Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1877: The strong in the halls come together

With that hoarse indifferent voice fell.

Xiao Yi stepped on his feet and drifted away.

The golden Dapeng under his feet headed straight for the Lord Jinpeng.

Seeing the monstrous golden light, coming quickly, the face of Palace Lord Jinpeng changed drastically.

"How is it possible? This is the ultimate control method of the Jinpeng Grand Formation, even the old man hasn't controlled it..."

The words of Palace Master Jinpeng could not be finished.

Because he has been swallowed by the golden light of the golden roc.

Xiao Yi was already out of the range of Jinpeng's large array.

It was also at this moment that the entire Jinpeng Formation blew itself up, and golden light emerged from it, terrifying.

At that moment, it seemed that the whole world was shining with golden light.

No one's eyes could look directly at this golden light.

After the golden light dissipated, everything returned to normal, leaving only the broken corpse of Palace Lord Jinpeng.

In the distance, a black streamer drifted away.

On the spot, there was only a hoarse and cold word.

"Dongyan Palace Lord, I will write down this matter for now."

"If there is a message from the eastern region afterwards, it proves that it is indeed the Golden Iron Holy Emperor who trapped the Black Demon and violated the temple rules."

"You are ignoring the temple rules and want to kill the robe."

"Your life, I, Xiao Xun, personally come back to take it."

The Lord of Dongyan Palace shuddered unconsciously when he heard the cold words.



After Xiao Yi stayed away, he did not leave the East Yan area.

Although his current injury is not fatal, he is also seriously injured.

Looking for a remote place casually, Xiao Yi sat down cross-legged and began to heal.

For a whole day and night, Xiao Yi stabilized his injury.

Whoosh... Xiao Yi Yukong flew up.

Not long afterwards, it left the Dongyan area.

The remaining injuries in the body can be recovered slowly while walking.

A day later, Xiao Yi left the boundary.

Today, it has stepped into the middle area.

After passing through the central area, it is the area of ​​the Eighteen Houses.

In the central area, there is no place worthy of his stay.

Therefore, Xiao Yi never stopped and only flew all the way.

A few days later, Xiao Yi crossed all the way.

On the way, he encountered only a few monster beasts worth stopping and killing.

Five days later.

Xiao Yi has already crossed the Tianzang area.

Xiao Yi was flying, but also thinking about the book of poisons.

It's boring to go on the road, thinking about cultivation.

There are still many unproven theories in the Poison Book; in addition, some poison methods are also recorded on it.

But with these methods, Xiao Yi didn't know whether to practice.

After all, this was all thought of by the Poison Emperor himself.

"I forgot." Xiao Yi seemed to think of something.

A light flashed in his hand and he took out a universe ring.

This is the Universe Ring that was taken from him after the Lord Jinpeng was killed.

Xiao Yi hurried away to heal his injuries before, but he hadn't even looked at the contents.

After some perception, Xiao Yi was slightly disappointed.

Inside, there are no poisonous cultivation objects.

However, there are quite a few things for normal cultivation, as well as some formation books, some spiritual stones and the like.

"It's useless, forget it." Xiao Yi shook his head and took back the Qiankun Ring.

Just at this time.


In front, a figure appeared out of thin air, blocking the way.

"Black Robe, the old man is waiting for you." The old man gritted his teeth and looked at Xiao Yi with extremely unkind eyes.

"Are you?" Xiao Yi frowned.

"Stop talking nonsense, and roll off the old man." The old man shouted violently.

Before Xiao Yi could react, his face changed drastically.

A weird force immediately added.

The figure was blown down instantly.


A huge hole was blasted out of the ground.

"Cough cough." Xiao Yi coughed a few times, dispelling the dust around him.

"Soul power?" Xiao Yi reacted instantly.

The power that suddenly added him just now and blasted him down strangely was spirit power.


Around, silhouettes jumped out, immediately surrounding Xiao Yi.

"The Lord of the Golden Soul of Lao took down this murderer." The martial artists around him arched their hands towards the old man in the sky.

"Golden Soul Palace Master?" Xiao Yi squinted his eyes when he heard the words.

He had never heard of this guy's name.

But looking at his costume, it should be the main hall master of the soul hall.

Xiao Yi looked around his eyes.

Here, inside the big city, behind him is the main hall of the Black Demon Hall.

Whoosh... the old man high in the sky, the Lord of the Golden Soul, fell down instantly.

"Black Robe, your crime is horrendous, this time Huangquan has nowhere to come, and today is your death date."

Xiao Yi straightened his robe, patted the dust on his body, and said indifferently, "Several people, why not speak clearly first."

Xiao Yi asked, but in fact, he had guessed a little.

"Do you want to ask knowingly?" Among the martial artists surrounded, one yelled.

"First killed the Golden Iron Holy Emperor in the eastern area, and then went to the East Yan area to commit an attack, destroying a main hall, and killing all the sub-hall masters, deacons and law enforcement teams inside."

"Even one of the main hall masters of our Alliance Hall Tianji Hall, Palace Master Jinpeng, died in your hands."

"Xiao Xun, my Black Demon Temple is out of your scum?"

While they were speaking, an old man walked out of the main hall of the Black Demon Hall behind him, and the sub-temple masters and law enforcement teams in Black Demon Hall costumes walked out one by one.

Joined the encirclement.

At this moment, there are more than a hundred people surrounding Xiao Yi.

"Hallmaster of the Golden Soul, please help me this time to clean up this scum for my Black Demon Hall." The old man who had just walked out of the main hall arched his hand towards the master of the Golden Soul.

"It's nothing more." The Lord of the Golden Soul Hall arched his hands and replied with a salute.

"I wait, and have known the Holy Emperor Jintie and Palace Master Jinpeng for many years."

"Now he two died tragically in the hands of this Xiao Xun evil thief. No, this monster is going to walk the way for the sky and avenge his friends. It should be."

"Sure enough, it's the matter of the Emperor of Gold and Iron." Xiao Yi sneered.

The people in the Black Demon Temple, although all have perverted personalities, do their own way.

But there are many friends in private.

"One is the person in charge of the main hall of the Black Demon Hall; the other is the main hall of the Soul Hall."

"What about you?"

Xiao Yi's gaze scanned the surrounding martial artists.

"When death is imminent, do you have to ask more?" The martial artist around him coldly rebuked.

Xiao Yi shrugged, "You don't have to answer, I just ask casually."

"You are going to die anyway, do you die without leaving a name?"

"You..." The warriors around him looked furious.

"Okay, very good, really brave black-robed Xiao Xun."

"Then I will tell you."

"In the Xiashunhuo region, the deputy head of the Black Demon Hall, Zhang Lin."

"I'm the deacon of the Tianji Temple in Shunhuo Region, Liu Feng."

"Dongyan area, deputy head of the Tianji Hall, Chen Yue."

"Dongliao region, deputy head of the Black Demon Hall, Ouyang Yue."

"Zhongyun region, the deacon of the soul hall, the soul is extraordinary."

"Luohe area, deputy head of the Black Demon Hall, Li Zheng."


One by one the names fell.

They were all eight temple warriors, at least with the title of chief deacon or above.

"The last question." Xiao Yi interrupted the chattering self-registration number.

"You have to do the same as the Jinpeng Palace Master, to avenge your personal revenge, do not hesitate to ignore the Eight Palace Rules?"

"Wrong." A loud shout came out in the encirclement.

"We are going to get rid of you, the scum of the Black Demon Temple, and avenge our friends."

"You are not a pity to die, such a criminal thief."


Eighth more. (burst)

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