Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2354: Hunt, start

Xiao Yi gave Dongfang Baijiao a glance and ignored it.

Speaking of killing the Eastern White Jiao, it might be possible, but it's only 50-50 when it's up to the sky, about half of the time.

But the price is, at least, all his hole cards are exhausted, and he has to fight for his life.

For no reason, it's not worth it.

He asked himself that his current strength is still far from reaching the level of the main hall master.

The Eastern White Jiao happened to be the limit of his current combat power.

With full combat power, all hole cards out, and half life, maybe there is a chance to kill.

Xie Ruhai and other ordinary 90,000 Dao, in front of the Yaozu Supreme, I am afraid that it is not much better than cannon fodder.

The name of Bai Jiao in the waves can cut off the supreme arm of the monster clan, and its strength is not difficult to imagine.

And if you simply leave the formation, the difficulty is much smaller.

If he holds a purple light in his hand, at most he will explode in combat power and, in addition to enabling two ice pattern boosts, he can break the formation with 100% confidence.

However, he only has four ice patterns, and if he consumes two ice patterns inexplicably, his combat power must be greatly reduced afterwards.

Ice patterns are different from gas springs.

His own small world and Qi fountain are capable of resurrection, and can absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to recover.

The ice pattern is just a space for storing energy, once it is consumed, it needs to be replenished.

What would he take to supplement the three thousand three hundred and three hundred and three hundred and thirty-three feet of the Saint Venerable Realm Yuanli Space?

Either wait for ten and a half months to replenish it slowly, or rely on astronomical treasures to replenish it instantly.

This is obviously not worth it.

Therefore, when the ice pattern is turned on on weekdays, he will only turn it on a little, and increase it a little, and it will not burst out in an instant.

He didn't care about this hunting monster competition, and he didn't plan to participate.

He only intends to enter the depths of the demon realm.

However, even if he entered under his heyday, he didn't dare to say that he was 100% sure to get out after a crisis. How could he talk about consuming his combat power?

If it consumes the power of two ice patterns to enter the depths of the demon realm, then this trip will be meaningless.

"Oh, forget it." Xiao Yi sighed, too lazy to sit, just lay down on his back with his hands on his head, looking up at the sky.

"It is said that stealing a floating life for half a day, I just stole it for two days."

In the past, always running around, there was no peace.

This time, it was logical to be lazy for two days.

On the side, Dongfang Baijiao glanced, shook his head and smiled, "They all say that Hall Master Xiao Yi is a funny person."

"It seems that Palace Master Xiao Yi does have his own personality charm."

After talking to himself, Dongfang Baijiao ignored Xiao Yi and sat down cross-legged.

Perhaps Dongfang Baijiao did not realize that the disdain and contempt that he had originally calculated when Xiao Yi came here has long since disappeared.

Instead, it was a sincere admiration.

Time gradually passed.

one day later.

The two barely talked again.

Xiao Yi lay on his back, but it was a little comfortable.

Dongfang Baijiao, eyes closed cross-legged.


Within 50 million miles.

Every Tianjiao enchanting evildoer, a team, are doing their best to hunt demon, of course, they are also collecting points for themselves.

Somewhere within range.

Qing Lin and Ran Qi walked together.

Qing Lin shrugged his head.

Ran Qi was full of anger.

"I, Ran Qi, should be threatened by this stinky woman, **** it."

Qing Lin curled his lips, "What can I do?"

"Even though Dongfang Zhi is stupid, she is also stupid and incomplete. She knows to walk with the girl Dongfang Wu."

"We both worked hard this day, and we will definitely give her all the scores afterwards."

"But forget it, I'm afraid it will only be given to Senior Brother Mo You in the end."

"That's you, Brother Mo You." Ran Qi said angrily, "Fuck me."

"Then what do you say?" Qing Lin said helplessly, "Watching Junior Brother Xiao Yi suffer?"

"Dongfang Zhi, a crazy woman, can do anything."

"She doesn't want her life to dare, what consequences are she afraid of?"

Ran Qi's face twitched, "Forget it, I'll let Ran Qi accept it."

"Who makes Xiao Yi this kid the opponent I consider to be for life."

"I have changed someone else, so I won't be immune to this bird."

"Catch the demon hunting, now my two scores are by no means worse than that of each team, so I have to kill them quickly."

"Good." Qing Lin nodded.

"Huh? This is..." Qing Lin frowned suddenly.

Gaze, staring ahead.

Ahead, an icy corpse was lying on the ground, and several ferocious monsters were biting each bite, savouring a delicious meal.


Ran Qi pointed his spear, and two bolts of thunder and lightning sprang out violently.

Thunder and lightning penetrated the bodies of several monsters in front.

"Two peerless peak-level corpse-eating monsters are worth a lot of points." Ran Qi received the monster corpse.

Qing Lin frowned and looked at the corpse in front of him.

"What's the matter?" Ran Qi frowned and asked, "This is a very dangerous demon realm. Isn't it normal to have dead people?"

"In those teams, there are also weak people."

"It should be those low-powered accompanying Tianjiao who died."

"No." Qing Lin frowned, turned over the corpse, and thought for a while, "I remember this guy is not the young master of the Cai family?"

"The strength is not very strong, but a guy like Liu Shuang must be a little stronger."

"The Young Patriarch died?" Ran Qi's face changed slightly.

"In this area, it is not too much to have the ability to kill a monster of the first-tier warrior of the Holy Venerable Realm."

Qing Lin nodded, "The corpse penetrates several places, but it's like a corpse. The death is Be careful..."

Qing Lin's face suddenly changed.

Behind him, an inexplicable strange cold light breath came quickly.

It was so cold that even the two of them trembled unconsciously.

It's so weird, even they only reacted when they were close at hand.



A sharp claw suddenly came out of his chest.

A face, full of incredible color, lowered his head, looked at his chest, and opened his eyes wide.

A body that can react more in the future has already fallen.

It was a dead body with no life left.

Behind him was a burly man with a hideous face.

In the man's hand, he was holding a heart that was thrown in a trembling, bloody, but beating.

That is a human heart.

"Tsk tusk, this is the strength of a human warrior? It's too weak." The burly man squeezed his hand, and the heart in his hand was crushed to pieces.

"Heh." Not far away, a woman dressed in Chinese sneered.

Around, there are corpses everywhere.

No, there is one other person, covered in blood and horrified, ""

"Oh? Not dead yet?" The woman stared for a few times, "According to the information, you seem to be the number one arrogant of Yuwen's family, you seem to be Yu Wenjun."

"Who are you..." Yu Wenjun trembled.

In the nightmare just now, in an instant, when he reacted, he was already seriously injured, and all of the Yuwen's children around him died.


The feet of the burly man stepped heavily on it.

Yu Wenjun's words could not be said again.

At the foot of the man, there was a head that had already been trampled to pieces.

"So weak." The burly man shook his head disdainfully.

"Huh." The woman in Huayi smiled, "Demon Sacrifice Day? Competition for hunting monsters?"

"This time, who is hunting whom?"

"Fifteen years ago, the debt owed to my monster race should be paid back."

"Order to go down, hunt, and officially begin."


Somewhere within range.

Phew...a light breeze passed by.

Dongfang Wu's body trembled, and her fluttering hair was a little messy.

"Wu'er, what's the matter?" Dongfangzi asked.

"Something is wrong." Dongfang Wu frowned.

"Don't think too much." Dongfang Zhi smiled, "With me and the Lei Yan beast under him, it's safe..."

"No, it's a heavy smell of blood." Dongfang Wu sniffed, "It's human blood... Sister, be careful..."

Behind him, a ferocious claw struck directly.

Roar... Lei Yan beast roared.

Boom...a loud sound.

Sharp claws divided the Lei Yan beast into pieces, and the blood mist exploded around.


Third more.

Update today, over.

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