Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1918: I noted you

Two figures, watching from a distance.

"Chuck." The blue figure covered his mouth and smiled.

The harmless smile of humans and animals, coupled with that stunning posture, makes people look very comfortable, even a burst of heart.

However, this smile was seen in the eyes of the black robe figure on the side, but his pupils shrank and his body trembled.

The two figures are self-contained cold and poisonous robe.

"How." After a long while, Shui Ninghan chuckled lightly and spit out two words.

The poison robe stared into the distance.

The battle between Xiao Yi and Murong Lingyun was extremely intense.

Below the poison world, that piece of highly poisonous land, seems to be under his absolute realm.

When the figure flickered, the poisonous fog followed, and it was as poisonous as a river.

Murong Lingyun's seven kills swordsmanship is also not weak, it is unpredictable and unpredictable when shot, and it has an inexplicable sense of mysteriousness.

"Genius." After a long while, the poison robe spit out two words.

"Genius." Poison robe said solemnly, "This Xiao Xun is simply a poison genius."

"Just inhaling the poisonous poison in the wild shadow spider, I took control of the wild poison."

"Even, even my body reflects Ten Thousand Poisons in an instant."

"This person's poisonous talent is far beyond description for fear of enchanting."

"Oh?" Shui Ninghan smiled.

"Dignified Poison Robe, the fearsome Poison Dao powerhouse in the Central Territory, can give such a high evaluation."

Hearing that sweet smile, Poison robe twitched his face and said in a deep voice, "Perhaps, it won't be long before I even have the qualifications to evaluate this son."

"According to the intelligence, more than a month ago, he was still fighting hard against the level of Palace Master Jinpeng."

"Now, you can directly suppress the evildoers like Murong Lingyun."

"The speed of growth is terrifying."

"Yeah." Shui Ninghan nodded this time, smiling as if he didn't mean it.

"Originally, when Xuebo came to report this person to me, I was a little bit unconcerned."

"It wasn't until a few days ago that he slaughtered Xie Xiu frantically that I had to take it seriously."

"This peerless evildoer tends to eat soft but not hard. The more hard it comes, the more revenge, the crazier he is."

"Life forced me to let the main hall of Shaking Star give him an order to temporarily stop."

Shui Ninghan said as he shook his head.

"The complete skeleton of the Desolate Shadow Spider is already on the way, and must pass through this star-shaking area."

"Originally, I calculated the time accurately, so I happened to be able to conceal this Xiao Xun from the past, lie to it, and save the difference.

"Unexpectedly, this guy went around and went back to the Shaking Star area, and he intercepted the team."

"That's right." Shui Ning's tone condensed suddenly, "There is no accident in the main hall of Shaking Star, right?"

The poison robe's face shrank, and he said, "No, after I captured the old fellow Shaking Star Palace Master, his bones were very hard."

"However, the sub-temple masters and chief deacons under him are obedient."

"The Black Demon Hall, the Hall of Shaking Star Master, under our control, no accident can happen."

"That's fine." Shui Ninghan nodded, and then narrowed his eyes. "What happened to what I told you before?"

The body of the poison robe trembled, he naturally knew that the girl Shui was talking about Yi Xiao.

"Miss Water forgive me." The poison robe knelt down on one knee.

"Na Yi Xiao, always floating around, the dragon sees the head but never ends."

"These days, there has been no trace of him, so..."

Upon hearing this, Shui Ninghan narrowed her beautiful and clear eyes.

"The successor of the Three Halls, huh."

"The authority is overwhelming, huh."

Shui Ninghan said twice, "Since you can't find anyone for the time being, just leave it alone."

"You have something else to do, leave first."

"Yes..." the poison robe frowned, "that wild shadow spider bone..."

Shun Ning interrupted with a cold voice, "Are you sure of this Xiao Xun?"

"This..." The poison robe hesitated for a moment.

"This Murong Lingyun, even me, needs to do my best to capture it."

"This Xiao Xun is just suppressing him."

"But my instinct tells me that this Xiao Xun is extremely dangerous, a bit more terrifying than I expected."

"Therefore, I am not sure about it."

"That's all right." Shuining said coldly.

The poison robe hesitated, "Girl Water, there must be a way."

"Heh." Shui Ninghan shook his head and smiled, "Go and do your thing first, the skeleton of the Wild Shadow Spider, I will retrieve it later."

"That fellow Xiao Xun just absorbed the poison in it."

"And those virulence, to you, should be useless, all you want is the bones."

"Yes." The poison robe nodded, "Thank you girl."

When the voice fell, the poison robe turned into a black mist, and it flew away in a flash.


Within a hundred miles.

The fierce battle between Xiao Yi and Murong Lingyun continued.

In fact, Xiao Yi could end the battle earlier.

However, opponents like Murong Lingyun are indeed excellent training targets.

However, ten minutes later.

Boom... Xiao Yi blasted out with a punch and took the door of Murong Lingyun.

At this moment, Murong Lingyun's momentum vanished, and he was extremely weak.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi's fist stopped abruptly.

"It seems that the Five Kills and Tianni are not a method you can master."

Seven kills kendo, Xiao Yi knew.

One of the strongest kendo.

It is at the same level as his domineering kendo, but used in combat, it is a bit stronger for the seven kills kendo.

Seven kills kendo contains seven kills.

Each one is Xeon Kendo.

Every kill is a qualitative leap.

Once the seven kills are successful, the top five in this world of sword repair will definitely have this place in Murong Lingyun.

However, this Murong Lingyun hasn't even completely controlled the five kills now, obviously it is still far away.

"Although I have not succeeded in the five kills, the way of seven kills will surely be fulfilled in the future." Murong Lingyun said with a weak aura, supporting the ground with a sword and gritted his teeth.

"I have Ling Yunzhi, dare to make the sky bend down."

"Originally I thought, outside, there is only one Mo You worthy of being compared with me. Today, there is another Xiao Xun of you."

"I took you down."

"Don't." Xiao Yi shuddered unconsciously as he listened to the ambitious words.

Just listening to this person's words and deeds, you know that this person is definitely the kind of martial idiot with a stick.

Once you are worried about it, future troubles...

"Remembering you are not an evil cultivator, I will spare your life today and say goodbye." Xiao Yi put a word down indifferently, his figure flashed, and Yukong flew away quickly.

In an instant, Xiao Yi had disappeared into the distance.

On the spot, Murong Lingyun's breath became weaker and weaker.

"Huh." Murong Lingyun took a deep breath, slowly flattening his breath.

Wusha Tianni's backlash was enough to make him completely depleted and extremely weak within half an hour.

Just about to sit down cross-legged.

Beside him, a figure suddenly appeared.

Murong Lingyun hadn't reacted yet, and felt a pain in his neck.

"I'll wipe, you attacked..." Murong Lingyun only had time to swear, his eyes turned black and he fainted and fell to the ground.


Fifth more. (burst)

Today’s update is still ten.

However, because of the large amount of updates, Xiao Ba can only be updated in the early hours of the morning.

The remaining 5 more, I am afraid it is late at night.

Everyone doesn't have to wait, Xiao Ba promises to send out 10 more, don't worry.

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