Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1844: Ten days later, encircle the Holy Moon Sect

The sword is a spiritual thing.

Inside the sword, there is a sword spirit.

If you get the approval of the sword spirit, you will never change your master, and you will never change until you die.

Unless, the owner is dead.

The sword will become a thing of no one.

The two palace masters, Chengfeng and Hengtian, looked at the sharply sharp, purple electric screaming sword with pale faces.

This top-grade pinnacle holy artifact is almost the strongest top-grade peak sword holy artifact in the world.

The breath alone is enough to make other high-grade peak holy artifacts far beyond the reach.

In terms of sharpness, there are few sacred artifacts in the world.

This is a magic weapon.

And this is already an unowned thing.

"I thought that the only shameless old thing surnamed Luo would be the one who would kill that kid."

The master of the wind brake, said lightly.

"Whenever I see this kid, I can always feel that he has countless burdens on his body, so that this young evildoer has to be old-fashioned and has to oppress himself all the time."

"I thought that these burdens are the Heavenly Tibetan Academy and Heiyun Learning."

"With his ability, one day he will regret the Tianzang Academy who drove him away."

"And one day, the surname Luo will never deceive him."

"At that time, he would be able to let go of all the baggage."

"But, I was wrong." The Master Fengcha laughed at himself.

"His real burden is the behemoth Saint Yuezong."

"If he could tell us earlier..." The Master Palace Master Shura said with a cold face, "Maybe..."

Originally in the consideration of the two, the only thing that could surprise Xiao Yi and his party at the tomb of the ancient emperor was the old dean named Luo who was taught by Heiyun.

Therefore, the two only need to look at the surnamed Luo.

The rest can't help Xiao Yi.

But the two of them were wrong.

That's what happened today.

But if the two had known earlier, perhaps, it would not be the Lord Chengfeng and the Lord Hengtian that accompanied Xiao Yi, but them.

Perhaps, there will be no such thing as today.

"But you also know, that kid will never tell us." The Master Fengcha said lightly.

The Master Palace Master Shura nodded, "That kid, always likes to carry everything by himself."

The two chief hall masters suddenly became silent.

The atmosphere fell into silence again.

The Lord Chengfeng and the Lord Hengtian also became silent.

They have always known that the two chief palace masters have extremely high regard for Xiao Yi.

But it was only now that they understood that that value was much more important than they thought.

The intersection of the two main hall masters and Xiao Yi is not too much, but the two main hall masters always mention Xiao Yi.

In the hearts of the two chief palace masters, Xiao Yi was afraid that it was more important than anything.

No wonder the two chief palace masters always only told them to ‘guarantee Xiao Yi’s safety’.

Even though Xiao Yi was robbed of the origin of the Sword Emperor more than half a year ago, the two main hall masters only smiled when they learned about it, knowing that Xiao Yi was safe.

Because the origin of the sword emperor is far less important than Xiao Yi's life.

The two were silent.

But Palace Master Chengfeng frowned, and instinctively told him that the seemingly suppressed tone of Palace Master Fengcha couldn't be restrained with more pressure.


At this moment, from a distance, several figures broke through the air.

The master of Chengfeng Hall recognized at a glance, that they were several retreat masters of their Fengsha Temple.

"How many main hall masters?" The main hall master Chengfeng looked at several people suspiciously.

Several people came immediately behind the main hall master, saluted, and reported, "Report to the main hall master, the latest information."

"One day ago, in the eastern part of the Central Region, beside the Hengyuan Region, blood suddenly fell from the sky."

"Within the area of ​​hundreds of thousands of miles, the blood moon suddenly congeals, and under the shining blood moon, the mountains and rocks melt in the water, and the warrior has no life, and nearly a hundred cities are instantly annihilated.

"Huh?" Palace Master Chengfeng reacted instantly, "That is a sequelae of the Blood Moon Array."

The reason why the Blood Moon Great Array is the restraining method of the Holy Moon Sect is that this method will bring great consequences.

One of the consequences is that the blood moon will pass through the moonlight of heaven and earth, reflecting on a random place in the normal heaven and earth.

When the blood moon appears, everything within the shining range of the blood moon will fall into the power of the blood moon and turn into nothingness.

This is also the reason why the Lord of Chengfeng Hall before seeing Elder Jingyue set up a blood moon formation, he would yell "Jingyue you are crazy".

And the place where the blood moon is set against is the entrance of the blood moon array.

Ahead, the Master Hall of Wind Brake heard the words and nodded. He had been gazing at the poisonous place ahead, and finally retracted.

The originally light tone finally became extremely cold.

"The Holy Moon Sect abused the Blood Moon Great Formation, causing the lives near the Hengyuan area to be charcoal, causing numerous deaths and injuries."

"This move is no different from evil repair."

"If the order continues, all the main hall masters above the title will rush back to the main hall from now on."

"In the main hall, all retreat hall masters, stop retreating."

"After ten days, encircle and suppress the evil cultivators of Holy Moon Sect."

Ten days later, the Holy Moon Sect was encircled and suppressed.

The main hall masters instantly condensed their faces, but they nodded their heads instantly, leading them to leave.

"Hengtian." The main hall master of Shura said in a deep voice, "you should also go back to the main hall and pass the order, the same order."

"Yes." Hengtian Hall master replied.

The Master of Chengfeng Palace, the Master of Hengtian Palace, and several of the masters of Fengsha Temple turned and left.

In the same place, only the two main hall masters remained, staring again at the endless and poisonous land ahead.

Perhaps they want to wait for some miracles.

For two whole days and two nights, their eyes never moved a little.

Until this time, the Master Palace Master Shura sighed.

The gazes of the two were on the Purple Lightning Sword at the same time.

It seems that I want to see the old purple electric power held in hand, swaying horizontally and horizontally, always appearing again with a look like a beating and invincible figure.

However, the sword, still the sword, has no owner.

The two shook their heads, and finally Yukong flew away.


A few days later.

Heiyun learns and teaches, deep inside the hall.

Senior Luo, sitting in distress.

On the side, a dark shadow that couldn't see its appearance seemed to bend and say something.

"Huh? That kid is dead? Holy Moon Sect's hand?"

"What about the corpse?"

He was silent for a while in black.

Senior Luo, suddenly furious.

The table in front of him was instantly shattered.

"Within one hundred thousand miles of poison, that kid has no bones?"

"Damn it, isn't that ancient emperor holy pill gone?"

In the air, there was only the angry breathing of Senior Luo.

The dark shadow could be heard faintly uttering the word'Qian An'.

"Where are the four boys Jinghua Shuiyue?" Senior Luo squeezed a murderous words between his teeth.

Sombra replied.

"Also dead?" Senior Luo's original angry face was suddenly startled, and his body, which was always as stable as Mount Tai, trembled.

"How is it possible, that kid, can actually kill these four people?"

Obviously, Senior Luo was not surprised by the death of the four elders.

Instead, he was shocked that Xiao Yi, a young man, could kill four tyrannical legendary powerhouses.


At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

Before Senior Luo could speak, a figure broke in.


Second more.

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