Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1860: Powerful Poison Road

For the Ten-legged Poison Emperor Spider, the overlord monster in the Ten Thousand Demon Forest.

The last picture I saw during his lifetime was a pair of white gloves slowly stretched out in a black robe.

After that, it never knows.

"Ten thousand poisonous hands, suck." Xiao Yi shouted in a low voice.

The poisonous power of the ten-legged Poison Emperor Spider was almost absorbed at an astonishing speed.

The ten-legged poisonous emperor spider is famous for its poison.

But its extremely poisonous, in the face of Ten Thousand Poisonous Hand, it is so vulnerable.

The ten-legged poisonous emperor spider is full of poison.

However, under the touch of the poisonous hand, there was a feeling of intoxication and weakness.

The ten-legged Poison Emperor Spider could clearly feel that its body was being raged by a more terrifying poison, corroding its vitality.

Just tens of seconds.

Xiao Yi retracted his hand.

The ten-legged Poison Emperor Spider in front of him was already dead.

As for Xiao Yi, a breakthrough aura burst out.

Xiao Yi stood with his hand in his hand, and a dark martial arts force descended on the sky instantly.

That is a new poisonous martial art.

Within the "Poison Realm", there were originally 999 complete martial arts with poison attributes.

Now add another one and step directly into the Thousand Ways.

In other words, the current Xiao Yi's cultivation has reached the holy emperor's realm, and he has entered the realm of the thousand-dao holy emperor.

"It seems that it won't be long before you can return to the peak of the Holy Emperor Realm and step into a peerless world." Xiao Yi thought for a while and nodded.

After thinking about it, Xiao Yi looked at the ten-legged Poisonous Emperor Spider before him.

The whole head and ten-legged Poisonous Emperor Spider was shriveled, as if it had been drained alive.

Especially those ten spider feet, shriveled like bark.

"Thousand poisonous hands, really powerful." Xiao Yi's heart was slightly startled.

You know, he was only at the peak of the Saint King Realm just now, but in just a few tens of seconds, a ten-legged Poisonous Emperor Spider in the middle of the Saint King Realm could absorb all the power.

In fact, such methods are a little weird and even cruel.

However, Xiao Yi didn't frown, or even made waves in his heart.

As long as he can restore his peak strength as soon as possible, these methods are nothing.

His enemies will not give him a chance to breathe.

The method, whether cruel, vast, or gorgeous, can kill people.

Although Xiao Yi is a first-level black magician, he is definitely not a rookie.

Withdrawing his hand, Xiao Yi turned and left.

This ten-legged poisonous emperor spider contained extremely poisonous blood and inner alchemy in its body, so it was sucked clean by his venomous hand.

The corpse of this monster is of no use, so he will no longer receive the Qiankun Ring.

However, when dealing with this ten-legged poisonous emperor spider just now, he was able to subdue it in an instant, which made Xiao Yi a little surprised.

At the peak level of the Saint King Realm, there is an unusually large gap with the mid-stage Saint King Realm.

Take the martial artist, that is also a gap of at least thousands of complete martial arts.

Xiao Yi originally thought it would take a certain amount of effort to deal with this ten-legged poisonous emperor spider.

"It seems that the Poison Tome is even more powerful than I thought." Xiao Yi thought secretly.

In other words, perhaps the Poison Emperor, the founder of the Poison Tome, did not expect the Poison Tome to be so powerful.

But Xiao Yi, a cultivator, actually felt it.

At the pinnacle level of the Saint King Realm, without any means, it directly flattened the gap with the middle stage of the Saint King Realm, or even crushed it.

This technique that subverts the normal martial artist's cultivation system is martial art and physical cultivation.

Simply put, it perfectly broke out physical strength and martial arts strength.

You know, in the past, when Xiao Yi wandered with different identities, he practiced one and normal martial arts, although it was equally powerful, and the methods were monstrous.

But between the two strengths, there is no way to play them together.

Physical power belongs to physical power, and martial arts power belongs to martial arts power.

But now, the Poison Tome has done it, and the physical power of the peak of the Saint King realm and the martial arts power of the peak of the Saint King realm have been perfectly integrated.

Of course, after Xiao Yi entered the tomb of the ancient emperor before, Shura held the sword and Shura sent the fire, and when he was in a state of demons, it was equivalent to combining the two methods.

But nowadays, the book of poisons is more sophisticated.

Or to put it more simply, Xiao Yi at this moment, all the time, is in the state of Shura's poisonous magic path.

But the Poison Tome allows the physical strength and martial arts strength to always remain at the same level and always in a perfect balance.

Because of this perfect balance, even the state of the magic path did not affect the mind at all.

So that he can always maintain his current state.

Based on this alone, the power that the Poison Tome allowed him to burst out exceeded most of the previous methods.

Naturally, his burst of strength is even more terrifying.

And another point.

Xiao Yi is not so sure, but he should have guessed right.

Another point is the existence of the "drug world".

This strange existence is the same as the small world of martial arts, but with different attributes.

Within the poison world, just like the small world of martial arts, there are sources of martial artist's power and complete martial arts.

Within the poisonous world, there is a complete poison path.

On the other hand, in the small world of martial arts, the complete martial arts in it are very complicated.

I am afraid that no martial artist dare to say that the complete martial arts in his own small world are all in the same category.

Take Xiao Yi as an example. Although he had 9,999 complete martial arts in the past, it was filled with various complete martial arts with different attributes.

Fire, sword, wind, thunder, poison, etc.

Of course, fire martial arts and sword martial arts dominate.

But even so, it is still mixed.

And in the poison world, all the poisonous martial arts, I am afraid it is also the reason why he can burst into stronger strength.

The single, but the ultimate poison way, just now made his current poison way strength so strong.

"It seems that if the Tome of Ten Thousand Poisons continues to cultivate, my strength afterwards will be much stronger than when I was at the peak." Xiao Yi secretly delighted.

A state of magic that can be maintained at all times.

Extremely complete poisonous roads.

Based on these two points, Xiao Yi has the power to disregard all warriors of the same level.

Xiao Yi thought about it, turned and left.

But the footsteps suddenly paused.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi frowned slightly, and not far away, a little girl was staring at him angrily.

Little girl, only fourteen or five years old.

Behind him, stood two old men.

Xiao Yi ignored it and left straight away.

The little girl actually shouted angrily, "Stop for me."

"You know, that ten-legged poisonous emperor spider is the subject of this young lady's assessment?"

Xiao Yi ignored it and walked on his own.

The two old men behind the little girl frowned, "Your Excellency, it seems to be a little overbearing."

Xiao Yi glanced at it. The two elders were just the mid-term cultivation base of the Saint Emperor Realm, and he didn't bother to pay attention.

Seeing Xiao Yi ignored and said nothing.

The little girl, instantly furious, "Come here, take this weird man for me."


Around, a group of figures jumped out quickly.

But within a few seconds, the number of people reached more than a hundred.

"Are you looking for death?" Xiao Yi, who had been silent for a long time, finally uttered a hoarse word.


In the air, a puff of poison was very toxic, which instantly filled.

After being highly toxic, everything is dead.

A hundred meters in radius, it instantly became a place of silence.


Third more.

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