Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1987: Shura Commander

All around, thunder flickered and everything was blocked.

Including, space.

Xiao Yi's current strength can completely kill the legend.

However, his own means and realm are far from legendary.

Therefore, he didn't know what other means of escape in these legendary realms.

This Meng Tian, ​​Concubine Yun, and the Young Patriarch of the Xu Family, each had a legendary powerhouse behind them.

If the three legendary powerhouses desperately wanted to take people away, he might not be able to stay.

In order to avoid accidents, we had to set up a sleepy formation first.


A burst of virulence broke out in Xiao Yi's hands.

The three legends hurriedly stepped forward to protect the three Young Patriarchs behind them.

"Xiao Xun." The Yun family's strong bodyguard quickly said, "I didn't know before I waited that you were the famous black-robed Xiao Xun."

"In the free building, there are many offenses, but also Wang Haihan."

"I saw you take out Tu Qianqiu's token that day, I want to come, you have a lot of relationship with him."

"I have some friendship with Tu Qianqiu. For the sake of this face, let us go once, is it feasible?"

"Xiao Xun." The Xu family's strong bodyguard also said hastily, "We Xu Yunmeng's three families are also famous in this field."

"Selling face today, in the future, the three of us will have to repay."

Behind them, Meng Tian trio sneered triumphantly, "Xiao Xun, you worldly martial artist, don't know how powerful our hidden family is?"

"Let's not know how deep our background is."

"If you have any conditions, you can mention it. The three of us must be satisfied; of course, the premise is that you return the evil heaven pill."

The three of them were not afraid at all.

When the three strong bodyguards heard this, a trace of cold sweat broke out on their foreheads.

Xiao Xun is a well-known monster, with brutal methods, and everything he goes through is bloody.

Even the old Patriarch of Medicine Star Mansion and his elders, who had a deep relationship with Saint Moon Sect, dared to kill them in public.

The three strong guards had no doubt that Xiao Xun would really kill everyone here.

But now, the three of Meng Tian, ​​relying on their status as the young heads of the hermit family, are actually not afraid, and even provocative.

This made the three strong bodyguards sweat on their backs.

"Face?" Xiao Yi's voice was extremely cold.

"Let's not say that you are not qualified to let me sell your face."

"Just talk about the countless lives and lives of countless warriors in the Xiangyuan area. Do you think your face is worth it?"

"Joke." Meng Tian sneered, "No matter how many there are, it is just a bunch of ants."

Concubine Yun frowned, "Do you compare that group of ants with us?"

The young master of the Xu family said directly, "I was born as an ant, and it is useless in this world. It's better to contribute their meager power to help me wait for the sun to rise."

"If you were born as a waste of ants, and you don't know where your value lies, that would be a very sad thing."

"Really a bunch of bastards." Xiao Yi shook his head, he was no longer interested in listening to these three fools say those self-proclaimed superiors.

The virulence in his hand broke out instantly.

Within a kilometer, the poison was instantly overwhelmed, and there was dead silence.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi frowned suddenly.

Just a moment ago, a purple light flashed by, passing through his trapped formation in an instant.


In the air, purple light flickered suddenly, and the surrounding area was very poisonous, and suddenly disappeared.

In front of the three of Meng Tian and others, a woman stood proudly.

The woman, dressed in a purple corset, is heroic.

On the side of the sleeves, there are two soft purple flakes floating.

"Sister Dongfangzi." Concubine Yun yelled joyfully.

The woman, Dongfangzi, turned dark, "Next time, just call my sister, and the name can be omitted."

"Dongfangzi?" At this moment, Meng Tian and the Young Patriarch of the Xu Family called out at the same time.

That was obviously just a subconscious greeting.

Dongfangzi could only smoke his face.

In the next second, Dongfangzi's face returned to normal, "The three of you have not been there. Sister Zhi called me to see if you had any accidents and pick you up by the way."

"It turns out that Sister Zhi." Concubine Yun's face was instantly full of admiration and immense joy.

Dongfangzi nodded, looking directly at Xiao Yi with a pair of cold beautiful eyes.

"Is it Xiao Xun? I've heard the name for a long time."

"In Xia Dongfangzi, what about today, is it good to sell my Dongfang family's face?"

"Are you trying to save face again?" Xiao Yi sneered.

"If anyone sees me and makes me lose face, then I, the Eight Palace Warriors, shouldn't be considered proper?"

In fact, he didn't know or heard of these Dongfang family, Meng family, and Yun family.

Inexplicably let him sell face?

Furthermore, this face cannot be sold.

"Get away." Xiao Yi's figure moved again.

In the hands, the virulence is overwhelming.

Dongfangzi's figure also moved, and instantly shot.


The two pairs of palms banged together heavily.

Dongfangzi, don't move.

Xiao Yi was shaken back a few steps.

"Peerless 9998?" Xiao Yi was startled.

Putting this woman's cultivation base into the younger generation, she could almost look down upon her present.

Is the talent of the hidden family so talented?

Moreover, he felt a little familiar with the palm of the woman just now.

Of course, he was shaken back, just because he only used the Poison Dao strength that is still at the peerless 9995 level.

To the martial artist of the same generation, he is still a woman, and he consciously does not need to use other increases.

In the face of the same younger generation, Xiao Yi still has this arrogance.


A burst of virulence broke out on Xiao Yi, and a flash of warfare flashed in his eyes.

Without using other means, this woman would definitely be a rival among the younger generation.

However, Xiao Yi is not interested in fighting today. He just wants to take down the three men of Meng Tian and continue to complete his mission and experience.

"What a strong poisonous atmosphere." Dongfangzi's face changed slightly.

"In the duny world, there are such young strong men?"


It's another two palms.

This time, the woman was shaken back for a few steps, but after the third step back, the woman suddenly exerted force, unloaded all the shock, and hit with both palms.

Above both palms, the breath was instantly astonishing.

In the palm, it seems to contain ten thousand feet of mountains, and it is like this rich earth.

Xiao Yi frowned, he already recognized the woman's hand, "Diyue is immortal? Are you from the Asura Hall?"

Saying like this, Xiao Yi still took a palm shot, shaking the woman back dozens of steps.

The woman stood firmly firmly, her body was suddenly unharmed.

Diyue Immortal Body is the strongest body cultivation technique in the Asura Hall.

The physical strength of this woman is quite strong.

"The black robe Xiao Xun is indeed well-deserved." The woman stood still and nodded.

In his hand, a token was suddenly taken out.

"My face, and the face of the Dongfang family, you don't sell it."

"Then you don't sell the face of this token?"

Xiao Yi was about to make a move and killed these people on the spot, but when he saw the token, his body trembled.

"General Shura?" Xiao Yi narrowed his eyes.

"Not bad." Dongfangzi said proudly, holding the token in his hand, "Seeing this order, it is like the Master of Asura's visit."

"Even if you, Xiao Xun, are the Third Hall of the Black Demon Palace, can you withstand the anger of the main Hall Master Asura?"


Seventh more. (Make up)

Update today, over.

Today, I will make up four changes first, and the eighth will continue to make up tonight.

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