Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2540: Six people

"Is it amazing?"

"No matter how great, isn't it like a caged beast being played by the water girl in applause?"

"Anything about him, hasn't it been seen through by the water girl, every move is insightful?"

Seeing Shui Ninghan, the figure in the black robe nodded frequently, and said something displeased.

"Do you call this a joke?" Shui Ninghan smiled slightly and shook his head slightly.

"I can see through him because I am outside."

"If I am in his position, I may not be able to do better than him."

"He can do it without flaws, even those old demon nobles can't find it."

"He even forced himself to change his mind, arrogant, impulsive, and ignorant, all of which are completely opposite to his famous Hall Master Xiao Yi."

"Do you know how difficult it is? That's why he can even conceal the old monsters like Liuheng Demon Lord, the worldless lords, and the wild lion Demon Lord who have existed in the world for extremely long years."

"Creating, imposing, and pressing beliefs, letting myself change individuals, but I can still stick to my heart, know who I am, and walk calmly between the two opposites."

"Heh." The figure in the black robe gave a cold smile, "It's really rare for a girl to give such a high evaluation to a person."

"However, even though he is so good and so wise in the mouth of the water girl, how can he be restrained everywhere and even be calculated?"

"I dare you to say that if it hadn't been for Dongfang Zhi and Diro, he would have saved a lot of Human Race Tianjiao from the Demon Territory, it would have been much easier than now."

"If he can be more cruel and decisive, he won't let his demon realm and his party be turbulent here. It is so thrilling, it almost harms himself, and it almost harms all the gods of the race, and is completely buried in the demon realm."

Shui Ninghan smiled, "Don't you know the reason? Why ask me."

"I know it." The black robe figure sneered, "It is clear, so I think this Palace Master Xiao Yi is just an idiot."

"One word and one sentence for the sake of the overall situation, thinking in my heart that we can't make the Central Region mess up, and what we get is a more dangerous situation."

"These indecisions are thoughts for the weak."

Hearing this, Shui Ninghan turned his head slightly, glanced at the figure in the black robe, his eyes were a little dissatisfied.

"I thought you were smart; I thought you knew."

"Unexpectedly, just as stupid."

Looking at these beautiful dissatisfied eyes, the figure in the black robe trembled unconsciously, and his voice trembled slightly, "Miss Water, don't get me wrong, I have no intention of offending."

"You didn't offend me." Shui Ninghan shook his head and retracted his gaze.

"What I care about is that you are stupid, but you know you can talk to me."

"You are wrong." Shui Ninghan looked at the human Tianjiao walking in the distance.

"Do you think that Palace Master Xiao Yi is really indecisive?"

"Do you think he really came to the Demon Realm to save people? Or, apart from a few of those hundreds of people, he really cares about the lives of those so-called arrogances?"

"No, he doesn't care, he doesn't care more than anyone." Shui Ninghan said softly.

"His eyes, you didn't see clearly, but I saw them up close."

"That's the gaze of a person who is so indifferent that he really sees his life like an ant."

"He doesn't even care about life in this world."

"In this world, there seems to be nothing to make him care."

"Then why..." The black robe figure frowned.

Shui Ninghan smiled, "He doesn't care, but someone cares."

"He doesn't care about everyone in this world, but some people care."

"He cares, but people who don't want to care frown."

"He just doesn't want the people he cares about live in a world that is about to become purgatory and turn into charcoal."

"Is there a difference?" The black robe figure frowned and asked.

Shui Ninghan said lightly, "He can live in purgatory. I have even seen him in darkness. He enjoys this darkness more than anyone else."

"And the most important thing is." Shui Ninghan glanced at the figure in the black robe again.

"If he really doesn't care about anything, I'm afraid you and I are dead now."

"Just by him?" The black robe figure sneered.

"Just because he doesn't care about anything." Shui Ninghan's voice was categorical.

Shui Ninghan smiled, "Master Gu Xu also repaired the Gu Yuan seal. In your opinion, what level is the Gu Yuan seal of this Hallmaster Xiao Yi?"

Yes, this cold black robe figure is Master Gu Xu.

Even in front of Liuheng Demon Lord, in front of Zichen Demon Lord, he still talked freely, slightly respectful, but full of confidence.

But before this beautiful face, he showed fear for the first time in front of a woman in a beautiful blue dress.

The black robe figure, the Gu Xu master, held up his hand and said proudly, "If there are no five people in the world, I will be the second."

"Under the world, no one can be stronger than my Gu Yuanyin except the current master of the Demon Hunting Palace."

"As for the Hallmaster Xiao Yi, he..." Master Gu Xu suddenly stagnated.

"Can't you tell?" Shui Ninghan smiled, "Then I will say it for you."

"Although there was a suspicion of a sneak attack and unexpected reasons, he did stop the three demon masters with a wave of his hand."

"Gu Yuanyin is the oldest and strongest martial skill in the Demon Hunting Palace, and the strongest martial skill in the world against monsters."

"The problem is, it is extremely difficult to practice this seal, so there are only a few people in the world who have successfully practiced, and they have different degrees of strength."

"He is already at his current level, and he is just between you."

"His ability, if he is determined to hunt down, how long does Master Gu Xu think it will take?"

Master Gu Xu's face was startled, "Girl Shui can see...?"

Shui Ninghan grinned, "You made another mistake just now. There are not five people, but six people from the Gu Yuan Yin in mainland today."

"I am the sixth person, and perfect, stronger than yours."

Master Gu Xu was stunned in place.

Shui Ninghan held his hand and looked into the distance.

"I can see him through and understand him because he is more like me."

"What does he do now and what I used to..." Shui Ning stopped her words suddenly and took a deep breath.

Breathing out slightly, his eyes turned into coldness again.

"I once gave him the opportunity to change the description of this continent together with me, but he didn't cherish it."

Shui Ninghan smiled, "Hall Master Xiao Yi, so outstanding, I am afraid he is not happy that his trip to the Demon Realm is too simple."

"I don't want to be so relaxed, leaving the demon domain without difficulty."

"Master Gu Xu, go and help him."

"Yes." Master Gu Xu nodded.

"The water girl, you..." Master Gu Xu even used the term "you".

"Me?" Shui Ninghan smiled, "When the ending is timed, I hope things can become more interesting."

"I like interesting things."

Shui Ninghan covered his mouth and smiled.

That smile... chilling.

The figure turned into a ray of water and left.


Second more.

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