Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1875: Peerless Jinpeng

The attitude of the Dongyan Palace Lord that he could not hear and turned a deaf ear just made Xiao Yi laugh again.

"Heh." Xiao Yi's laughter was hoarse and indifferent.

No matter what happened to the Emperor of Gold and Iron, no one had the power to kill Xiao Yi until there was no definite transmission and evidence.

If it is detained, there are indeed temple rules to follow.

But if you kill it, it's impossible.

Of course, in the eyes of Palace Master Jinpeng, even if he killed this black robe Xiao Xun today, he would still have excuses in the future.

Such as absconding in fear of crime, all kinds of weird signs and so on.

The big deal is to give him an impulse to kill the deacon by mistake.

Although there will be punishment, it will never be too serious.

"What about you?" Xiao Yi looked at the warriors in the temple around him.

"You have heard the words of Palace Master Jinpeng."

"There is no evidence yet, just intending to avenge private revenge."

Xiao Yi's gaze scanned all the way, and finally fixed on the law enforcement team.

"According to the rules of the palace, it is Palace Master Jinpeng who is arrogant now."

"He is the master of the Palace of Heavenly Mystery, and wants to kill the deacon of the Black Demon Hall for no reason."

"How are you doing?"

Xiao Yi's words clearly spread to the ears of the warriors in the hall.

But the warriors in the temple also turned on deaf ears.

The law enforcement captain said solemnly, "What about the rules of the palace?

"We only know that your Xiao Xun sin is extremely evil, and the Lord ordered to surround you."

"We don't care about the rest."

Xiao Yi nodded when he heard the words, and smiled the same, but the laughter had turned into hideous.

"Okay, very good." Xiao Yi nodded frequently.

But the next second, he was already furious.

"What a Dongyan main hall, up to the main hall owner, down to the branch hall owner, deacons, and a group of law enforcement teams, it is actually disregarding the hall rules."

"You are the people who are in charge of the temple rules, the people who maintain the temple rules, and the people who give help to the black magic masters in the region."

"Today, did you disregard the temple rules, or even openly ignore the temple rules?"

"What are you to be the Eight Palaces? What are the iron rules for the Eight Palaces?"

With a violent shout, Xiao Yi was already full of poisonous gas.

"Not good." Palace Master Jinpeng snorted coldly, "This murderer is about to have an attack, and immediately capture it."

"Yes." A group of law enforcement teams and warriors in the palace shot instantly.


In Xiao Yi's eyes, only ferocious remained.

In the air, there was a severe outbreak of poison.

Within a hundred meters, highly toxic.

The room, the building, and the ground were all gone for a moment.

All that is left is a very poisonous place.

The nearest law enforcement team, the sub-master of the temple, and the deacon died instantly, with no bones left.

It was the Dongyan Palace Master who quickly retreated without a major problem.

But Palace Master Jinpeng, under his aura, resisted the poisonous gas explosion without any damage.

"Peerless 9992 cultivation base." Xiao Yi saw through the cultivation base of Palace Master Jinpeng at a glance.

This Jinpeng Palace Lord is a good friend with the Golden Iron Holy Emperor, and his strength is also among the first ones.

The Emperor of Gold and Iron is a masterpiece of Dao 9891.

Palace Master Jinpeng is better than him.

However, Xiao Yi was not afraid of it.

Before killing the Golden Iron Holy Emperor, you still need to rely on the fog demon.

Today, Xiao Yixiu's base has been restored to the seventh level of the Saint Emperor Realm, and his strength has already increased greatly.

"Black robe, take your life." Palace Master Jinpeng shot instantly.

Under the explosive momentum, golden light shines.

A Jinpeng phantom is exhibited from behind.

A pair of old palms, like sharp claws, grabbed Xiao Yi straight.

"Peerless Jinpeng Wuhun?" Xiao Yi sneered.

He was a demon hunter, and he recognized this martial soul at a glance.

Peerless Jinpeng is a monster at the pinnacle level.

The body is huge, good at flying, palm wind and gold.

Under the legendary monster beast, these monster beasts are almost the overlord of the sky.

I'm afraid that those legendary powerhouses who broke through at the beginning, if they encounter such monsters, they have to retreat.

Especially if you fight at high altitude, you are more likely to lose to this monster.

However, Palace Master Jinpeng himself had only a peerless 9992 cultivation base, and even if the martial spirit was powerful, there was only a certain increase.

Compared with the real peerless Jinpeng, it is far from it.


Xiao Yi shot it out with a palm.

The two claws of Palace Lord Jinpeng slammed against Xiao Yi's hands, making a loud noise.

Xiao Yi stepped back slightly.

Palace Master Jinpeng remained motionless, obviously gaining the upper hand, but it was obviously impossible to retreat Xiao Yi.

But Palace Master Jinpeng, obviously had already expected it.

"Jinpeng Feathers."

The two claws of Palace Lord Jinpeng seem to blast against Xiao Yi's hands, but in fact, they firmly clasped Xiao Yi's hands.

Behind the Lord Jinpeng, a pair of golden wings suddenly gathered.

Under the wings, the golden light skyrocketed, and countless golden feathers shot out like ten thousand arrows.

"I had expected you to have this hand long ago." Xiao Yi sneered.

As he knew what the peerless Jinpeng was, he naturally knew what means this martial soul gave.

No matter if the Lord Jinpeng's double claws were snapped out, or the golden light wings were shot out, Xiao Yi had long expected it.

In the eyes of Palace Master Jinpeng, he clasped Xiao Yi's hands, and Xiao Yi could not resist these golden light wings.

As everyone knows, when the Lord Jinpeng held Xiao Yi's hands, he was already under Xiao Yi's calculation.

锵... 锵... 锵...

The wings of the peerless Jinpeng are gathered by the Lord Jinpeng.

The golden feathers are as sharp as a thousand arrows.

However, the expected Xiao Yi was pierced by countless golden lights and did not appear.

On the contrary, golden feathers hit Xiao Yi's body, punching countless black holes in that black robe, and then made a crisp sound like golden and iron fighting.

Xiao Yi's poisonous body is as hard as ever.

"Black robe, you have no hands to resist. I see how long your body can withstand my Jinpeng feathers." Palace Master Jinpeng sneered triumphantly.

Xiao Yi also sneered.

Those golden feathers can't hurt him for the time being, but they can make him suffer severely.

However, he only needs to endure for a while.

A few seconds later.

On Xiao Yi's hands, a wisp of dying poison erupted instantly.

"Ten thousand poisonous hands." Xiao Yi shouted violently.

He has been brewing this evil hand for a long time.

Although the Tome of Ten Thousand Poisons is strong, he is only at the seventh level of the Holy Emperor Realm.

No matter how strong the increase is, he is in the sky, and he is only capable of martial arts, so it is absolutely impossible to be the opponent of Jinpeng Palace Master, a peerless powerhouse.

So he needs to calculate.

And, if you don't make a move, you must kill with one blow.

Palace Master Jinpeng clasped his hands, so why not he clasped the claws of Palace Master Jinpeng.


A wave of deadly poison, carrying a wave of poisonous evil, broke out in an instant.

Palace Master Jinpeng, his face suddenly changed, "What's going on, my life..."

Palace Master Jinpeng clearly felt that his vitality was fading fast.

If he continues like this, his life will be exhausted and he will die.

On both paws, a wave of surprisingly severe poison was continuously introduced into his body.

Palace Lord Jinpeng's face was already dark.

"Not good." Palace Master Jinpeng quickly stopped.

"What a weird method."

However, if he wants to stop, it depends on whether Xiao Yi is willing or not.

"Let go." Palace Master Jinpeng shouted violently, his body's vitality exploded forcibly.

Peerless cultivation base broke out with full force, forcibly shaking Xiao Yi's hands apart.

Peerless cultivation base, as well as the astonishing poison of Ten Thousand Poisonous Hand, burst out at this moment.


Sixth more. (burst)

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