Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2491: Supreme Forest


Surrounded by the demon clan, Qi Qi widened his eyes and looked at the scene in front of him incredulously.

Without a month's life, he was weighed heavily on the ground.

On his body, that Yi Yaoli was breathing heavily.

The sleeve robe without a month's life has been torn apart, revealing a dazzling Baize arm.

At the same time, the belt on a purple suit was pulled loose and turned into fluff.

Nowadays, fools can see what this strange monster wants to do.

However, this kind of thing is unbelievable, even unimaginable.

In everyone's eyes, the strange monster at this moment, Li, is just like a monster beast in love, doing his own instinctive actions unscrupulously.

If you continue like this, the consequences...

Wuyue Siming's cold face was already frosty.

Her hands wanted to resist forcefully, but they couldn't move under the shackles of the six-pole gloves.

The frost on his face instantly turned into panic.

In this large crowd, countless eyes are watching, if...if...

The strange demon on his body was obviously panting at this moment, and his eyes were full of evil charms. These crazy movements clearly represented that he was already unable to extricate himself, and even made crazy moves.

In her eyes, this strange demon, Li, is more like an irrational beast at this moment.

At the same time, this strange demon, Li's left hand, after smashing her belt, his left hand began to fumble restlessly, moving extremely crazy, but instinctively.

"Don't..." The panic on Wuyue Siming's face completely turned into panic, and there was a pleading on his cold face.

However, the answer to her was only a heavier breath and a more evil look.

If this continues, a ridiculous **** will happen under the public.

A cold tear dripped unconsciously in Wu Yue Si Ming's eyes.

At this moment, Xiao Yi did not lose his mind in fact.

The face under the mask was already flushed.

Had it not been for him to wear a mask, I am afraid that this old face would have long been lost.

If it hadn't been for the mask to cover his face, no one knew his identity, and I am afraid that his fame would really be lost here.

Just at this time.


A flickering sound, a violent roar.

Xiao Yi's body was bombarded.

"Puff." Xiao Yi spouted out a mouthful of blood while being blown away.

He could be severely wounded and blown into the air as soon as he shot, and the strength of the person can be imagined.

"It's offended to have no life."

Here comes the lion demon master.

Wuyue Siming quickly got up, his body flickered with light, and he put on a large purple robe.

In fact, her left sleeve was torn apart, and the belt was missing, which caused her clothes to be loose. At most, she showed a little white zhe between her neck.

"Mad Lion Demon Lord." Wuyue Siming looked at the Mad Lion Demon Lord coldly.

"Since you come forward, I will report this to the Supreme, and let the Supreme decide."

The voice fell, Wuyue Siming's figure flashed, and he left.

However, before leaving, a clearly cold gaze fell on Xiao Yi.

The mad lion demon master apologized as Wu Yue Si Ming left. The next second, his figure flashed, and he went straight to Xiao Yi and picked up Xiao Yi.

"You bastard, do such ridiculous things too?"

At this moment, Xiao Yi, under the mask and around his neck, was already completely red, and steam steamed out of his body.

" uncomfortable." Xiao Yi gasped heavily.

"This is..." The Mad Lion Demon Lord frowned and looked at Xiao Yi.

"Hahahaha." Xiao Yi suddenly laughed, and the next second, he looked at the surrounding Zichen demon guard with cold eyes.

"Listen to me clearly, slave, woman, I want it all, it's all mine..."

"Damn it." The mad lion demon master instantly reacted, "Is it the effect of ambergris?"

"This is my slave." Xiao Yi ignored the mad lion demon master, but looked at the surrounding demon guards domineeringly and arrogantly.

"Asshole, dare to speak up and follow me." The crazy lion demon master had already turned dark, caught Xiao Yi, and walked away.

In situ.

Yundong, and all the Zichen demon guards froze in place.

After a long while, Yundong reacted, his face instantly furious.

I was angry, I wanted to vent the human Tianjiao around.

However, the corpse of the demon clan who died not far away caused his body to tremble again.

He was absolutely right just now. When the throat was pinched by Yi Yaoli, the fierce light in the murderous man's eyes was definitely to take his life, and he would not care about his identity as the Zichen Demon Guard.

"Gu." Yundong swallowed, and looked at the human Tianjiao around him with cold eyes.

"Hmph, you are lucky."

"However, you are going to die in the Supreme Forest after all, so I won't care about you for the time being."


In the Hall of Mad Star.

The lion demon master caught Xiao Yi and appeared out of thin air.


The mad lion demon master slapped it out, "You bastard, don't you wake up?"

"Puff." Xiao Yi spit out **** blood, sharp pain, and made his blurred eyes a little clear.

At this time, Xiao Yi was still wearing six-pole gloves.

The arm shook, and a lot of heaven and earth treasures were thrown from the ring.

Xiao Yi caught it and swallowed it quickly, chewing directly into his belly.

The mad lion demon master watched from the side, frowning secretly.

In his eyes, Xiao Yi at this moment is like a beast that has been wounded and only relies on instinct to find healing things.

For a long while.

Xiao Yi swallowed all the treasures, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

The blur in his eyes has disappeared and normal is restored.

He no longer gasped, and the steaming heat on his body disappeared.

The **** in my heart has been completely suppressed.

"Bad son, do you harm me like this?" Xiao Yi returned to normal and looked at the mad lion demon lord dissatisfied.

The crazy lion demon lord's face twitched, "You kid drank the ambergris, don't you know how to use the demon element in your body to suppress those galloping effects?"

Xiao Yi said coldly, "My ghost knows that this ambergris has such an effect."

"You are not a heavenly magician yourself?" asked the mad lion demon master.

Xiao Yi said displeased, "I am a Celestial Master, but I have never heard of Ambergris."

"Fine." The mad lion demon master patted his forehead and sighed, "Ambergris, also known as drunken dragon wine, there is nothing wrong with drinking it at the supreme level."

"But if we drink at this level, the blood will expand, the blood boiling is uncontrollable, the heart is irritated, and the whole body is inexplicably excited."

"Just use the demon element in the body to suppress, and wait for these effects and excitement to slowly dissipate."

"It's good for you kid, it almost caused a disaster."

"In Supreme City, Wu Yue Si was almost taken care of, you are really a strange person."

"I know it." Xiao Yi cursed, and sat down casually on the side, exhaling heavily.

In fact, he did not lose his mind from beginning to end.

He just knew the effect of this ambergris, suddenly he had calculations in his mind.

And as he expected, all this is now perfectly resolved.

"Let's rest for a while." The mad lion demon master said in a deep voice, "After you have a rest, immediately follow me to the Supreme Forest and wait. The human sacrifice day will begin soon."

"Lion Liu." The mad lion demon master looked at Liu Shi and said, "Let you all come to the lobby to gather."

"Yes, the demon lord." Liu Shi took the order and left.


Third more.

Update today, over.

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