Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1857: Xiao Xun

What the so-called pink skull looks like is not important.

After all, it was just a skin.

With Xiao Yi's character, he didn't care much about his appearance.

On the contrary, in the past, that beautiful and handsome face always made people yell at him "little thief" and "little thief".

He was full of resentment.

It's fine now. No matter how much hatred he provokes, it is estimated that others will not call him a thief.

Furthermore, perhaps in the future, he will think of a way to recover this body.

The most important thing now is to restore strength first.

Strength, strength, strength!

For Xiao Yi, there is nothing more important than strength. He has too many things to do.

Xiao Yi pondered for a moment, then looked inside again.

In the body, there are now two small worlds.

One is the small world of martial arts, but it has dried up and is riddled with holes, and there is little possibility of repair.

The first is the poison world, which is formed by highly poisonous and contains highly poisonous martial arts.

His introspection was placed in his small world of martial arts.

Although the small world of martial arts is in great damage, no, it almost collapsed.

Everything in it is gone.

The vitality and complete martial arts are all dissipated.

However, the two spirits were still intact.

Needless to say, Bingluan Sword, Xiao Yi has never seen anything that can bear its edge or hurt it.

As for the fire-controlling beast, even though it had a pair of horns, it still looked dumbfounded.

He seemed to feel Xiao Yi's inward look, controlling the fire beast, and opening his mouth.

In the past, Xiao Yi always looked inward, always when the fire-controlling beast had something to eat, like those powerful flames.

Upon seeing this, Xiao Yi curled his lips and withdrew from his inner eyes.

He thought for a while.

Calculated like this, in fact, his current results are not too big.

That is, the normal Peerless Peak cultivation base is gone, the martial arts power is gone, and the physical power is gone.

Also, he became the appearance of a human being and a ghost.

In addition, it seems that there is no other loss.

Xiao Yi shrugged.

This end, for other warriors, I am afraid that they are already ashamed and completely desperate.

But for Xiao Yi, he didn't care much.

He cultivated the Poisonous Tome, and his strength would eventually come back.

In the future, he may not be unable to repair his small world and this body.

Xiao Yi put aside his thoughts, his mind condensed.

He is no longer able to use normal martial arts methods.

Swordsmanship and fire control together can't be used without vitality.

And to increase strength, there is no other way besides cultivating the Poison Tome.

His martial soul is still there.

With my heart condensed, in the small world, around the fire-controlling beast, gradually cultivated a little fire attribute spirit power.

Perhaps, he should consider cultivating some spirit master methods.

"There is still half a year before the three-year agreement." Xiao Yi squinted his eyes, "Enough."

Today, he will not let go of all the means that can increase his strength.

Xiao Yi's hand condensed, and a trace of dark power suddenly condensed.

That is virulence.

"Transformation." Xiao Yi shouted in a low voice.

Toxicity, automation is the original force.

Xiao Yi tried, and the Universe Ring in his hand opened instantly.

Cultivating the Book of Ten Thousand Poisons, there is no more vitality in the body, only vigorous toxicity.

You know, for the warrior, Yuanli is very important, he almost covers the premise of all the methods of the warrior.

Even the simplest way to open the Universe Ring requires Yuan Li.

So this point was taken into consideration by the genius of the Poison Emperor, although of course it was only a theory.

But Xiao Yi succeeded.

Toxicity can be turned into vitality.

However, not much, only a trace.

And this thread is enough for him to use as an ordinary martial artist, such as opening the universe ring and so on.

Normally, other powers cannot be turned into elemental powers.

No matter which one is being repaired, the warrior needs to consume Yuan Li to fight.

Yuanli can be transformed into sword energy, flames, water currents, hurricanes, sand and rocks... everything.

However, the attacks such as sword aura, flames, water currents, etc., were unable to regain their vitality.

This is the most basic martial arts common sense.

Another example is that there is still a lot of poisonous power remaining on the earth today.

That is the sticky residue on the ground.

However, Xiao Yi couldn't directly absorb it at all, and used it as a way for him to cultivate poison.

Because it is irreversible.

However, this place can be used as a treasure for cultivating Poison Dao, because the poisonous aura here is strong enough.

Now, in his body, he can transform virulence into a little vitality.

Of course, only a little.

Xiao Yi is not sure why this is so.

However, these Xu Yuanli are enough for him to use for ordinary purposes.


The next day, early morning.

Xiao Yi stopped practicing.

"It's time to leave." Xiao Yi muttered to himself.

Although this is a treasure trove for cultivating Poison Dao, it is still far from enough for Xiao Yi.

He chose to go out and practice.

Only the extreme experience is the fastest way to improve your strength.

Xiao Yi turned around and was about to leave.

Just about to leave, there was a sudden stop.

"Huh? Where's my Zidian?" Xiao Yi was stunned.

He finally remembered his sword, and also remembered that since he woke up, his purple lightning disappeared.

If the purple electricity hanging in the main hall of Asura now knows that it has such a low sense of existence in the heart of its owner, it is afraid that it will run away in an instant.

"Is picked up?" Xiao Yi frowned.

He obviously found that his connection with Zidian had been broken.

"No, where's my breath?" Xiao Yi was startled.

Now that most of his strength has been restored, and there is a way to increase his strength, he has settled down, and then he remembers all the faults in his body.

He didn't wear a ghost mask at all now, but his breath was gone.

Human breath is born with it.

Once it is gone, it is a dead person, and it is already recognized by the world as a dead body.

Xiao Yi was startled and quickly felt his whole body.

Some perception makes my heart horrified.

There is no breath in his body.

Instead, there is a strong toxic atmosphere.

Breath is the essence of a warrior; therefore, a warrior judges his identity not based on his face, but his breath.

But now, these highly toxic auras actually replaced his breath?

Simply put, he is these highly poisonous, and it is him.

In Xiao Yi's mind, a series of memories and fuzzy pictures appeared.

That was the picture that he saw before he became unconscious after he exploded the poison pill and blood pill; and, during the ten days, he was buried in the soil, not completely dead, and his consciousness recovered a little blurred.

In the impression, when he was in a highly poisonous place, a ray of blood power suddenly enveloped his body, barely resisting the continued invasion of the poison.

The reason why Xiao Yi dared to explode the Poison Pill was because of his strong flesh.

After all, that was the peerless pinnacle body bestowed by the cultivation of the Asura battle body, extremely powerful.

The second grasp is the power of the blood pill.

The blood pill, after all, was made by melting a trace of his essence and blood, so the blood pill has a trace of power to protect the lord.

When the poison pellet blew up, he didn't even condense the hands and feet of the beasts, because the hands and feet of the beasts were just wrapping his hands and feet, not really his hands and feet.

The poison pill erupted from the inside, and the beasts and feet could not protect it.

"Hiss." Xiao Yi took a breath.

He finally figured it out.

No wonder his complete martial arts will all dissipate.

It stands to reason that even if the small world collapses, as long as it still exists, the complete martial arts controlled by the martial artist will not dissipate, but will continue to exist in the collapsed small world.

The complete martial art is completely dissipated, and there is only one possibility, that is, there is no martial artist's breath, the vitality is dissipated, and the body is already dead.

When the martial artist dies, the martial arts power will dissipate the world, and then the martial soul transformed by the power of the world will also dissipate.

If he didn't guess wrong, it must be when he was about to die, when his aura had dissipated, the last trace of the blood pill's strength protected his last trace of heart and vitality.

The physical power that he has given to him in the cultivation of the Asura battle body can be easily understood.

He remembered that after he regained his consciousness, his body was already dying, and he was surprised that it was almost a miracle that he could survive.

To put it simply, his body is so badly damaged that it should be completely dead.

But it didn't die.

Xiao Yi had to be fortunate that he was in the tomb of the ancient emperor and used that large amount of monster blood for the ultimate improvement of his body.

Therefore, his physical talent even surpassed the level given by Shura's battle body.

This must be the main reason why his body could not die.

For this reason, when the breath is exhausted, the martial arts power is also exhausted.

But when it was the turn of the Martial Spirit to dissipate, he was not dead, so the Martial Spirit did not dissipate at all.

"My god." Xiao Yi was stunned.

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to think." Xiao Yi shook his head.

If he wanted to return to Zidian, if he guessed correctly, Zidian would definitely not know who picked it up.

And the only ones who can pick up his purple lightning are those old monsters with unpredictable cultivation.

Ordinary warrior, never want to touch his purple lightning.

Thinking about it, at this moment, Zidian must have lost his breath.

Otherwise, he would not lose contact with Zidian.

However, don't think too much.

Zidian has its own sword spirit, and those who are waiting for leisure cannot be recognized by it.

Furthermore, I can't use the purple power when I get it back now.

In the future, when he recovers, he will hold the sword again, and within the sword, he will automatically regain his breath and recognize him as the master.

Now it's not in a hurry.

Now, it is time to leave, and the most important thing is to improve the strength.

"There is still half a year." Xiao Yi squinted his eyes, "After half a year, Holy Moon Sect, I will calculate this account together with you."

When the voice fell, Xiao Yi dashed away.

He was right, his purple light was now hanging in the main hall of Asura, waiting for his master to hold back again.

Zidian waited, waited for its owner, to return again, to hold on to it again, to dance the wind and the clouds, to shock the world!


Hengyuan area, Black Demon Hall, a branch hall.

In a corner of the hall, a staff member said softly, "Oh? Want to join our Black Demon Temple? Name?"

"Xiao Xun." A hoarse voice rose slowly.


Fourth more. (burst)

The update is finished today.

Update tonight, it's a lot late, sorry.

As soon as it was cold, my hands were stiff, and the speed of small eight characters dropped a lot.

Tomorrow, I will advance the codeword time to make up for the speed.

Secondly, I really want to put this incident to an end, so I wrote it specifically before posting.

Well, that's it, good night everyone.

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