Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1940: Which bastard

The Black Demon Region.

Inside the Black Demon Hall.

The Lord of the Heavenly Mystery Palace gritted his teeth, his expression a little anxious.

The head of the soul hall has a calm expression.

Senior Luo, his face was ugly, but with an inexplicable smile.

"Which are all broken? Or are they all broken?" The head of the Soul Palace looked at Senior Luo and asked softly.

Senior Luo stroked the dawn bell next to him.

The original Weng Ming's constant dawn bell gradually calmed down.

"It's not exhausted yet, but it's almost done." Senior Luo shook his head.

"Six-star cave mansion, heaven star, seven star, shaking star, medicine star, domineering star, arrow star, all broken."

"Six Lights Cave Mansion, golden light, blood light, thunder light, water light, sword light, five broken."

"Five-day cave, sky spear, sky knife, sky evil spirit, sky cable, four broken."

"The Magic Light Cave Mansion, although it hasn't broken yet, but the ban has loosened for a few points."

"Oh?" The head of the Soul Palace, who had always had a flat face, showed a slight tinge for the first time, and there was even some expectation and surprise in his tone.

"In other words, this kid has broken fifteen in a row in Eighteen Caves."

"The Magic Light Cave Mansion should be prepared to break."

"There are only Tian Ming Cave Mansion and Ye Sheng Cave Mansion left, not broken."

"That's still going to be saved." The Lord of Heaven's Secret Hall sighed in relief.

"Eighteen Cave Mansion, Ye Sheng Cave Mansion is the heart of the battle, and cannot be taken."

"The remaining seventeen caves, although they are auxiliary formations, there are still Tianming restrictions, which can be kept temporarily."

The Lord of the Heavenly Secret Hall is the number one legendary array mage in the Central Region.

I'm afraid that even the ancient large formation in the Eighteen Cave Mansion can't compare with his mysterious methods.

"No wonder you don't seem to be in a hurry." The Palace Master Heavenly Secret, looked at Senior Luo and chuckled.

"Don't be anxious." Senior Luo shook his head.

"At the dawn bell, I had already burned the prohibition, and it was connected with the prohibition of the Eighteen Caves Mansion."

"Eighteen caves, every time a mansion is broken, the bell trembles once."

"So far, there have been 15 tremors."

"What is strange to me is how this kid did it."

Senior Luo paused, with a weird expression on his face, "Not counting the time for this kid on the road, since the first cave mansion was destroyed, it has only been more than a month."

"Especially today, thunder light, water light, sword light, Sanguang Dongfu; Sky Spear, Tiandao, Tiansuo, Tiansha, Four Tian Dongfu, almost every half an hour breaks one."

"Also a few days ago, in the Six-Star Cave Mansion, Arrow Star, Medicine Star, Shaking Star, Seven Stars, Dominant Star, five cave mansions, it was almost half an hour before one was broken."

Just at this moment, the Changtian Wine Demon pushed in, holding a stack of files in his hand.

"Master, this is the information of the kid you want these days." The long sky wine demon put the file on the table.

"Oh?" The Master of Heaven's Secret Hall smiled, looked at Senior Luo, and said, "It seems that you are quite concerned about this kid and have been paying attention."

On the side of the long sky wine demon just about to leave, he chuckled, "It's not the master's heart."

"It's just that a few days ago, the master meditated into concentration. Every time he entered concentration, the bell would tremble at the breaking of dawn, awakening him from concentration."

"Once every half an hour, Master is so annoying..."

"Huh?" Senior Luo glanced at Changtian Brewer.

Changtian Brewer quickly closed his mouth and turned and left.

The three went to the table, picked up the file, and glanced at it.

"This kid, still has the mind to clean up the evil repairs?" The Lord of the Heavenly Mystery Palace exclaimed in surprise.

The head of the Soul Palace put down the dossier, his smile on his face became more obvious.

"This means that if the kid puts all his thoughts on the eighteen caves, the time to break through these 15 caves will be shorter, or even more than half."

"Great, no, great."

Senior Luo at this time, said nothing.

"What?" the head of the soul hall asked.

Senior Luo's expression returned to his former indifference, "I'm wondering, that kid, if anyone behind him is helping him."

"Wutian Dongfu can't pass, that is the place to really test the strength."

"Although the difficulty of Wutian Dongfu is weaker than that of the other 13 Dongfu, at least 30,000 Dao strength is needed to break it."

"The strength of that kid is far from enough, unless..."

"Someone will help him." At the last sentence, Senior Luo's eyes suddenly cold.

The head of the Soul Palace frowned upon hearing this.

The Lord of the Heavenly Secret Hall thought for a moment, and said in a deep voice, "Five Heavens Cave Mansion, it is still possible for others to help."

"But the Six-Star Cave Mansion is absolutely impossible."

"Six-Star Cave Mansion, all must break the big formation; those ancient big formations, even if the wonderful flowers under my sect are gone, it is almost impossible to break them."

"Not bad." The head of the Soul Palace nodded.

"Shuiguang, Leiguang, and Jianguang have spirits in them, and they have long been attacked by evil forces."

"Except for the eight of us, few can handle it."

"That kid, can actually subdue them..." the head of the soul hall said as he narrowed his eyes.

"There is also the Magic Light Cave Mansion, that is the most unlikely accident of the Eighteen Cave Mansion."

"Then boy, why do you shake it a bit, even let the restraint weaken it?"

Obviously, you can notice that the tone of the head of the Soul Palace has become more solemn.

But in the plain eyes, a hint of surprise and solemnity flashed, "Unless that kid..."

Senior Luo interrupted indifferently, "What the **** is going on, I'll know everything when the kid comes back."

"In any case, get people back first." The head of the Soul Palace, rarely smiled.

"Also, it seems we are going to move faster."

"We can also find that the Eighteen Cave Mansion is wrong, the old man hunter and the old man Shura should already know about it."

Senior Luo sneered, "The Hunter and Shura are the most enthusiastic."

When talking about the word ‘enthusiastic’, Senior Luo was obviously disdainful.

"Even if the Eighteen Cave Mansion matter is stabbed to the ground, they will go to the aftermath."

"But, if you let them know that it was the kid who broke 15 cave mansions, they..."

"Xiao Xun will be killed on the spot." The head of the soul hall's voice was stunned.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go." The Lord of Heaven's Secret Palace snorted.


The three figures disappeared out of thin air.


The area of ​​the Eighteen Houses.

Within the blood light palace area.

The blood light is dangerous, deep, where the blood light cave mansion is located.

In the air, three figures suddenly stepped out.

It was Senior Luo and other three people.

However, before the three of them, there were already five figures standing here long ago.

It is the master of the hunting monster, the master of the Yandian, the master of the Yaozun, the master of the Shura, and the master of the wind brake.

"Oh? It's very early." The Master of Heaven's Secret, glanced at the five people and sneered.

"It's too late, what nonsense are you talking about." The main hall master Yao Zun sneered.

"You..." The Lord of Heaven's Secret Hall, his face became cold.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense." The head of the Palace Shura yelled, interrupting the quarrel between the two.

"I think everyone knows the situation of Eighteen Caves."

"Eighteen cave houses, fifteen were destroyed, and the ancient bans covering the entire area of ​​the eighteen houses were weakened by nearly 90%."

The head of the Demon Hunter nodded, "Within the fifteen cave houses, all martial arts relics have been taken away."

The head of the Yandian Palace already looked angrily, "Which **** is so idle that he hit the idea of ​​these martial arts relics."

Son of a bitch?

Senior Luo's face twitched.

The head of the soul hall still looked calm.

The Lord of the Heavenly Secret Hall pouted.

The head of the Demon Hunter, clearly caught the changes in the expressions of the three of them, with sharp eyes, glanced at the three of them, "It seems that this matter has nothing to do with you, right?"

The Lord of the Heavenly Secret Palace sneered, "Eight of us, we all know what's under the eighteen caves."

"As for the martial arts relics inside, they are strong and strong, but they are simply tasteless and useless."

"Should we make their idea?"

Upon hearing this, the main hall master of the hunter frowned slightly, but withdrew his gaze.


First more.

Update today, over.

Xiao Ba takes a day off today.

Updates owed will be made up in the middle of the month.

Sorry, everyone.

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