Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1870: Introduce you a friend

Xiao Yi's gaze looked at the black magicians around him.

"Six Poison Absolute Heaven Formation, although it is one of the peerless great formations."

"But the array is endless."

"I heard that the black magicians are all unpredictable and unpredictable. If they join hands, there may not be no way to break the formation."

Hearing the words, the surrounding black magician frowned.

Xiao Yi continued, "You all go your own way, but being unruly and conceited are two different things."

"The realm of life and death has to be so disorganized, and it deserves to die."

Xiao Yi's voice was hoarse and harsh.

Hearing in the ears of the black magicians, if an older senior screamed.

Before everyone reacted.

In their eyes, under the large black robe, a pair of white gloves slowly stretched out.

"Broken." The hoarse note came from the **** robe.

The Six Poison Absolute Heaven Formation immediately produced ripples.

The imprisoning power on the surrounding black magician instantly dissipated.

"The big formation has a flaw, it can be broken." A dark magician smiled with joy.

"Black poison, scattered."

The moment the voice fell, the black magician turned into a poisonous mist in a strange way, and disappeared instantly.

"Not good." The Emperor of Gold and Iron was suddenly startled.

If these black demon masters were allowed to escape, things would be revealed, and what awaited him would be the chase of the main hall.


One by one, the dark magicians all came out with all means.

"Poisonous soil escape." Whoosh... a black magician, the ground under his feet turned into a poisonous, his figure fled away instantly.

"The black demon turned." Whoosh... another black demon, turned into a shadow avatar, wanted to escape.


For a time, within the big formation, if a group of demons danced wildly, the methods were all sorts of strange.

There are cracks in the big array.

The Golden Iron Sage Emperor wanted to repair the big formation and manipulate the big formation to trap everyone, but he became more and more frantic.

More and more black magicians flee.

The big formation, which has not been repaired, has more flaws, allowing the black magicians to escape easily.

The exquisiteness of the big formation lies in the tight fit everywhere, and the strength of the formation perfectly cooperates to form an exquisite big formation.

The golden iron holy emperor, the more hurriedly, the more flawed the array.

Upon seeing this, Xiao Yi sneered, "Holy Emperor of Gold and Iron, it seems that you have not yet mastered your skills in this formation."

Upon hearing this, the Emperor Jintie became more and more eager.

Exactly so, but for a moment, all the black magicians escaped.

In the same place, only Xiao Yi was left.

"Your Excellency, who the **** is it?" Jintie Sage Emperor, with an anxious look on his face, staring at Xiao Yi coldly.

Jintie Shenghuang was secretly cautious.

What happened just now happened too fast, and it happened too unprepared for him.

Almost as the moment when the pair of white gloves stretched out, before he had much reaction, the black magicians fled through the rift.

Intuition tells him that the ‘senior’ in the black robe in front of him is by no means an idle person.

Xiao Yi said nothing.

The Golden Iron Sage Emperor squinted his eyes and took a volley of palm.

The fierce palm wind blasted Xiao Yi back several steps, and the large black robe that had originally covered his face blew away.

"Puff." Xiao Yi spouted out blood.

With his current strength, he couldn't even beat the peak of the Saint Emperor Realm, let alone a peerless power above the martial arts power.

The Golden Iron Sage Emperor, looking at the hideous face in the mask under the large black robe, was first startled, and then sneered.

"It turned out to be just a bluffing generation." Jintie Sage Emperor smiled coldly.

"The old man should have thought of it, when you first entered the big formation, you were instantly imprisoned."

"It proves your strength, it's in the middle of the Holy Emperor Realm."

The golden iron holy emperor, who can achieve a peerless cultivation base, is naturally not an ordinary generation.

After a few sneers fell, the face of the Golden Iron Saint Emperor turned from anxious and frustrated to a bright spot.

One by one, the black magicians ran away.

His poison pool is not damaged, that's it.

"They are all gone, leaving you alone."

"You have no ability to escape, and you can't escape."

The tone of the Jintie Sage Emperor seemed to have an overtone.

"What then?" Xiao Yi straightened his **** robe.

He didn't put on the big rim of the black robe again, but just stood like this.

He always wore a black robe, but didn't want to be noticeable when walking outside.

As for other things, he doesn't care.

Now that the brim of his robe had blown off, he didn't bother to pay attention.

"Your Excellency, it's quite weird." The Emperor Jintie smiled playfully.

He found that he could not perceive the breath of this black-robed warrior at all.

It stands to reason that if one encounters an unpredictable martial artist wearing a mask and unable to perceive his breath in the middle of today, almost everyone will first think of one person, the famous Ziyan Yixiao.

However, the main sign of Zi Yan Yi Xiao was actually not the mask or the breath that couldn't be sensed, but the monstrous means of controlling fire and the kind of powerful flames in the world.

Therefore, the Golden Iron Sage Emperor, even if he saw the mask on Xiao Yi's face, he would never think of the word'Yi Xiao' at all.

On the contrary, as soon as Xiao Yi entered the battle, he revealed the six poisonous heavenly formations, and he was able to break through the formation in an instant to find the flaws.

These various methods make people even think that this is a weird and unfathomable eccentric.

The Jintie Sage Emperor smiled, "Your Excellency, an extraordinary one."

"With your hands alone, the old man knows your unpredictable methods."

"Old man, I originally planned to kill you to vent your hatred, but now I have changed my mind."

"If you are willing to join the old man, the old man can spare your life."

"In the future, with the help of you to hide your breath and this unpredictable formation, the old man promises that within a few years, you will grow to the level of an old man."

"Of course, the old man will save a lot of trouble if he uses these six poisonous arrays in the future."

Obviously, the Emperor of Gold and Iron was interested in Xiao Yi's ability.

"Oh? Pull me into the group?" Xiao Yi sneered, "Unfortunately, it's not what I wanted."

"Follow the same trend?" The Holy Emperor Jintie sneered, "What is pollution? Are you?"

"You have such an ugly face, covered with venomous sores and blood blisters, neither human nor ghost, you are more unbearable and filthy than the old man."

Xiao Yi held his hands and put his broad sleeves behind him.

"If the world is filthy, good and bad, it depends only on the ugly appearance of the person."

"Then this world, I'm afraid there is no need for smart people anymore."

"In other words, do you want to say that you are a good person?" Jintie Sage Emperor interrupted.

"No." Xiao Yi shook his head.

"As the black magicians said just now, you set a trap to trap and kill a group of black magicians, which is cruel, vicious, despicable, and unbearable."

"But, I asked myself not a good person."

"If I want to, I can be more cruel, vicious, vile, and unbearable than you."

"Oh?" Jin Iron Holy Emperor, his eyes lit up, "In that case, if you come under my command..."

The Emperor Jintie believes that his vision, the person in front of him, is absolutely extraordinary.

"But..." Xiao Yi interrupted indifferently, "This world is called the human world because it has the word human nature."

"The difference between you and me is that you are a scum, and I still have a bottom line after all."

"Zhongyu, although cruel, although killing is commonplace, human lives are like ants."

"However, if everyone loses this bottom line that is only supported by the word humanity, then this world is no longer the world, but purgatory."

"Huh, polite." The Emperor Jintie smiled disdainfully, even with a bit of killing intent, "Don't say yourself so noble..."

"No." Xiao Yi interrupted again indifferently, "I am still willing to have the word humanity because I have people that I cherish. Although there are not many people, they are extremely cherished."

"Oh, by the way, telling you so much, it's not that I want to talk to you."

"On the contrary, your Poison Pool, with such a huge Poison Dao power, it would be too hard for me to refine it myself."

"After talking for so long, you are almost completely refined."

"What do you mean?" The Emperor Jintie narrowed his eyes.

Xiao Yi smiled indifferently, "It doesn't mean anything, but I also have a friend with an ugly face like me, and I plan to introduce you to it."

"Who?" Jintie Shenghuang was surprised.

His perception has been covering all around.

But in his perception, there is nothing else around him.

Just as he was puzzled, a ghostly white shadow flashed past his eyes.

This was the last sight he saw.

A sickle that was as fast as the wind flashed by.

The head of the golden iron holy emperor fell and rolled on the ground for several meters before stopping.


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