Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1824: Eclipse Power

"Go to war?"

The fierce aura on Elder Jingyue paused for a moment.

But in the next moment, he uttered two words indifferently, "It's okay."


The fierce breath suddenly became even more unpredictable.

"Little Xiao Yi, be careful." The two of the masters of Palace Chengfeng condensed.

The Lord Hengtian clenched his fists, his face was overwhelming, and he was not afraid.

However, at this time, Palace Master Chengfeng transmitted a voice to Xiao Yi's ears.

The speed of sound transmission is extremely fast.

Words, only a few sentences.

Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi instantly understood.

The sound transmission of Palace Master Chengfeng firstly explained the identity of the old man.

The four are the four elders of the Holy Moon Zong Jinghuashuiyue.

The first person with the oldest face is Jingyue, who is also the strongest of the four.

After that, there are Huayue and Shuiyue in sequence.

As for the last person, the one with an old face, but apparently a little younger than the other three.

This person is the weakest among the four.

Jingyue, Huayue, and Shuiyue are all the title elders of the Holy Moon Sect. Their status is no less than that of the sect worship, and they are extremely powerful.

The last person only had the word "moon", and did not have the titles of "Mirror Moon, Flower Moon, Water Moon".

But the word ‘month’ represents the strongest among the ordinary elders of the Holy Moon Sect, second only to the title elder.

In other words, these four people now consist of three Holy Moon Sect titled elders, plus one strongest ordinary elder.

It is the four elders of Jinghuashuiyue.

And the last sentence of the master of Chengfeng's voice transmission is only one word ‘flee’.

Yes, escape.

And Xiao Yi frowned and hesitated for a second, then immediately made a decision, and glanced at Palace Master Chengfeng.

The Lord Chengfeng understood, and glanced at the Lord Hengtian who was fighting to the sky.

The Lord Hengtian squinted his eyes, but he also thought.

Regardless of the sound transmission or the eyes of the three of them facing each other, they were all completed within a few seconds.

At this moment, the fierce aura on Elder Jingyue's body burst to the extreme in an instant.

Elder Jingyue's footsteps moved in an instant.

The three people behind him, Huayue, Shuiyue, and Holy Moon, also shot in an instant.

At this moment, the Master of Chengfeng yelled coldly, "It's now, Hengtian Old Man, stop them."

"Okay." Hengtian Temple Lord, prepared long ago, the figure, like a meteorite ready to go, rushed out in an instant.


There was a loud noise.

Elder Jingyue, who was the first to take the first step, felt a pain in his body, and he had been knocked back a dozen steps.

The later Huayue, Shuiyue, and Holy Moon came oncoming.

The Lord Hengtian raised his hands together, one hand clasped Elder Huayue's arm, the other fist was clenched, and the muscles on his arm were terrifying, and he stopped Elder Shuiyue for an instant.

In the middle, the Elder Holy Moon jumped out quickly, but when he encountered the Hengtian Temple Lord who also jumped out quickly, there was an explosion.


Elder Shengyue, as if hitting a lofty mountain, was knocked back 100 meters, almost falling into embarrassment.

The two elders, Huayue and Shuiyue, responded extremely quickly.

Almost the moment they were stopped by the Hengtian Temple Lord, the two blasted out with one palm.

In his palm, golden frosty moonlights were horrifying.


Two huge roars.

The two full-strength palms blasted on Hengtian Hall Master.

The Lord Hengtian grinned, "Scratch it?"

"Damn it, this bull." The two elders' expressions changed.

On the other side, Palace Master Chengfeng caught Xiao Yi, and flew away with Xiao Yi Yukong instantly.

Obviously, the Master of Chengfeng and the Master of Hengtian had a tacit understanding.

One person stopped the four elders Jing Hua Shuiyue, and the other quickly flew away with Xiao Yi.

The Master of the Palace of Chengfeng is the Master of the Palace of Fengsha, one of the most powerful people in the world.

With all his strength, he wanted to escape, fearing that few people could catch him.

Whether it is the Hengtian Hall Master or Chengfeng Hall Master, the two of them may be sure to deal with the four elders Jinghuashuiyue.

After all, both of them are the top main hall masters in the main hall, and they are powerful.

However, the purpose of the two of them secretly following Xiao Yi all the way was not to help Xiao Yi fight.

But by the orders of the two chief palace masters, to keep Xiao Yi safe.

It's fine if the opponent changes to someone else, but the opponent is the title elder of the Holy Moon Sect, two people, there is no need to take this risk.

Rather than a battle, it is more important to ensure Xiao Yi's safety.

Just as they were outside the Sword Emperor Stele more than half a year ago, the two of them had been hiding in the dark, maybe they could stop Senior Luo a bit.

However, if they make a move, Xiao Yi will undoubtedly die, and Senior Luo will kill.

Therefore, even if they watched the Sword Emperor's Origin being robbed, they would never show up.

Regardless of the heavy treasure or anything else, fate is the most important thing, especially since this is the life of the successor of the two halls, and he has to go to the pool.

As for Xiao Yi.

He naturally had an idea in an instant.

Whether it is fighting or not, the current situation is definitely not good.

Ye Liu, Ran Qi and others are still here.

The Far East here is a place of right and wrong, not suitable for fighting, it is better to leave first.

The goal of the four elders of Shengyuezong was always his Xiao Yi.

As long as Xiao Yi stays away, these four people will not embarrass the others present.

"Escape? Huh." In the distance, Elder Jingyue, who had been hit by dozens of steps, sneered.

Palace Master Chengfeng, already took Xiao Yi to fly far away.

Its speed is terrifying.

However, in the distant sky, the color of heaven and earth suddenly changed.

In the air, a ray of blood suddenly filled.

Even if it is the wind in the sky, the blood can't be blown away.

Palace Master Chengfeng, seeing this **** color, his complexion changed drastically.

Above the sky, a full moon, I don't know when Qiao will condense.

The full moon is not golden, but scarlet and dazzling.

"Blood Moon?" Palace Master Chengfeng, his pupils suddenly shrank.

Above the blood moon, Elder Jingyue's aging appearance instantly contrasted.

At this moment, the world freezes.

With the high-altitude blood moon as the center, where the **** moon shines, the world is sealed off.

Dao bloody, with a cold moonlight breath, bombarded.

After the bombardment, blood moons continued to gather in the air.

Where the blood moon passed, the space collapsed, and even the power of heaven and earth, it turned into nothingness in an instant.

"Not good." Palace Master Chengfeng held Xiao Yi with one hand, and quickly backed away.

Under the pressure of the blood moon, the two figures kept returning to the original point.

"Jingyue, you planted a **** moon array, are you crazy?" Palace Master Chengfeng's expression was ugly.

"Haha." Elder Jingyue sneered.

"Old man, never do things that are uncertain."

Elder Jingyue, standing with his hands holding hands, sneered triumphantly on his face, "A few days ago, Shengjun, her old man, called me to take action."

"I thought, this famous Vice-Hall Master Xiao Yi is afraid that he is different from ordinary people, and is easy to be surprised."

"So I specially called Huayue and other three elders to come with me."

"As I expected, the ability of Vice-Hall Master Xiao Yi is beyond my imagination."

"Of course, I also know that he is afraid that there will be strong people in your two halls to protect you."

"Therefore, I specially asked Shengjun that her old man took a drop of eclipse power."

"The power of the moon eclipse?" Palace Master Chengfeng, his face instantly whitened.

Elder Jingyue, standing with his hand held down, looked straight at Xiao Yi.

"The two choices that the old man gave you are still counting. Choose one."

"Also, don't expect to delay time."

"The two masters of your house, it's too late to save you."


Third more.

Update today, over.

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