Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1836: No choice

"Shaking Moon Palm."

Elder Holy Moon patted it with a palm.

Xiao Yi's blasted figure just stabilized, and then his face changed drastically.

The Bingluan Sword in his hand had dissipated, and he had to quickly condense the Purple Lightning Sword.

Now, he can only resist as much as possible.

Originally, he planned to delay time.

If it can be delayed until he thinks of a way to escape, then it is naturally the best.

If not, then at least wait until the two main hall masters come to rescue him.

If he guessed correctly, the two of the Hall Master Chengfeng and the Hall Master Hengtian will rush back to the main hall in the extreme east after the blood moon formation.

No, the two don't even have to go back to the main hall.

Just leave the huge barren area of ​​the Far East, go to the nearest wind brake or any main hall of Shura, and send a message back to the main hall.

With the speed of the two main hall masters, they can definitely come in a very short time.

Faced with these four old monsters who have not known how many years they have lived, they have a profound cultivation base and tyrannical strength.

Although the Blood Moon Array cut off the normal world outside, it was extremely troublesome.

But, again, nothing is absolute.

The two main hall masters will have a way to deal with the solution.

However, it now appears that it is obviously impossible to delay until that time.

The palm of Elder Shengyue was enough to directly kill him when he was already seriously injured.

At this time, Elder Shengyue slammed his palm, but suddenly squinted his eyes.

With a palm in his hand, all palm strength suddenly disappeared.

It was replaced by a smirk and **** power.

The power of this **** moon and cold light once again turned into a **** chain, which locked Xiao Yi.

"Boy, I don't believe that you can use those terrifying ice powers again."

"If you have the ability, you can take a look at the power of the blood moon again."

Elder Shengyue sneered proudly just one step away from Xiao Yi.

His chest wet with blood is the reason for his sneer at the moment.

"Old man, I have forgotten how many years I haven't been so embarrassed."

"How much blood the old man shed, now I will let you return it 10 times."

"Compared to killing you, the old man is more willing to watch you turn into blood under the chains of the blood moon and die miserably."

Elder Shengyue had awe-inspiring killing intentions towards Xiao Yi, and he was extremely disgusted.

Today, this disgust has become more intense, even twisted hatred.

far away.

Elder Jingyue frowned slightly.

Elder Huayue frowned and said, "Elder Shengyue, in order not to have many dreams at night, just kill him."

"We can also rush back to the Holy Moon Sect to return."

"No hurry." Elder Shengyue sneered, "Three elders, you forgot, this kid has a great opportunity in the tomb of the ancient emperor."

"Why don't we refine him into the blood moon array, and forcibly draw back the power of chance."

"Even if it is impossible to restore the whole chance, it is still possible to draw most of it."

"The strength left by the ancient emperor, even if it is only a trace, is enough for us, or the younger generation of our Holy Moon Sect to get a great talent improvement."

When Elder Huayue heard the words, his eyes lit up and nodded instantly.

"Although I don't know why this kid was able to explode such terrifying ice power and strength before."

"But obviously, even if he broke out, it can't help us."

"Not bad." Elder Shuiyue also smiled, "Within the **** moon formation, they will absorb the essence of their warriors one by one."

"Although the two old boys Hengtian and Chengfeng have escaped, they have been absorbed by the blood moon array before."

"These powers have been used by us long ago."

"Plus our own strength, no matter how powerful this kid is, he will still be unable to escape from our Wuzhishan."

Elder Shuiyue squeezed his palm.

The two said, but they still looked at Elder Jingyue.

Elder Jing Yue frowned slightly.

But at this moment, seeing the two elders Shuiyue and Huayue also say so, they nodded.

"Speed ​​up the operation of the Blood Moon Array, and refine this kid's body as soon as possible."

"When this kid turns into a pool of blood, we will return to the Holy Moon Sect and return to life."

"Shengjun, her elder, wants to decide this kid's life, we have to go on a business trip."

Elder Shengyue nodded upon hearing this.

"I want this kid to turn into blood as soon as possible, simple."

Elder Shengyue sneered, and his old palm clasped Xiao Yi's head.

The old face slowly approached Xiao Yi.

The ferocious words gradually spread into Xiao Yi's ears.

"Boy, you worked hard to break the game of the ancient emperor and get the chance of the ancient emperor."

"Now, these opportunities belong to us."

"Don't worry, with these opportunities, the old man's grandson will surely be able to leap a thousand miles and shock the mainland in the future."

"In the future, the saint will see him differently."

"Given the position of the old man in the Holy Moon Sect, as long as he asks the old man again, maybe the saint is willing to marry my grandson. Tsk tsk."

"And your toad, you can only fall miserably here."

The ferocious and proud words fell.

Xiao Yi's eyes were already extremely cold.

Elder Shengyue looked at Xiao Yi's eyes and sneered triumphantly, "You don't have to look at the old man like this, because it's useless at all."

After that, the elder Shengyue lifted Xiao Yi's head with a strong palm.

Let Xiao Yi's eyes look directly at the scarlet blood moon high in the sky.

"Within a few minutes, you will turn into a pool of blood under your gaze, and die."


However, ten seconds later, the Elder Holy Moon frowned.

Because Xiao Yi, who looked directly at the **** moon, had not changed at all.

"Old guy." Xiao Yi gritted his teeth and squeezed out a cold character.

"Although I know that my maid won't like your grandson anyway."

"But, I still decided not to let you have your life back to Saint Moon Sect."

"I dare to be rampant." Elder Shengyue grasped Xiao Yi's head by the hand, tightly.

Xiao Yi was unmoved, only sneered.

His body, bound by the chains of the blood moon, could not move.

But the purple electric divine sword in his hand did not know when it started, and wisps of blood continued to surround it, and it continued to become rich.

"I forgot to tell you that this **** moon formation was useless to me from the beginning."

The corner of Xiao Yi's mouth grinned again.


In the air, a **** light flashed past the extreme.

The blood moon chain on Xiao Yi broke instantly.

Elder Shengyue's complexion changed suddenly, and his footsteps suddenly retreated.

At the moment he backed away, the clothes on his chest were already broken.

At this time, Xiao Yi saw that there were countless dense sword marks with icy debris on the chest of Elder Holy Moon. This was also the reason why his clothes were wet with blood.

No wonder the Holy Moon Presbyterian Church is so angry.

Now, among these densely packed sword marks, there is another sword mark several inches long, from the chest to the waist.

This was hurt by Xiao Yi's purple lightning just now.

"How is it possible, such a sharp sword." Elder Shengyue's expression was startled.

"Blood World Slash." Xiao Yi stepped out with a sword.

In the distance, the three elders Jingyue, Shuiyue, and Huayue changed their expressions as well, and then immediately shot.

"Blood slash." Xiao Yi shouted violently.

The three elders who came swiftly, the blood in their bodies rolled over and their faces flushed.

But the strength of the three is still tyrannical.

Especially Elder Jingyue, under his palm, he patted heavily on the Purple Lightning Divine Sword, and the sword body trembled with a straight shot.

Xiao Yi's arm hurt, but instead of backing up, he went up with the sword.

Since there is no time to delay, then you can only fight to the death.

The blood pill in his body was the most uncertain factor he could not control.

But he has no choice now.

If he could kill these four people, he wouldn't mind if the blood pill ran away, and he would even be buried in a sea of ​​blood.

Because he has no choice.

If he does not die today, he will be immortal with the Holy Moon Sect in the future!


Third more.

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