Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1839: Flowers in the mirror, moon in the water


There was a loud noise.

Elder Jingyue's figure fell heavily from the sky.

When it fell to the ground, a huge hole of kilometer was knocked out.

"Elder Jingyue." The three elders of Huayue were shocked.

"Scattered." The three of them waved their hands and scattered the dust.

Within a kilometer of giant pit, the figure of Elder Jingyue stood up in embarrassment.

Elder Jingyue, who was originally elegant, is now in ragged clothes.

"Puff." Elder Jingyue spouted out blood, actually already injured.

After all, this should be the first time he vomited blood.

This unpredictable legendary powerhouse who was able to defeat Palace Master Chengtian and Palace Master Chengfeng with one punch finally vomited blood.

High in the sky.

Xiao Yi's eyes suddenly turned red.

A **** force burst out and overflowed continuously.

"Blood Heart Slash, this is the last form of the Blood Realm Four Forms, Blood Heart Slash." Xiao Yi squeezed his powerful fist and smiled.

The sword in his hand, that monstrous blood strength, was so prosperous for the first time.

After repeated training of the four forms of the blood world, he finally understood the fourth form.

At the same time, he finally understood why the four forms of the blood realm were clearly created by the deacon, but even the deacon himself could not comprehend the fourth form.

the reason is simple.

It is also the essence of the fourth formula.

Four types of blood, the first type, blood cut, the second type, blood violent cut, and the third type, blood brake cut.

The fourth style is bloody.

The focus is on a word of heart.

Regardless of the Blood Realm Slash, the Blood Rage Slash, or the Blood Slash Slash, after all, it is an external force that uses blood power to send out monstrous power.

Cut the heart with blood, take the heart as the source, and control it with the heart.

The combination of blood and energy is the most unusual, the most raging, and the most letting the martial artist fall into madness, and his mind is broken.

The martial artist is very secretive, and he is cautious in every way to prevent loss of mind and become a mad martial artist, and even die.

But, if you don't put your heart and soul into it, how can you master it?

The fourth style of the blood world is exactly the opposite, the mind blends into it, and the heart controls it.

At that time, it will be between the actions of the warriors, the arbitrary moves, all are the sharp and abnormal blood slash, all are the extremely fierce blood slash, all are the characteristics of the two and a stronger blood brake slash.

Although Deacon Taboo created the fourth style, he once broke the sword and abandoned the sword in his heart.

Moreover, when walking on the road of killing, it obviously also left a great shadow on Deacon Taboo, and it was even more impossible to put his weak mind into the blood.

Naturally, Deacon Taboo failed to comprehend the fourth formula.

On the contrary, it was Xiao Yi, who had just fought desperately just now, fighting unscrupulously, but had cultivated the fourth formula after all his hard work.

The fourth style of the blood world is not so much martial arts and moves, as it is a more powerful application of the previous three styles, no, even more terrifying use.

After a few seconds, Xiao Yi put away his distracting thoughts in just a moment.

In the next second, the figure flashed and took the elder Jingyue from below.

Originally he wanted to delay time, but the four elders obviously would not give him this opportunity, so he could only fight to the death.

Now, he clearly has the upper hand, and he will not give the four elders a chance to breathe.

In this battle, if you win, you die.

Whoosh... Xiao Yi's speed is almost at the extreme.

In an instant, he had arrived in front of Elder Jingyue.

A sword slashed out, booming...Elder Jingyue was chopped into the air at the sound, and a hideous bloodstain was severely chopped out on his chest.

Boom... With another sword, Xiao Yi dashed to the front of Elder Huayue.

"Puff." Elder Huayue spewed out a mouthful of blood and was blasted for hundreds of miles.


The ferocious scarlet sword descended on the head of the elder Shuiyue.

Elder Shuiyue's face changed drastically, and he quickly avoided.

The blade did not smash his head, but the strength of the sword pierced his chest heavily.

Elder Shuiyue was also blown away for hundreds of miles.

Whoosh... Xiao Yi flashed to the front of Elder Holy Moon.

It was still a sword.

The Elder Holy Moon was shocked and backed away again and again.


In the air, there was a snort.

Elder Holy Moon, after all, is a powerhouse above the legend, with extremely strong strength.

He escaped this sword.

However, his left arm was broken at the waist.

The sharp sword intent blasted him far away, blood spilling into the sky.

In this battle, it seemed that he was the winner.

Originally, when the power of his Bingluan sword dissipated before, he had thought of continuing to Shura sword.

But the battle is the Purple Lightning Divine Sword, plus the blood pill power in the body.

But later he dispelled this idea, because unlike the Bingluan Sword, the Bingluan Sword was his martial soul, which had the effect of protecting the Lord, and was under his control.

The blood pill in the body is simply something that cannot be controlled.

Once he enters the state of magic, completely crazy, he can't predict what will happen.

The blood pill will go even more terrifying, and even reach the point where it is irrepressible.

It now appears that, fortunately, he was cautious and did not enter the state of Shura's sword war again.

Otherwise, he would not be able to comprehend the four forms and four forms of the bleeding world in such a sober state, and now he is reversing the battle.

"The battle can be over." Xiao Yi's eyes were cold.

With a sword in his hand, he took the four elders who were blown up straight away.

The four elders shrank at the same time.

In their eyes, Xiao Yi at the moment was completely in the blood.

Well, it seemed like a **** Shura.

The combat power is monstrous and terrifying to the extreme.

The four of them fell into a horror and panic.

Elder Jingyue, after all, was the first to react, "Join hands and quickly kill this son."

The other three people reacted instantly.

"The Way of the Blood Mirror." Elder Jingyue yelled, swiftly punching out handprints in his hand.

"Hua Yue is impermanent." Elder Huayue yelled likewise, and his hands came out mysteriously.

"Shuiyuejianghe." Elder Shuiyue seemed to set off a vast ocean.

"Holy Moon Ten Thousand Ways." The elder of the Holy Moon, making seals with one hand, the momentum in his hands, directly connected to the dazzling blood moon high in the sky.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi, who came with the sword, frowned suddenly.

In the next second, his face changed suddenly.

His fast-moving figure suddenly became unable to move.

The surrounding space and scenery suddenly changed drastically.

The distance between him and the four elders is within a hundred miles.

With his speed, it should have been able to cross in an instant.

But nowadays, these distances are just like a moat, and he can't get close even with his methods.

"One space?" Xiao Yi frowned.

"No, this is an illusion."

Xiao Yi reacted instantly, and the surrounding space suddenly became bizarre and indistinguishable.

In the distance, the four elders sneered, and at the same time they were relieved.

"Everything, the dust has settled." Elder Jingyue nodded.

Elder Huayue sneered and looked straight at Xiao Yi, "Boy, how do you think our four titles come from?"

Elder Shengyue smiled the most savagely, "Little waste, knowing that your illusion was very strong before, but why can't we help us?"

"Because you are too weak, pitifully weak."

"The Dao Heart that the old man has honed after living for 80,000 years can be affected by your mere illusion?"

"Not to mention the Dao Xin of Elder Jingyue and others for a long time."

"Similarly." Elder Huayue sneered, "The illusion created by our powerful Dao heart, let your methods be monstrous, and you can't think about it."

"Today, only death."


Third more.

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