Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1893: Inevitable

The Black Demon Region.

A figure in a black robe flew quickly on the way.

The black robe figure is Xiao Yi.

Like the other temples, the area where the Black Demon Temple is located is also a single area.

The eight halls of the ancient times and the place where the main halls are located are all a huge area. There are no sect forces in the surrounding areas.

To show the detachment of the Eight Palaces.

It also represents the iron rule that the Eight Palaces will never interfere in the disputes of the major forces.

At this moment, Xiao Yi, after leaving the Black Demon's main hall, did not intend to stay longer in the Black Demon area.

He was originally going to Ye Sheng Mansion to attend Ye Liu's wedding banquet, and incidentally, he was also practicing there.

Now the conditions given by Senior Luo are also a treasure in the dangerous land of the Eighteenth Mansion.

Today, rushing to the area of ​​the Eighteen Houses is killing two birds with one stone.


Ten minutes later, Xiao Yi left the Dark Devil region.

After roughly flying for a while, Xiao Yi fell from a high altitude.

Before rushing, he planned to practice for a while.

Cultivation, return to peerless level.

Now, it is necessary to be stable first.

In the past, if he was walking outside, he happened to have martial arts insights near the main halls and branch halls, or if he wanted to retreat, he would usually choose to do it directly in the retreat rooms of these main halls and branch halls.

In this world, no place is safer than the Eight Palaces.

But this time, Xiao Yi did not choose to retreat in the main hall of the Black Demon Palace.

To be precise, the main hall of the Black Demon Palace, he didn't want to stay longer.

It's not another problem, but he feels unsafe near Senior Luo.

Senior Luo was the most difficult and troublesome of all the old guys he encountered.

In the domineering, moody and unpredictable.

The most terrible thing is that Xiao Yi knows that Senior Luo is extremely intent on killing him.

At the beginning, outside the sword emperor stele, Xiao Yi really felt that at that moment, Senior Luo really planned to kill.

Only at that time he handed over the origin of the sword emperor in time, and Senior Luo had no excuse to kill him.

But this time, thanks to his face changed drastically and his breath disappeared, he escaped.

God knows how much pressure he has been under during the short period of time in the main hall of the Black Demon Hall.

Since he saw Senior Luo, he has been vigilant with a deep shock.

That feeling is tantamount to walking a tightrope above the tip of a knife.

Even if he showed some clues, he couldn't hide Senior Luo's eyes.

Once Senior Luo has determined these clues, and if you look closely, you will know that he is Xiao Yi.

At that time, he would definitely die.

Therefore, Xiao Yi chose to leave the main hall of the Black Demon Palace first.

Until this moment, when he was out of the Black Demon region, his heart was really letting go.

If it is not necessary, Xiao Yi does not intend to have any intersection with Senior Luo, at least until he has enough strength, this is a more wise choice.

Seeking a tiger's skin is absolutely extremely dangerous.

Entering the main hall of the Black Demon Hall by oneself means that the sheep enter the tiger's mouth.

Moreover, Senior Luo is definitely ten thousand times more ferocious than Tiger.

However, he was really greedy for that toxic fruit.

That ten thousand poisonous fruit is definitely enough to make him return to his peerless peak and his strength soars.

Even, step into the legend.

Once the cultivation base stepped into the legend, coupled with his various means and hole cards, six months later, the appointment with the Holy Moon Sect, he was more confident.

No, it's not half a year now, only more than May.

Moreover, this time going to the Holy Moon Sect, he not only has to go to the appointment, but he also has to take people.

"I'm sure to get this fruit of all kinds of poisons and all paths." Xiao Yi's eyes narrowed.

Originally, even after he came out of the tomb of the ancient emperor before, his cultivation reached a peerless peak.

However, he is still unsure of entering the legend.

For half a year, want to bridge the terrifying gap between the peerless pinnacle and the legendary realm? That is almost a fantasy.

But now, with this poisonous fruit, he was sure.

From this point of view, his face was completely ruined this time, he was reduced to a monster, and he repaired a poisonous path, which may not be a good thing.

Xiao Yi thought jokingly.

After thinking about it, I sat down cross-legged and started practicing.

This practice will not take too much time, at most a few hours.

After all, he just wanted to stabilize the cultivation base of Peerless Realm.

"Huh." Xiao Yi took a deep breath.

As he breathed out and breathed out, traces of poisonous gas escaped from his body.

Poisonous gas, winding and winding, becomes mysterious on its own.

It seems to be extremely poisonous and terrifying, but in fact, it perfectly fits the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth.

A few hours passed in a flash.

"Huh." Xiao Yi took a deep breath again, ending his practice.

He glanced inwardly at the "Poison Realm" in his body, and the virulence in it became more pure and powerful.

"Peerless virulence, it really exists." A hint of joy flashed in Xiao Yi's eyes.

Just like a normal warrior stepping into the realm of peerless power, Yuan Li will rise to Peerless Yuan Li, which is thicker, more surging, and stronger.

After cultivating the Book of Ten Thousand Poisons and stepping into the realm of peerlessness, the virulence has also risen to be peerless.

The Poison Code is just a theoretical technique developed by the Poison Emperor himself in retreat for hundreds of years.

Most of the theories are unproven.

Just like this peerless poison.

The Peerless Realm is a height and level that Poison Emperor is far from reaching.

Therefore, the Poison Emperor didn't even know Peerless Yuanli or Peerless Toxicity, but he only gave an extremely vague cultivation method.

The real cultivator and verifier is Xiao Yi.

And Xiao Yi naturally saw the scenery in the realm of peerlessness after cultivating the Poisonous Book.

"Peerless toxicity." Xiao Yi clenched his fists and stood up.

The virulence is stronger than Yuanli.

Peerless virulence is more powerful than the peerless power of a normal peerless powerhouse.

Based on this alone, Xiao Yi has a strength far beyond the normal and peerless realm.

If you encounter Jin Peng and other peerless 9992 level powerhouses now, I'm afraid Xiao Yi can kill him with a single palm.


Xiao Yi Yukong flew up, ended this short period of cultivation, and hurried again.

The area of ​​the Black Demon is far away from the area of ​​the Eighteen Houses.

If Bai Changtian hadn't suddenly taken him back to the main hall from the edge of the central area before, he would have been in the area of ​​the Eighteenth House this morning.

Nowadays, it's the same as starting from the beginning, and the journey is much further than before.

But of course, his current strength has returned to peerless, and his speed on the road is far better than before.

Before, it would only take more than half a month to rush from the eastern area to the area of ​​the Eighteen Houses, or even a little longer.

But now, even though he started from a farther Black Demon region, with the speed of Peerless Realm erupting, Xiao Yi could step into the region of the Eighteen Houses in at most 10 days.


Ten days later.

Xiao Yi stepped across the previous area, his figure floating high in the sky, smiling, "Ye Sheng area, here."

"Huh?" At this moment, a lightning flashed past in the other direction.

Within the thunder and lightning, there was a soft sound.

"Huh? Xie Xiu? So courageous." With a cold drink, a mad dragon thunder spear rushed forward.

The cold shout, mixed in the roaring thunder and lightning, seemed to burst the sky.

Xiao Yi frowned slightly.

How come this voice sounds familiar?


Second more.

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