Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 2984: No thief

Xiao Yi frowned.

"How can Palace Master Ye be one step faster than me? Have you seen the culprits?"

Palace Master Ye's face was gloomy, "Today is the day when Meteor takes over as the Young Palace Master."

"According to the rules of my Ye family, as the palace master, I should go to the clan shrine to inform the ancestors of the family."

"I just arrived at the clan shrine, and I heard the explosion of the Lingbei cemetery, and I hurried to see the flames."

"As for the culprits, no trace was seen."

Palace Master Ye scanned the ground, but apart from the spiritual stele of Ye Liu in the center, there were dozens of Ye Family ancestors' steles that were also burned by the flames, scorched everywhere.

"It must be the thief who took advantage of my Ye Family's banquet today. There were countless guests, and a large number of guests left at night and sneaked into the clan shrine in the chaos."

"Damn it, destroy my son's spiritual monument, corpse, and many of my ancestors in the Ye family."

"No matter who it is, I will definitely want him to pay for it."

"Even if I use the strength of my Ye Family, I will definitely find out this culprit."


On Palace Lord Ye, an astonishing breath of power raged around.

Xiao Yi was startled and glanced at Palace Master Ye with a slight surprise.

Intuition tells him that Palace Master Ye is very strong at this moment, extremely strong.

This kind of strength does not come from cultivation base and strength, but from the intuition of the martial artist.

Palace Lord Ye can become the first person in the Eighteenth Mansion, and it is definitely not without reason.

Ye Sheng Liujue is even more famous on the mainland.

The ancestor of the Ye family, the founder, was also the first of the eighteen sages.

Not long ago, in that era, this Ye Sheng was invincible in the monarch realm with Ye Sheng Liujue.

Today's Eighteen Houses seem to be only secular hegemons, and they are unknown in the world, and the family's glory is far less than that of the past.

However, the descendants of the Eighteen Houses all have the blood inheritance of the eighteen sage monarchs.

Especially Ye Sheng's lineage, with Ye Sheng Liujue, all the palace masters of Ye Sheng Mansion were the first in the Eighteen Mansions.

Xiao Yi even believed that if he suppressed the cultivation base and fought at the same level as Palace Master Ye, even he would need a lot of effort to win.

The reason why the palace lords of Ye Shengfu are strong is because almost all palace lords of the dynasties are all-rounders.

Knives, spears, swords and halberds, palm, leg, and fist are all fine.

Even the path of medicine and formation is proficient.

Weihundao is quite special, so only those who are shocked among the palace masters of the past can practice together.

In short, the palace masters of the past dynasties are not only knowledgeable and knowledgeable, but also broad in martial arts. They are both civil and military in the true sense.

He had a deep understanding of the battle with Ye Liu.

In the same realm and at the same level, the descendants of Ye Sheng Mansion have been strong through the ages.

Today, Palace Master Ye is full of power.

And in the breath of this strong man, at this moment, there is a monstrous anger.

"Little friend Xiao Yi, I won't accompany Yemou much." Palace Master Ye gritted his teeth, "I must investigate this thoroughly."

After that, Palace Master Ye dashed away.

"Lianxing." Gongsun Huowu exclaimed suddenly.

Gu Lianxing had already fainted on the ground.

Xiao Yi dashed over, probed his wrist, and said softly, "It's okay, just fainted."

"You take Miss Lianxing back to rest first."

"Yeah." Gongsun Huowu nodded, picked up Gu Lianxing and left.

In the same place, in the dark night, in the scorching earth, only Xiao Yi and Yiyi remained.

Xiao Yi frowned, his face a little ugly.

Aside, Yiyi saw that Xiao Yi's face was ugly, he hesitated for a moment, and slowly opened his mouth, "Master."

"In Yiyi's view, there is no other special trace around him."

Xiao Yi's brows loosened, and he looked at Yiyi with a light smile, "Speak more bluntly."

"Hmm..." Yiyi glanced at Xiao Yi, Fang Na said, "Yiyi feels that there is no such thing as a culprit."

"Smart." Xiao Yi smiled, "My maid is really smart."

Yiyi's face was slightly surprised, "The son also found out?"

"Of course." Xiao Yi said solemnly, "I am the best at finding traces. If there is a culprit, let the culprit be clever, even if it is from the monarch realm, I can't hide it from me."

"However, in the mere Ye Family, where does the monarchy come to trouble, and just to destroy the tombs here?"

"Don't talk about the Monarch Realm, even an ordinary Saint Venerable Realm will not come to trouble Ye Family."

"A Holy Venerable Stage One or Two, I'm afraid it will be enough to run wild in the Ye Family, and drive straight in. Wherever it takes a lot of money to sneak in and set fire."

Yiyi frowned, "But what did Palace Master Ye destroy his son's tomb?"

"Also burned down the spiritual steles of many of the ancestors of the Ye Family?"

Xiao Yi chuckled, "If the tomb is not Ye Liu or his son, it doesn't matter if he ruined him."

"He even destroyed the spiritual monument of his ancestors, proving that he wanted to hide something, at least these things to hide are more important than the rest of his own ancestors."

Yiyi still frowned, "Since Young Master has found out a long time ago, why didn't you expose Palace Master Ye just now?"

Xiao Yi hugged Yiyi's waist, "My maid, smart is smart. In terms of ability, the younger generation in this world, apart from me, I am afraid that no one can match you, but you don't understand the world."

"You go back to your residence and wait for me for a while, I'll go to Palace Master Ye to talk alone."

"Yeah." Yiyi nodded obediently.


Ye family, the owner's study.

Xiao Yi's figure appeared out of thin air.

Palace Master Ye frowned slightly, put down the scroll in his hand, "Little friend Xiao Yi is looking for me?"

Xiao Yi chuckled lightly and sat down directly, "Palace Master Ye still has such a leisurely feeling to read?"

Palace Lord Ye was about to speak.

Xiao Yi waved his hand, "No need to explain, I'm not interested in listening."

Palace Master Ye frowned, "I don't understand the meaning of little friend Xiao Yi."

Xiao Yi chuckles, "I think it's better to be straightforward."

"Palace Master Ye told me the answer directly, okay?"

Palace Master Ye frowned more tightly, "I heard what Xiao Yi said, it seems that I destroyed Liu'er's tomb."

"Heh." Palace Master Ye said in a deep voice, "Little friend Xiao Yi has a monstrous cultivation base, you can look back at your own martial arts."

Xiao Yi chuckled, "Palace Master Ye has done so dripping water, ruining the space trajectory, how can I look back?"

Yes, that sea of ​​flames, incidentally, even the space trajectory was burned.

Xiao Yi couldn't go back to martial arts at all.

Palace Master Ye said in a deep voice, "I'm just a peerless peak cultivation base, but I don't have the means of that respect."

"Space backtracking is the power of the Holy Venerable Realm."

"If you want to destroy the space trajectory so thoroughly, only the Holy Venerable Realm can do it."

Xiao Yi chuckles, "Palace Master Ye is not a peerless cultivation base, but he is quite clear about the abilities of the realm of respect."

"But I have no doubt that Palace Master Ye has this ability."

Palace Master Ye's expression was a little unhappy, "What on earth does little friend Xiao Yi want to say?"

Xiao Yi still chuckled, "Tonight, I was going to dig the grave and open the coffin to investigate Ye Liu's body."

"What happened at this time? Ye Liu's body was burned to ashes?"

"Palace Master Ye, you just didn't seem to ask me if I still have a way to find out, and if you didn't ask Ye Liu exactly whether he was alive or dead, you just wanted to thoroughly investigate the culprits?"

"I think I made it clearer."


Second more.

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