Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2498: Qingyue, Feng Sanyu


Xiao Yi's figure turned into a streamer, leaping quickly.

The distance of a million miles is nothing to him.

But for a moment.

Xiao Yi's figure was already a million miles away.

Sure enough, as he expected, fighting has broken out here, and the number is not small.

On one side, it is the Tianjiao of the Human Race. Judging from the number, there are more than 100 people.

On the Demon Sacrifice Day, more than half of the captured Tianjiao were here.

Among them, Qinglin and Ran Qi are the leaders.

Xiao Yi glanced, a smile flashed across his heart, and at the same time he was relieved.

Qing Lin's injury was healed as early as three hours ago when the two were separated. It is not difficult for Xiao Yi to help him recover his injury and combat strength.

But now, Ran Qi's injury seems to be unimpeded, at least 80 to 90% of his combat power can be used.

The same goes for the other hundred-odd Human Race Tianjiao, who still have injuries, but at least they can play around 80% of their combat power.

On the other side, it was obviously Yaozu Tianjiao.

The number of people is only in the dozens, but all of them are elite.

If you read it right, it should be a combination of three teams.

The strongest of the three teams are all above the fourth level of the Holy Venerable Realm, and the strongest person has even reached the fifth level of the Holy Venerable Realm.

Among the three, the first one did not make a move, but just watched.

But the other two completely suppressed Qinglin and Ran Qi.

On the other side, there are dozens of demon race Tianjiao, fighting with more than a hundred human race Tianjiao.

The battle was on the side with fewer people, completely crushing the Human Race Tianjiao.

The Yaozu Tianjiao's overall cultivation base and strength are far superior to this generation of Human Race Tianjiao; now, when all of these more than 100 Human Race Tianjiao are not in full bloom, it is understandable that they are completely crushed.

Looking at the battle between Qinglin and Ran Qi, we know that these two people are now the strongest of the human Tianjiao side, but they are completely inferior to the other two.

Qinglin's cultivation base is only close to the second level of the Holy Venerable Realm, with more than 19,000 levels, and his combat power can generally only be used to the point where the second level of the Holy Venerable Realm is stronger.

The same goes for Ran Qi.

But the two people who were fighting against them were two strong men in the fourth stage of the Saint Venerable Realm, and their strength was second only to Chi Yang.

I am afraid that these two people are both on the list of monsters.

This alone shows that Yaozu Tianjiao's cultivation base is far superior to Human Race Tianjiao.

Today, if Qinglin's attack had not been for the strongest defensive kendo and the strongest attacking kendo blessing, plus the increase in the body's Qingjiao inner alchemy, I am afraid it would have long been unable to support it.

As for Ran Qi, the Thunder and Lightning rushed endlessly on the Cloud Piercing Gun of the Crazy Dragon, and it was sure that the power within the soul was exerted to the extreme.

It can be clearly seen that Ran Qi's eyes are already red, and he is obviously suffering a strong backlash.

However, even so, the two of them were still completely crushed by their opponents.

Those **** cloud swirls, those thunder and lightning exuding ancient aura, are in danger, and I am afraid they will collapse after a short period of time.

the other side.

The Tianjiao of the more than one hundred human races also lost most of their combat power. At the same time, these disciples of the Hundred Clan had many life-saving methods, such as some ancient secret methods.

This is the case, and it is also completely crushed.

I am afraid that such a battle will be completely separated in a few minutes.

On the side of the Yaozu Tianjiao, nothing was lost; while on the side of the Human Tianjiao, the whole army was wiped out.

"Who." Suddenly, during the battle, there was a cold cry.

The headed person, who had never shot, suddenly looked at the air in the distance.

In the air, Xiao Yi's figure appeared out of thin air.

Xiao Yi just arrived and didn't show up because he needed to see the situation clearly.

Now I show up because I have seen it clearly, so I am ready to show up.

Otherwise, even if the person in charge is the five-fold cultivation base of the Holy Venerable Realm, he would never want to find Xiao Yi hiding in the dark.

"Weird demon, Li?" The leader suddenly looked directly at Xiao Yi coldly.

Today, among the more than one hundred Yaozu Tianjiao teams, I am afraid that few people do not know Yi Yaoli.

"Weird monster, Li?" The two who were fighting with Qinglin slowed down a little offensively, and looked at Xiao Yi in surprise.

The pressure on the two of Qinglin diminished in an instant, they were slightly relieved, and they also looked at Xiao Yi.

"Know me?" Xiao Yi looked at the three headed, "Oh, that would be easier."

"Next, you should know what to do."

"What do you mean?" The leader squinted his eyes, and asked with cold eyes.

"Why, do you want to make it clear?" Xiao Yi sneered.

"From now on, this group of prey will be mine."

"It's a big tone." The tone of the leader is gloomy.

Xiao Yi sneered, and the killing intent immediately enveloped the audience, "I don't mind killing you all."

"If you stop me from making a fortune, you are seeking a dead end."

"What a strong murderous intent." The two people who were fighting against Qinglin were startled, and they stopped fighting and stepped back dozens of steps.

The instinct of the monster beast and the instinct of the strong, all told them that Yi Yaoli would attack them immediately.

The dozens of monster races who were surrounding and crushing a lot of Human Race Tianjiao, and who were able to capture more than a hundred prey almost immediately, also changed their expressions and quickly stopped fighting and retreated.

The fierce battle, the melee between the two sides, stopped in an instant.

The two sides, each gathered on one side, stood in the middle, but Xiao Yi was alone.

"Weird demon, Li, do you mean to grab our prey?"

"Do you know who we are?"

"I'm Feng Sanyu of the Qingyue clan, you are afraid that you have found the wrong opponent."

The speaker, dressed in Tsing Yi, shouted coldly.

There was a person beside him, dressed in red, his face was cold and fierce, "Hundred feet, stiff."

The person in the lead sneered contemptuously, "The Jialuo clan, Di Feng."

This is the strongest three of this group of Yaozu Tianjiao.

The words of the three fell, and the three cold breaths pressed towards Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi frowned slightly, and recognized the three of them.

The person in Tsing Yi, at first glance before, he felt a bit familiar.

Feng Sanyu, the current young master of the Qingyue Kingdom, is also the third son of the Qingyue Demon Lord, ranking 17 in the Demon Dragon Ranking.

He has a second elder brother who was once the Young Master of the Qingyue Kingdom and was also ranked 17th in the Demon Dragon Ranking, but he is now dead.

His second brother is named Feng Shuangyu.

A few days ago, Xiao Yi was trapped in the White Flood Formation on the Demon Sacrifice Sun. It was Feng Shuangyu who opened the formation, first found Xiao Yi, and then died in the hunting demon range.

The man in red was named stiff, the son of a hundred-footed demon lord, ranked 18th in the demon dragon list.

And the person in charge, named Di Feng, was the son of the Demon Lord Jialuo, who was once ranked 15th in the Demon Dragon Ranking, but now it seems that this strength should be more than this ranking.

The three of them are all famous powerhouses on the Demon Dragon List.

In other words, these three teams today are all teams from powerful kingdoms; these dozens of demon clan Tianjiao are also powerful demon clan Tianjiao.


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