Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1887: The first arrogant of the dark palace

Rumor has it that in the world, there is a kind of black luan who can make poison.

No one knows how this black luan was born.

All I know is that the place where this kind of black luan was born, there must be black luan root tree growing in it, and only this one.

Xiao Yi had never seen this kind of black luan, and he knew nothing about it.

As far as he knew, in the legend, there was also a magic moon sky luan, which belonged to the legendary monster beast like this black luan, extremely fierce and powerful.

Huanyue Tianluan is a fire monster.

It can transform into a cold light, and the fire of a magic moon is an extremely rare fire monster.

Black Luan is a poisonous monster.

A body, extremely poisonous, even no less than a wild beast like the Wild Shadow Spider.

The poisonous power contained in the Black Luan Yan Daomu is equally astonishing.

Xiao Yi pondered for a while, squinted his eyes, and retracted his gaze from the black Luan Daomu.


The figure flickered, then flickered forward.

Along the way, there is no shortage of all kinds of rare poisonous materials.

Many of them are rare things that Xiao Yi has never seen before and only heard of their names.

Here, it is simply a poisonous secret realm.

This treasure land is even much stronger than the heaven hidden secret realm.

As he kept moving forward, Xiao Yi increasingly discovered that the poisonous aura here was more terrifying than he had imagined.

This is a secret realm of Poison Dao, but at the same time, it is also a terrifyingly poisonous forest.

Fortunately, his present body of all poisons is invincible.

Otherwise, Xiao Yi believed that even if his previous peak strength was here, he was afraid that he would be disturbed by the poisonous atmosphere here.

An hour later.

Xiao Yi stopped at the center of the secret realm.

Although these treasures of heaven, material and earth are poisonous, they are also treasures of heaven and earth.

With Xiao Yi's skill as a pharmacist, he is naturally extremely proficient in the pursuit of the treasures of heaven and earth.

Now, what he is looking at is the number one treasure in this secret realm.

This is an hour that he has come, constantly flashing, and constantly wandering in this highly poisonous secret realm. What he has discovered is the strongest and richest breath, the most amazing thing.

In front of him was a Zhu Guo.

The breath of the whole vermilion fruit is almost connected to the breath of the entire secret realm.

Xiao Yi's gaze was overwhelmed with shock.

"Ten thousand poisonous fruit, heaven and earth, the first poisonous sacred fruit." Xiao Yi muttered to himself incredulously.

Ten thousand kinds of poisonous fruit, containing ten thousand kinds of poisonous, restraining ten thousand kinds of poisonous ways of heaven and earth.

As long as it can withstand its toxicity, even ordinary people can step into the legend in an instant.

The name of the first poisonous sacred fruit is by no means false.

To swallow it, you don't even have to go to martial arts.

Within Zhu Guo, he contains the world's poisonous way, and in an instant, the warrior can control thousands of poisonous ways and possess thousands of highly poisonous skills.

Of course, its toxicity is also quite terrifying.

If Xiao Yi remembered correctly, he had read the record once at the main hall of Yaozun Hall.

About a million years ago, a legendary pharmacist in the Yaozun Palace was fortunate enough to obtain a fruit of ten thousand poisons.

But even he, after swallowing the ten thousand poisonous fruit, only persisted for an hour, the poison broke out and fell.

No matter how amazing the legendary pharmacist is, he has even prepared a large number of legendary detoxification pills.

In the end, it was still lost to this poisonous fruit.

In the rumors, the fruit of all kinds of poisons and all paths is the first poisonous fruit of the world and the first evil fruit.

Although the effect is amazing.

However, no one can bear its poison.

So it is evil fruit.

"Evil fruit?" Xiao Yi's heart shuddered.

The year of observing this poisonous fruit is at least one million years old.

Xiao Yi didn't know whether he could bear the poison of this poisonous fruit.

But he has confidence in his own body of poison.

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes and stretched out his hand cautiously, intending to pick off the poisonous fruit.

But at this time.


A black shadow came through the air.

The speed of the black shadow is extremely fast, and it is obvious that he is nearby, but Xiao Yi hasn't noticed it until now that the figure jumped out of it.


Xiao Yi's reaction was extremely quick, and he could hardly bend down.

Almost as soon as he leaned down, a black shadow flashed past his back.


The astonishing sound of breaking through the air and the sharp feeling of piercing from the back shocked Xiao Yi.

When Xiao Yi looked at the leaping figure, there was a lingering fear at first, then his brow frowned.

It was a person, his hands claws.

If Xiao Yi hadn't been fast enough just now, this person's claws might have cut his throat.

And the reason that made Xiao Yi frowned was his appearance.

This person is just a young man, probably not much older than Xiao Yi.

But this person is ragged and disheveled.

The most important thing is that there is a circle around this person's neck, and the limbs are bound by chains.

"The black demon locks the demon chain?" Xiao Yi frowned tighter.

This is not so much a person, but rather a monster beast in captivity.

"The poisonous fruit is mine." The hoarse words came out from the population, and the tone was abnormally bloodthirsty.

"Are you?" Xiao Yi asked with a frown.

That person, silent.

But on his body, a very poisonous atmosphere broke out.

On both hands, the black air was awe-inspiring, and his fingers were sharp and black.

Obviously, this is a poisonous warrior.

"Peerless 9992 cultivation base." After Xiao Yi saw through this person's cultivation base, he already had a guess in his mind.


At this moment, that person had already attacked instantly.

Both claws caught Xiao Yi's throat straight.

Boom... Xiao Yi's body also burst out with a highly poisonous atmosphere.

Xiao Yi grabbed the claws of the incoming person, and the poisonous hand broke out in an instant.

The poisonous aura in that person's hand instantly dropped at an extremely fast speed.

"Huh? Absorb my gas?" The man was obviously surprised.

Xiao Yi sneered.

With his current strength, it is extremely difficult to fight the peerless 9992 Dao warriors.

However, if he changes to another martial artist, he may still be afraid of three points.

Poisonous Taoist martial artist, but this is not the case.

"Humph." The man snorted coldly, intending to suppress Xiao Yi with his whole body cultivation.

But at this time.

"Soul Nian Jue." Xiao Yi shouted in his heart.


The man felt his mind trembled, and he was confused in a moment.

When he reacted, the poisonous aura on his body had dissipated.

Xiao Yi's hand had already clasped his throat.

Although he was only unconscious for a moment, it was enough to do a lot of things for a moment when fighting at such close range and the gap between the two sides was not too great.

"It's best not to move, otherwise, I can squeeze your throat with one thought." Xiao Yi said coldly.

The man squinted his eyes and didn't move any more.

Upon seeing this, Xiao Yi withdrew his hand.

"If I guessed correctly, you are the Black Demon Palace Tianjiao, Fang Fang." Xiao Yi said in a deep voice.

Fang, the first arrogant of the Black Demon Palace.

In the Eight Dian Tianjiao, this person is as famous as Hua Ruo Lian, First Yun and others.

Looking at this person's age, cultivation level, and being in the secret territory of the main hall of the Black Demon Hall, Xiao Yi could guess his identity.

But according to rumors, this person suddenly disappeared a few years ago and disappeared for a while.

Now it seems that it has not disappeared, but has entered this poisonous secret realm.

The person's real name, unknown, only knows, is a lunatic.

Similar to the first cloud, he was a Badian Warrior who wandered wildly in various dangerous places, with a mission completion rate close to 100%.

It was also because of this that Xiao Yi suddenly stopped at this moment instead of killing him.


Second more.

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