Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2214: so white

锵... 锵... 锵... 锵...

In the air, the sound of intensive gold-iron clashes was heard.

The thunder and lightning, squally winds, snow, and ice storms raging around are like a sharp sword, with the meaning of a sword.

"The things in the world are really nothing strange." Xiao Yi muttered to himself while fighting.

The raging aura around him was not targeting him, but raging indiscriminately.

It's just that Xiao Yi was in it, and at the center, before he was attacked.

The endless ice storm is not static.

This is a unique danger here in the endless snow mountain, which will keep moving in the flying snow until it dissipates.

Xiao Yi's figure also followed the flight in the center.

锵... 锵... 锵... 锵...

"I haven't had such a good fight for a year and a half, good, good." Xiao Yi laughed a few times.

A sharp sword in his hand, constantly waving.

A kendo, a swordsmanship, fully displayed.

After a long time without a big battle, this time encountering this endless ice storm, it happened to be able to train him.

And he can fight so heartily, but he can also sharpen his kendo.

After all, this endless ice storm has its own sword intent.

At this moment, Xiao Yi's opponent looked like a sword repair made from heaven and earth.

This sword repair can handle thunder, protect against wind, control snow, and freeze ice with extraordinary methods.

Coupled with the sword intent contained therein, it makes this opponent quite difficult.

It was also Xiao Yi's abnormality. If someone changed someone, he would at least need a double cultivation base of the Holy Venerable Realm to be able to fight freely in this endless ice storm.

The endless ice storm is constantly moving, extremely fast.

In just a few minutes, I don't know how many miles away.

Xiao Yi followed all the way, and gradually, the surrounding ice storm aura began to soar.

Xiao Yi reacted, frowning lightly, "The endless ice storm is really not easy."

Xiao Yi's pressure has obviously increased a bit.

Seeing the increasingly violent lightning and ice storms around him, Xiao Yi shook his head, "Nowadays, I'm afraid I can't leave if I want to leave."

The power of this level is enough for him to deal with it with all his strength.

Of course, if he uses some hole cards, he can still go.

However, if so, his sharpening will be meaningless.

"Well, just wait for you to disappear slowly." Xiao Yi muttered to himself, and continued to wave the sword in his hand.

ten minutes later.

Endless ice storms, I don't know how far it is moving horizontally.

Or deep in the endless snow-capped mountains?

Xiao Yi didn't know.

In the endless ice storm, just like being in the fierce aurora.

Xiao Yi didn't care at all, and was overjoyed.

His first level of cultivation at the Holy Venerable Realm, the burst of double peak strength, completely revealed, it can be described as extremely happy.

But at this time.

In the distance, another amazing breath surged.

Xiao Yi looked far away, and there was another endless ice storm beyond the ice storm hundreds of miles away.

Two ice storms met and then gradually merged.

The ice storm became more violent.

"It has reached the triple power of the Holy Venerable Realm." Xiao Yi frowned, but the same was true, which made him feel more pressured and challenging.

After the two endless ice storms completely merged, Xiao Yi had been fighting fiercely for nearly a minute.

On the forehead, sweat is already covered.

There is no danger, but the strength is exhausted.


Suddenly, in the center of the sky, an extremely strong thunder pillar crashed down.

"Huh? Hundreds of power? Not good." Xiao Yi's expression changed, and he instantly felt the terrifying power of this thunder and lightning.

This thunder pillar was definitely enough to seriously wound him in an instant.

Can't worry about why this happened suddenly.

It was too late to take out the purple electricity from the Qiankun Ring, Xiao Yi's eyes condensed, and the state of the magic way broke out in an instant.


Xiao Yi slashed out with a single sword, this sword far surpassed before.

The sword blocked the thunder pillar.

But Xiao Yi's figure is also declining.

He could barely take it, but he couldn't completely stop the lightning pillar from falling.

"What a strong lightning, break it for me." Xiao Yi squinted his eyes, just about to burst out of strength to disperse the lightning.

In the thunder column, an invisible shock hit instantly.


Xiao Yi's mind was shaking violently.

"Not good, it's soul power shock..." Xiao Yi's expression changed.

He didn't have time to think about why this thunder and lightning contained soul power impact, and he didn't have time to sacrifice the Excalibur Sword to resist.

His eyes were black, his head was white, and he instantly lost consciousness.

From high in the sky, the thunder pillar rushed down instantly.

Xiao Yi's figure was submerged in the thunder pillar.

Of course, this loss of consciousness only appeared for a moment.

"Sura changed." Xiao Yi shouted in a low heart.

In the thunder pillar, thunder and lightning add to his body, Xiao Yi first increases his physical strength to avoid injury.

"Break it for me."

Xiao Yi punched out.

The fist banged heavily on the thunder pillar.

Boom...a loud sound.

Lei Zhu disappeared with a bang, and Xiao Yi's figure was also severely chopped down.

Xiao Yi didn't notice. Below, there was a pair of wide-open beautiful eyes, looking at it in surprise.

"Ah." exclaimed.

Boom... There was another explosion.

Xiao Yi's figure slammed into the snow, arousing snow in the sky.

The explosion sound drowned out the exclamation.

And in the moment when Xiao Yi fell swiftly, in the faint, a white thing seemed to be seen.

Is that blizzard?

"Hiss." Xiao Yi stood up from the snow and took a breath.

The feeling of being hit directly and violently by that thunder pillar is naturally uncomfortable.

Fortunately, he broke out the Shura change in time to increase his physical strength, otherwise he would definitely be seriously injured at this moment.

His head was a little bit painful by the impact of soul power.

Xiao Yi patted his head and gradually calmed down.

"Huh?" After Xiao Yi returned to normal, he felt soft.

The look in his eyes is certain, there is a woman under him.

Woman, no inch...

"This..." Xiao Yi was taken aback.

"Get away." The woman was also taken aback, Meisou looked at Xiao Yi's face that was close at hand in surprise, and then reacted instantly and gave a jerky push.

Xiao Yi was still stunned, was pushed away heavily, and fell onto the snow.

The woman quickly got up and glared at Xiao Yi.

His face was flushed, it was flushed with anger.

However, the angry woman obviously didn't react, she was now without an inch.

She stood up suddenly, glaring at Xiao Yi, but put her whole body in Xiao Yi's eyes.

Especially when I got up, there was a wave of ups and downs somewhere.

Xiao Yi was taken aback again.

The woman in front of him is about twenty-five and six.

A face is stunning, and the most eye-catching thing is the white hair and blue silk.

White hair, not at all, makes people feel old, on the contrary, it is more charming, adding a touch of mystery and dream.

And the most surprising thing is that white Zhe skin.

The four words deceiving the cold and Saixue are perhaps the most appropriate.

In the wind and snow, it is as if she is the wind and snow, and it is hard to tell the snow or her.

"So white." Xiao Yi spit out two words unconsciously.

"You..." The woman reacted instantly, followed by another exclaim.

Xiao Yi also reacted.

This woman is very beautiful, like a stunning woman walking out of the wind and snow.

But after all, Xiao Yi is very determined.

Looking at each other like that just now, it lasted only two or three seconds.

"Sorry." Xiao Yi stood up suddenly, and the young man took off his clothes before throwing it out, then turned around.

Behind him, there was a rustling sound.

"Girl, are you okay?" Xiao Yi asked, turning around, only to see a call from Bai Zhe's weak hand.

Xiao Yi didn't dodge or dodge, letting this palm hit him.

This palm is fundamentally weak and weak, much smaller than the strength of a normal person.

"Is the girl hurt?" Xiao Yi frowned, then his face twitched.

"Didn't you hit you under the hood, you were seriously injured, right?"


Fourth more. (Make up)

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