Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2385: The night wind is so cold

"Yiming..." Xiao Yi was stunned looking at Xia Yiming's serious expression.

Xia Yiming's coldness either comes from his arrogance, or his personality is just like this; perhaps, he is not good at talking, or even unhappy to talk.

His coldness is not necessarily a bad thing, but it is not necessarily a good thing.

This seems a bit complicated.

But just like advancing for the sake of advance, and advancing for the purpose, the two are completely different.

Xiao Yi only hoped that Xia Yiming could find his own reason one day.

The reason Xia Yiming's mouth now seems to be the reason, but it is not the real reason.

The real reason must exist, just waiting for him to find it.

At that time, Xia Yiming would definitely not be like this night again. Just because of defeat, he was confused and depressed.

Of course, perhaps Xiao Yi could not determine whether this reason today might really belong to Xia Yiming.

After all, he still couldn't see through this'complex' Xia Yiming.

Xiao Yi actually looked forward to this day, and wanted to see how this ‘complex’ and persistent warrior would grow up.

He was looking forward to it.

But he absolutely never expected that this day came extremely fast, even caught off guard.

At that time, Xia Yiming would shock him beyond the limit...


Suddenly, a cold night breeze passed by.

The Dongfang Family was facing the boundless demon realm, and the night breeze was blowing from the depths of the boundless demon realm.

The wind, invisible, and shadowless, everything in the world cannot stop it from blowing along its trajectory, drifting around the world, even the thick black wall of the Dongfang Family.

"Put away the sword." Xiao Yi broke the silence suddenly and smiled, "Otherwise the dancer will laugh at you."

As Xiao Yi spoke, he turned his eyes and glanced not far away.

There, a quiet figure came slowly.

The figure looked at the serious Xia Yiming and the sharp sword standing on the ground, and smiled.

"Miss Dongfang Family?" Xia Yiming frowned.

The person here is Oriental Dance.

Dongfang Wu smiled, "Brother Yiming, he will always be so cold."

"But Suwen Yiming's elder brother loves swords, and he will never take out the sword easily. Today, he is willing to stick the sword in the ground for a long time.

"Brother Yiming can do this, and only Palace Master Xiao Yi has this ability."

Xiao Yi smiled, "The dancing girl said and laughed."

"It's so late, the dancer came to my courtyard to look for me?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously, secretly surprised.

The time Dongfang Dance stood here just now was definitely more than one second.

It seemed that it was only a short second, but it meant that Xiao Yi could not discover her existence in an instant.

With his strong and sensitive perception, he couldn't catch the existence of Dongfang Dance in an instant?

This doesn't seem to be a surprise anymore, but a bit weird.

Dongfang Dance is indeed just an ordinary person, there is no half of the cultivation base, this can not be wrong.

But the tranquility and nature that belonged to her seemed to blend into the breath of heaven and earth.

In retrospect, when she first saw him, she could easily peep into his heart, as if nothing could be hidden from her eyes.

Not waiting for Xiao Yi to think more.

Dongfang Wu had walked up to the two of Xiao Yi and smiled lightly, but also had a slightly solemn and worried expression.

"The night breeze blowing from the depths of the Demon Territory is always so cold, to the bones, and so cold that it makes people tremble, and even shocked."

"These days, the wind is getting colder and colder."

Dongfang Wu glanced into the distance, her lips pursed.

"Is there?" Xia Yiming retracted the sword, frowning to himself.

"Yes." Xiao Yi nodded, but looked at Dongfang Dance.

"It's just that, maybe we are martial artists, it's just normal to not invade the heat and cold, so it doesn't feel too deep, and the dancer is just an ordinary person."

The Dongfang Dance knew it, but still shook his head, "For thousands of years, the blood of countless warriors in the Dongfang family and the blood of countless demon races have not been able to make this cold wind mild."

"After countless battles, the corpses were all over the field, leaving behind the corpses as mountains. The blood that was once hot but eventually turned into ice cold soon."

Xiao Yi smiled, "I said, martial artist, it's just normal to not invade the cold and heat."

"Let the wind get colder, as long as the warrior is still a warrior, you are not afraid."

Dongfang Dance smiled bitterly, "I'm not as optimistic as Palace Master Xiao Yi."

Xiao Yi shook his head, "It's not that I am optimistic, but since there is no choice, everyone has no choice."

Xia Yiming frowned, "Palace Master, what do you do with this Yefeng?"

As he said, Xia Yiming looked at Dongfang Wu, "The third lady of the Dongfang family hasn't said yet, what do you come here to find the palace owner late at night?"

Dongfang Wu nodded and said, "I'm here, there is indeed something to say to Palace Master Xiao Yi."

Dongfang Wu looked at Xiao Yi, "Presumably, the Lord Xiao Yi is quite anxious at this moment; on the surface, he looks nothing, his face is calm, but his heart is like an ant on a hot pot, and he is impatient."

"I don't know the Young Palace Master Ran Qi; but the relationship between that Qinglin and Palace Master Xiao Yi is a deadly friend."

"In addition to the former fellowship, Qing Lin dared to sacrifice the martial soul when he was trapped in the **** moon formation, and at all costs, he would also condense the Qingjiao Inner Pill to Palace Master Xiao Yi."

"Today, Palace Master Xiao Yi also dared to go deep into the demon territory alone to find people."

"If you left the demon hunting area before, if it weren't for the fact that Palace Master Xiao Yi was hurt, and he wasn't sure enough to save him, I'm afraid he would rush into the depths of the demon realm at all costs?"

Xiao Yi frowned, "What does the dancer want to say?"

Dongfang Dance said seriously, "I have a piece of information."

"This time the Yaozu has taken the matter of taking a lot of Tianjiao and evildoers very seriously, and even Liuheng Demon Lord and the Yaozu Supremes have given orders."

Dongfang Dance emphasized the tone, "The Yaozu will hold a grand event for this, called the Human Sacrifice Day, which will be half a month later."

"You..." Xia Yiming's face was startled, and he blurted out, wanting to say that you also know people's sacrifice to the sun? But as soon as the words came out, he was stopped by Xiao Yi's gaze.

"People pay tribute to the sun." Xiao Yi frowned, "I don't know where the dancing girl learned this information? Is it accurate?"

"This..." Dongfang Dance hesitated, "Excuse me."

"But Wu'er promises that this matter is true, and Wu'er dare to use the head of the item as a guarantee."

"The dancer is serious." Xiao Yi said solemnly.

"Half a month?" A hint of joy flashed across Xiao Yi's face.

Dongfang Dance nodded and said earnestly, "In the depths of the Demon Realm, it is so far away, and the night breeze is still cold."

"Not to mention that Hall Master Xiao Yi stepped into the depths of the demon realm himself."

"It's dangerous, it goes without saying."

"So Wuer still wants to ask the Hallmaster Xiao Yi not to worry. For this trip, you must be fully prepared."

Xiao Yi arched his hands, "I have told you that the dance girl, thank you."

"Farewell." Dongfang Wu smiled and turned away.

Dongfang Dance left.

On the spot, Xia Yiming's face was shocked, "Palace Master..."

Xiao Yi nodded and interrupted, "I know, go back first."


First more.

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