Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1826: War, Elder Holy Moon


Two violent roars sounded first.

The two elders, Hengtian and Chengfeng, immediately stopped the two elders, Huayue and Shuiyue.

Different from being easily hit by the Lord of Hengtian, at this moment, Elder Huayue was actually able to fight endlessly with the Lord of Hengtian.

In Huayue's hands, a ray of blood-colored cold light's power was astonishing.


Elder Huayue blasted out with a palm, and the Lord Hengtian made a fist to block it.

The palm and fist banged against each other, and there was a loud noise.

The explosion sound came from the rock-solid fist of the Lord Hengtian.

At this moment, above the fist, it seemed to be blasted through by an air current.

On the fist of the Lord of the Hengtian Temple, blood gurgled.

"Now, is it still tickling?" Elder Huayue sneered.

"Humph." Hengtian Hall master snorted coldly, a yellow light condensed in his hand, and his breath soared.

On the other side, the unobstructed Holy Moon passed between the two hall masters, Hengtian and Chengfeng, and came straight from Xiao Yi.

"This palm will kill you." Elder Shengyue showed killing intent.

"Lei Ling." Xiao Yi let out a low voice.

The purple lightning in his hand, the sudden thunder and lightning masterpiece, the purple thunder, raged astonishing.

"Dawn Promise." Xiao Yi yelled coldly.

Against the elders of the Holy Moon Sect, Xiao Yi didn't dare to hide the least bit of clumsiness. Once he shot, he was the strongest kendo.

With one sword, thirty-two swords reach all.

In the hands of Elder Holy Moon, the same **** cold light gathered.

The **** cold light turned into a tiny blood moon.

Thinking of the huge blood moons that had forced the Palace Master Chengfeng to retreat with Xiao Yi before, it is not difficult to imagine that although the blood moon in the hands of the Elder Holy Moon is small, its power is absolutely amazing.



Xiao Yi's sword banged against the elder Shengyue's hand, but there was a click.

Xiao Yi held the sword in both hands, his figure calm.

On the contrary, it was the Elder Holy Moon, who shot it out with one hand, and at this moment his body was shaking slightly.

A crack appeared on the tiny blood moon.

Subsequently, the cracks gradually increased.


There was a continuous clicking sound.

After the thirty-two swords were so powerful, the moon wheel in the hands of the elder Holy Moon shattered.

"How is it possible." The elder Shengyue looked startled, feeling the terrifying sword power and the sharp might of the Purple Lightning Divine Sword, he quickly pulled away.

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes.

In fact, he can't figure out the true power of the four elders in Jinghuashuiyue, including the strength of the two Hengtian Hall Masters and Chengfeng Hall Masters.

He just felt it.

But truly accurate perception is impossible.

Moxibustion Yan, a powerful person who has just entered the legend, can clearly perceive the level of strength.

The Hengtian Hall Master, Chengfeng Palace Master, and these four Holy Moon Sect elders were obviously too strong.

These six people, probably in the realm of legend, also have a high level of cultivation, and they are definitely not the kind of new legend, or the second and third level.

Xiao Yi's guess is that these six people are at least above the fifth level of the legendary realm, even the sixth level, or even stronger.

Of course, Xiao Yi couldn't be sure, just a little feeling.

Including before, he could feel these six people secretly spying.

But to accurately perceive the strength, aura, etc. of these six people's cultivation base, it is simply impossible.

In addition, there is no doubt that Elder Holy Moon is definitely the weakest of the six.

Jingyue, Shuiyue, and Huayue are the title elders, and they are so powerful that they can point out.

The Holy Moon Elder is just the strongest elder among the ordinary elders, and after all, there is a gap with the title elder.

Therefore, the two elders, Chengfeng and Hengtian, stopped the two elders Shuiyue and Huayue.

And the weakest Elder Holy Moon could only be handed over to Xiao Yi.

In the distance, the two hall masters, Chengfeng and Hengtian, were originally concerned about Xiao Yi's situation.

At this moment, seeing Xiao Yi shook the elder Shengyue back, he was immediately relieved.

On the contrary, Xiao Yi himself was not optimistic.

He made a sword just now, it was already a full sword.

After his cultivation reached the peak of Peerless 9999 Dao, his kendo strength, although it was still slightly weaker than his fire control strength, was actually not too bad.

Especially he just used the method of Breaking Dawn Promise and stimulated the lightning power within the Purple Lightning Sword.

This is just to retreat Holy Moon Elder.

At this time, the Elder Holy Moon was shaken back ten steps, stood firmly, and attacked again with all his strength.

Xiao Yi's face was solemn, and he could obviously feel that the palm of the elder Holy Moon at this moment was stronger than before.

Xiao Yi also cut out with a sword.


This time, on the contrary, Xiao Yi had retreated ten steps.

The thirty-two sword shadows that broke Dawn Promise were shattered by the palm of the Holy Moon Elder.

"Boy, do you really think you are the opponent of the old man?" Elder Shengyue sneered.

"How powerful is the Moon Shaking Palm of my Holy Moon Sect?"

Xiao Yi stood still and glanced at his palm.

The palm just now was just the remaining power from the sword, which shook his arm numb, and even slightly broke the skin at the tiger's mouth.

With the physical strength of his peerless pinnacle, he couldn't stand this extra energy.

Shaking the Moon Palm was obviously a fierce and powerful palm.

With a palm out, it is as powerful as it shakes the stars and the moon.

"Without ten palms, the old man can blast your internal organs to pieces and die." The elder Shengyue attacked again.

Xiao Yi held the sword tightly.

Bang... bang... bang... bang...

Elder Holy Moon, his hands like a dance, continuously attacked.

He deserves to be an elder with the title of ‘Moon’. The Sacred Moon Sect’s stunt of Shaking the Moon Palm can be used in his hands, and the palms are bursting with all strength.

Xiao Yi used his sword to block it, and every time he blocked a palm, his body was blasted back and forth again and again.

Every time he took a palm, the hand holding the sword must be a pain, and the palm force offset most of it, and it was transmitted into his body, and it shook his body's blood and blood.

But counting his palms, Xiao Yi has overflowed with blood.

He could feel that his internal organs were already slightly damaged.

"Broken." Xiao Yi shouted in a low voice.

The demon fire is boiling in the body, and it condenses instantly.

He has always had leapfrog fighting power, and the reason is that his Qi fountain and small world are extremely large, and his body's vitality is more pure and surging.

Based on this alone, he can achieve invincibility within the same realm, and even leapfrog battle.

Now, the vitality in the body has exploded rapidly, coupled with the burning blessing of the boiling demon fire, this outbreak will be even more alarming.

The fifth palm blasted by the elder of the Holy Moon did not retreat Xiao Yi again.

On the contrary, under Xiao Yi's sword, the power of the Elder Holy Moon was shattered.

However, that's all.

Xiao Yi fought fiercely with the elders of the Holy Moon.

At the same time, it is also waiting.

If nothing else, the real victory or defeat in this battle does not actually lie with him.

It lies in the two palace masters Hengtian and Chengfeng.

They are the strongest combat power here.

If the two hall masters can win, they must have the power to break through this **** moon formation.

However, his fierce battle with the elder of the Holy Moon did not last long.

After just tens of seconds.

Boom... Under a violent roar, Elder Shengyue's old but violent palm was heavily printed on Xiao Yi's chest.

Xiao Yi's figure, like a kite with a broken line, was bounced back and forth.


Second more.

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