his mouth, and swallowed it in one bite.

"Suck." Xiao Yi shouted in a low voice.

Xiao Yi put out his hands and quickly absorbed the pure flame power in front of him.

The power of the flame is sucked into the body, and then automatically poured into the small world.

Xiao Yi didn't convert it into Yuanli, but controlled it, stretching to the front of the fire-controlling beast.

The cute fire-controlling beast opened his mouth again and swallowed it.

Outside, Xiao Yi kept absorbing this flame power.

In the small world, the pure flame power turned into a river of flames, continuously spreading to the front of the fire-controlling beast.

The mouth of the fire-controlling beast kept opening and closing, opening and closing, and swallowing these flame power bit by bit.

For it, this seems to be a delicacy to feast on.

Ha ha ha ha, swallow bit by bit, just like before swallowing those martial arts powers.

Xiao Yi absorbed in while watching the situation in the small world.

Seeing the adorable appearance of the Fire Control Beast, Xiao Yi couldn't help but curl his lips.

Who could have imagined that the famous Ziyan Yixiao, the horrified Ziyan Yixiao who has caused countless evil cultivators, and the Ziyan Yixiao who manipulates the monstrous purple flame and burns everything, its martial spirit will turn out to be such a thing of no power. .

If it was the evil cultivators who died in Yi Xiao's hands in the past, they knew that the flames that burned them to ashes were such a stupid fire-controlling beast controlling the flames.

Not long after, Xiao Yi inhaled the entire flame in front of him into the small world.

The next step is to control the digestion of the flame.

Normally, the second martial arts awakening of a martial artist requires a senior whose cultivation is much stronger than that of the martial artist himself.

This is the so-called guide.

And Xiao Yi, in fact, does not need help from outsiders.

With his precise control, enough.

"A few hours should be able to complete the breakthrough." Xiao Yi muttered to himself.

Normally, the stronger the martial soul, the more difficult it will be for the second awakening, and the greater the chance of failure.

Although the rank of Fire Control Beast Spirit is high, reaching the purple peak rank, it is only the weakest type of Fire Control Beast, so the difficulty should not be too great.


After a few hours.

Xiao Yinei looked at the situation in the small world, controlled the fire beast, and still feasted on it, but there was no change in himself.

After a long time.

The entire flame was almost absorbed by a third of the accused fire beast.

The controllable fire beast has not changed.

"How is it possible." Xiao Yi frowned.

Even he can't imagine digesting one third of this flame power in such a short time.

It was a long time later.

The entire flame was absorbed by most.

Fire control beast, still no change.

One day later, the entire flame, at most about a quarter.

The fire control beast still has no change.

" could it..." Xiao Yi was shocked.

This flame power is so pure and huge, even the legendary realm warrior would never expect to digest so much in a short time.

And the fire control beast, but after a day's time, it almost digested it clean?

It doesn't matter if it is absorbed and digested, but it also has to change.

There is no sign of a breakthrough at all, his martial arts sacred pill still has this huge flame power, isn't it just a rush?

"End... Finish." Xiao Yi was stunned for a moment.


Third more.

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