Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1879: Soul pill

It is not so much that Xiao Yi killed the Lord of the Golden Soul Palace.

Rather, it was the Palace Master of the Golden Soul, who died under his own soul power.

The feeling at that moment just now, Xiao Yi remembered, seemed to be similar to the spirit power storm he received the last blow when he was in the tomb of the ancient emperor.

Although all the soul power that came in for some reason disappeared suddenly.

But this is not the time to think about this.

Xiao Yi glanced at the distance, and the Lord of the Golden Soul was already dead.

On the face, there was incredible and unbelievable eyes.

Xiao Yi ignored it for the time being, and looked at the deputy hall masters and deacons around him.

"Here you are." Xiao Yi grinned.

"You..." The faces of everyone around them changed drastically.

In their eyes, the Lord of the Golden Soul Palace died extremely strangely.

"You, you, are also a soul master..."

Looking at the situation just now, it seemed that Xiao Xun used Soul Master means to kill the Golden Soul Palace Master.

"Heh." Xiao Yi only let out a grinning grin.

The figure moved.

"You, you, don't mess around." A deputy hall master trembled.

"This is outside the main hall of the Black Demon Hall, do you dare to attack openly?"

"No, no... yes." The other chief deacon stretched out his hand tremblingly.

"Do you know what the consequences will be if we kill us all?"

"Xiao Xun, I advise you to catch it by yourself, otherwise..."

"If you dare to kill us..." The other deputy hall master apparently brought some incoherent words in panic.

"Why don't you dare?" Xiao Yi's grin broke out.


The figure flashed, and a warrior turned into a corpse.


The figure flashed again, and a chief deacon turned into a pool of black water.

"Don't say killing you all." Xiao Yi's hands are poisonous.

"If the Black Demon Palace is really so unbearable, so smoky, I don't mind killing it clean."

The voice fell.

Waiting for the warriors around is just pure massacre.

Xiao Yi is not soft.

If you want to kill him, then be prepared to be killed by him.

No matter who it is.

In just a few minutes, this massacre ended.

Outside the main hall of the Hall of Dark Demon, there are already corpses everywhere.

A corpse, a decayed corpse, and a corpse with a terrifying face were all around.

Xiao Yi waved a big hand and took the ring from the world around him.

In the next second, Yukong flew away without a pause for half a minute.

In the distance, there are local warriors watching.

They are not the besieging people, but the warriors, or demon hunters, or family warriors of this area.

They even had some reaction.

They seemed to have watched a **** feast of slaughter.

They, I am afraid that they will never forget today in their entire lives. That large black robe figure cleanly killed the main hall master, deputy hall master, and chief deacon of the black demon hall, heavenly machine hall, and soul hall. Clean.


Xiao Yi flew away in the air.

Looking for a remote place, Xiao Yi started cross-knee healing again.

Being oppressed by the spirit power of the Palace Master of the Golden Soul, his spirit was fine, but his body was directly tied into serious injuries.

Xiao Yi shook his head, secretly helpless.

He just wanted to attend the wedding of that kid Ye Liu, and by the way go to the Eighteenth House to experience it.

But how could this road forward suddenly become the road of killing?

It became so difficult, so troublesome.

"Hey." Xiao Yi sighed.

This time, a whole number of days later, he stabilized his injury.

The Golden Soul Bound Devil Ring is a well-known soul ability in the Soul Palace, with amazing power.

His body, under such constraints, almost collapsed again.

"Huh." Xiao Yishen exhaled and took out the Golden Soul Palace Master's Universe Ring.

This time, he should first look at what's inside.

If he could have a few spirit abilities and the like, or he could increase his strength even more.

Xiao Yi felt passing by.

After he retracted his perception, his eyes condensed suddenly, as if he was thinking about something.

"Soul Pill?" After a long while, Xiao Yi uttered two words.

In the hand, the light flickered, and a bottle of pill, appeared out of thin air.

"Ten bottles, tusk." Xiao Yi smiled.

"With these soul pills, it's time to try that thing..."

Xiao Yi's laughter was somewhat meaningful.


The figure flashed and flew again in the air.

At most, he will reach the area of ​​the Eighteenth House in about 7 days.

Hope, in this line, don't have so much trouble.

Xiao Yi thought to himself.

However, the facts are always beyond his expectations.

Only a few days later, behind Xiao Yi, a streamer hurriedly followed.

It was a black streamer.

The speed of the streamer is far beyond Xiao Yi's imagination.

Strands of sharp aura came from far away.

"Sword repair?" Xiao Yi frowned slightly.

"What a strong sword."

In the distance, the streamer that came after him had not yet arrived, and in front of Xiao Yi, there was already a black giant sword blocking the way.

Xiao Yi's figure was instantly stopped.

In front, a figure stood with a sword.

That's just a middle-aged person.

However, Xiao Yi was able to determine in an instant that this person was much better than Palace Master Jinpeng and Palace Master Golden Soul.

"Black Robe Xiao Xun, is it?" The middle-aged man's tone was neither joy nor sadness.

"It's me." Xiao Yi felt helpless.

"Do you end it yourself, or should I give you a ride?" The middle-aged man's words were simple and concise.

"Huh." Xiao Yishen exhaled, "It's not over yet."

"If I didn't guess wrong, you are Jingzhe Sword, Palace Master Jingzhe."

Inside the Black Demon Hall, there is a Shock Sting Hall Master, who is very famous.

This person is the main hall master on the eastern side.

Cultivation base, reaching a peerless 9998 Dao.

In terms of kendo strength, this person is in the east, second only to the Aodong Building.

Xiao Yi naturally knew this kind of sword repairman whose strength was close to the peak of peerlessness, and he knew it better, and recognized it at a glance.

"Now that I know who I am." Shocked Hall Master's voice turned cold, "That should also be known, this time, you can't escape."

"Under absolute strength, no matter what you can do, you can't escape."

Xiao Yi shook his head, "In the past, I thought that people like your Jingzhejian should not be the kind of indiscriminate person."

"It seems that I was wrong."

"Green, red and white?" Jingzhejian shook his head.

"I only know that you killed a large number of warriors in my Black Demon Hall, including the deputy hall master and chief deacon."

"In the other two alliance halls, a large number of warriors died in your hands."

"This is a fact."

"Then what?" Xiao Yi asked in a hurry.

Jingzhejian said coldly, "A hundred years ago, I owed Palace Master Golden Soul a life."

"Do it yourself, hurry up."

"I don't want to smear my sword."

"Heh." Xiao Yi shook his head and smiled.

"Dirty? I am also a little lucky, my Xiao Yi cannot use kendo today, otherwise, my Zidian will be dirty."

"Xiao Yi?" Jingzhe Jian was taken aback.

Xiao Yi shook his head, "Why do you have to find death by yourself."

"To be honest, I really hate being stopped by people on the way. That would be very annoying."

The voice fell.

Pieces of soul pill appeared out of thin air in Xiao Yi's hand, and then swallowed it.

"The ice storm eats the soul."

In the world, there are only these four cold characters.


Tenth more. (burst)

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