Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1943: Desolate

The whole group of soul power originated in front of Xiao Yi.

As before, vigorous, surging, and pure.

Even though Xiao Yi had come here to take soul power twice, but with his virulence, he couldn't cover much, so he couldn't take away much.

However, this is not too much soul power, but it has repeatedly caused him to explode the power of'ice storm soul eater', which is enough to easily kill the legendary realm.

The middle-aged man who met in the thunder light dangerous place last time, in terms of strength, is probably no less than the elder Holy Moon.

But under the Ice Storm Soul Eater, it was still just the end of a spike.

Elder Shengyue and Xiao Yi have fought against each other, so they naturally know that this level of legendary powerhouse is extremely strong.

Far stronger than moxibustion, and even more tyrannical than the fog demon of today.

However, even such a strong man who was no less than the elder of the Holy Moon was only killed in seconds under the'ice storm soul eater'.

It is conceivable that with enough soul power, the power of ice storm soul eater is terrifying.

As Venerable Ice's strongest spirit ability, this in itself is an anti-sky technique.

This group of soul power origin, Xiao Yi is determined to win.

The whole group of soul power source, without resistance in Xiao Yi's hands, easily sucked into the Eight Dragons Incinerator.

Xiao Yi had already expected this.

The phantom light is known as the most dangerous place.

The Magic Light Cave Mansion is known as the most difficult and unbreakable cave mansion.

But Xiao Yi has not found any danger in this dangerous place so far, nor has he seen how difficult this magic light cave mansion is to break.

Although I don't understand the reason, it is a good thing that the soul power source of the whole group can be obtained so easily.

"Feng." Xiao Yi shouted in a low voice.

Pieces of spiritual stones appeared out of thin air.

The Bingxuan Boundary Formation was laid down instantly.

It took a full half a day for Xiao Yi to withdraw his hand.

"Huh." Xiao Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

It took a long time and consumed a lot of spirit stones, and the icy mysterious bounding formation was strong enough.

The source of the entire group of soul power has been enclosed in the Eight Dragons Incinerator.

Xiao Yi waved his hand and retracted the Eight Dragon Burning Furnace.

The source of the whole group of soul power has been obtained, and it is time to leave now.

However, what puzzled Xiao Yi was that at the end of the other caves, there were martial arts relics.

But here is the Magic Light Cave Mansion, which is the source of soul power, and there is no martial art relic.

But in his perception, it was clear that the origin of soul power was at the same level as those martial arts relics.

If you guessed it right, it should be that the soul power is rather special.

Other powers, such as golden power and blood power, will condense into martial arts relics like ‘inner alchemy’ after reaching a certain level.

The soul power will gather the power of the source.

Xiao Yi shrugged and didn't think much about it.

He has broken fifteen caves and obtained 15 martial arts relics, enough to go back to the main hall of the Black Demon Temple in exchange for the poisonous fruit.

The soul power source has also been obtained, and his future soul master methods can be used with all his strength without hesitation.

In other words, he got another very strong hole card.

Now, you can leave.


Xiao Yi's figure flashed, leaving the Magic Light Cave Mansion.

However, as soon as I left the cave, the surrounding scene changed drastically.

Xiao Yi's pupils shrank and looked around.

Outside the magic light cave, it was originally a magic light dangerous place, but when you look at it, it is surrounded by trees and mountains.

Now, as you can see, there is actually a land of flowers around you?

Yes, flowers.

That can't be regarded as a rare natural treasure or a rare flower.

Just wild flowers that can be seen everywhere.

However, the mountains and wild flowers are densely packed, blooming all over the world.

No, more than that.

Xiao Yi saw the end at a glance. There was no end in sight of this flowery land.

Looking all the way, the flowers stretched to the far end.

Flowers, although not so beautiful.

But under so dense, it is also bright and dazzling.

Within tens of thousands of miles, it looks like a dream.


Xiao Yi's figure flashed, and Yukong flew up.

A few minutes later, Xiao Yi flew more than hundreds of thousands of miles.

But, still can't see the end of this prosperous land.

"Illusion?" Xiao Yi reacted instantly.

But outside of the Magic Light Cave Mansion, how can a illusion suddenly appear?

Xiao Yi glanced below his eyes and suddenly his pupils shrank.

Below is the place where the Magic Light Cave Mansion is located.

In other words, after flying such a long distance, he was actually standing still?

With his ability, it is only now that he realized that he had gone deep into the illusion?

"What a terrifying formation method." Xiao Yi was shocked.

Haven't reacted yet.

In the high altitude, the wind is dense.

Streaks of squally wind blowing from afar.

As the wind passed, the flowers below withered and withered instantly.

But for a moment, there was already a tens of thousands of miles of yellow sand around him, and the sky was full of wind and sand.

The yellow sand swept up.

It turned into a giant yellow sand dragon and invaded.

A sense of extreme danger rushed into my heart instantly.

Xiao Yi narrowed his eyes, "The water is freezing cold?"

He was right, such a dreamlike method was exactly the same as Shui Ninghan.

First, the large flowery land is gorgeous and dazzling.

Later, the yellow sand filled the sky, and murderous opportunities emerged.

"The mere fantasy array kills the array, and you want to trap me? A joke." Xiao Yi sneered.


The figure flashed and fell from a high altitude.

Sitting cross-legged, Xiao Yi's perception spread all over his surroundings.

For a long while.

Xiao Yi opened his eyes, and a ray of light burst out, "Break it for me."

The cold words blew up in this land of yellow sand.

In that instant, the yellow sand dissipated and the wind and sand disappeared.

"Broken." Xiao Yi grinned with a sneer.

However, after the yellow sand dissipated, what was exposed was not the sight outside the cave that Xiao Yi had expected.

But... a desolation.

With a radius of 100,000 miles, no grass grows, and the earth is dry and cracked.

An ancient and desolate breath rushed to the face.

Xiao Yi sat cross-legged on the ground, his heart terrified again.

There is nothing else in this desolate land.

At the center, he is the only one, Xiao Yi.

In this desolation, as if not feeling the passage of time.

Time, I don’t know how long has passed, and I don’t know if it stands still.

When Xiao Yi entered his eyes, there was nothing but the cracks and plummeting, desolate.

He even gradually felt that he couldn't help himself, and he was in a daze.

But he could see that his clothes were gradually becoming ragged.

The tatters are not caused by foreign objects.

But as time goes by, clothes are gradually decayed.

Xiao Yi glanced at his hands.

Although it was covered by white gloves, he could clearly feel that under the gloves, there were already a pair of old hands.

Although it is still very toxic, with sores and blood blisters.

However, the skin is obviously becoming more dry and wrinkled.

He is getting old.

Time is passing fast.

He was cross-legged, as if ten thousand years had passed.

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes, and his heart trembled suddenly, "It's such a terrible ancient formation. I can't help but feel it when I'm in the formation."

at the same time.

Outside the big formation, an old figure also showed shock.

"What a terrible mind, it reacted in a flash of light without sun array?"

"Bring it to me." Within the big formation, Xiao Yi shouted again.

With a violent shout, the surrounding desolation disappeared instantly.

Outside, the normal scene outside the cave was restored.

"Shui Ninghan, you only have these skills?" Xiao Yi sneered.

But the laughter stopped abruptly.

In front of him, there was only an old man with a small stature, but with bright eyes.

The old man smiled and his eyes were full of joy.

Xiao Yi frowned, his eyes cold, "Where did Xiaoxiao dare to be presumptuous in front of the old man?"

"Old man?" Hearing this, the old man's smile froze instantly.


Third more.

Update today, over.

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