Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3004: Eight Temples Wanted

"Then you have trouble." Xiao Yi arched his hands and sneered.

Gu Tao looked at the cold figure with ten faces hidden in the large black robe, his face changed a lot, and he glared at Xiao Yi.

"Xiao Yi, do you dare to lynch this monarch?"

"Why don't you dare?" Xiao Yi sneered, "The retreat hall master of Fengsha Temple is very good at interrogating; the retreat hall master of the Black Demon Hall is far less gentle than mine."

"I'll wait for you to obediently tell me the answer."

Gu Tao's face changed drastically.

His phrase ‘I’ll wait for you to send me away obediently’ seems to be a joke at the moment.

"Take it away." Xiao Yi yelled coldly.

The lord of the two halls closed off, picked up Gu Tao and left.

Xiao Yi went straight to the depths of the main hall.


In the main study room of the main hall.

Xiao Yi sat down casually.

But there was no one around.

Xiao Yi picked up a cup of fragrant tea delivered by the Master Chengfeng from the table, took a sip, and waited quietly.

For a long while.

Fang, the master of the wind brake hall, arrived with a smile.

"You kid, I couldn't calm down in the past, I'm afraid I would leave soon."

"Today, sit quietly and wait for the old man?"

The main hall of the wind brake sits at the table and chuckles.

Xiao Yi also chuckled, "You old fellow, you used to know that I was here, and you always came to me immediately, asking questions about the long and short."

"Today, Dao Shanshan is late?"

"What?" The master of the wind brake smiled lightly, "I can't always sit at the table and review the files."

"The old man is getting old, this old bone should always be loosened from time to time."

"You should have done these things."

Xiao Yi chuckled, slightly closed his eyes and felt it.

It was worthy of opening his eyes. Around him, a group of figures appeared out of thin air.

It is a master palace master.

Xiao Yi looked at the main hall master of Fengcha, "I said why I didn't see anyone so long, it turned out to be to inform the main hall master."

"Old guys are getting old fast."

The eight frowned slightly, and then they said in doubt, "Aren't you traveling outside? Why did you suddenly come to the main hall of the wind brake today?"

The master of the wind brake hall joked, "In the old days, let you come to the main hall, but you will not come alive and die."

"Let's find you, and we always think we have disturbed your travels."

The smile on Xiao Yi's face instantly solidified, and he said coldly, "How long do you want to hide it from me?"

The eight people disappeared at the same time, their faces condensed.

Xiao Yi saw the changes in the expressions of the eight people in his eyes, and chuckled lightly, "You all came here together, I have already guessed the reason why I came here."

"So, I don't need to test or talk about it anymore."

"Tell me the answer directly, okay?"

Eight people, silent.

Xiao Yi squinted and looked directly at the Master Hall Master Fengcha.

The master of the Wind Brake Hall looked calm, "If you ask about the western edge of the area half a month ago."

"That's just a small matter, I won't send information to you specially."

"On that day, within the sphere of influence of the Dongfang family, the Dongfang family has the obligation to come forward and resolve it."

"Hundreds of hidden families are safe and sound, and each return to family land."

"The Ice Palace was under siege, and was later driven back by the four guardians to resolve the crisis."

Xiao Yi instantly looked ugly, "Because this information was not in my hands in time, the Ice Palace Protector could only pass the Palace Master Order to ward me in a critical moment."

"If I am a minute or two slower today, the Ice Palace will now be ashes, and the consequences will be disastrous."

The main hall of the wind brake shrugged, "Who would have thought that things would happen to such a point in the end?"

Xiao Yi sneered, "If someone else says this to me, I believe it."

"But the main hall of the wind brake is in charge of mainland intelligence. I don't believe this."

"You know the secrets of the eight sects, I even believe that the ancient realm sect and his party have just taken action, and the wind brake main hall has information."

"You are hiding it from me on purpose."

In the last sentence, Xiao Yi's tone was filled with extreme dissatisfaction.

The main hall master of Shura said in a deep voice, "Boy, don't rush to get angry."

"Even if we sent this information from half a month ago to you, what can we do?"

"How can you know what is unknown in the future?"

"Who would have thought that the water girl would be so arrogant, and would not hesitate to retaliate."

Xiao Yi sneered instantly, "In other words, you already knew this girl in water?"

"I even know that she is not just the Young Master of Shuiguang Mansion, she knows where she came from."

The main hall of Shura's words stagnated.

The masters of the main hall of Asura took a glance at the main hall of Asura without a trace.

The Master Palace Master Shura also instantly looked ugly, "I've become more skilled, even the old man has been tricked out by you."

"Heh." Xiao Yi sneered, "excellent."

"It's enough to let the master Palace Master Shura, who has always been calm, speak his mouth.

"Bastard thing." The head of the Yandian Hall had a grumpy temper and snarled.

"Do you have to calculate from time to time? Open up and talk to us properly?"

Xiao Yi sneered, "If you don't hide everything from me, why should the kid always hide your mind?"

"You don't lie to me, of course I am happy to talk normally."

The master of the hunting demon palace took a seat on the side, "We did not expect the Ice Palace thing."

"As for that girl, Bazong greeted her a few days ago."

"Is this answer direct enough?"

"Enough." Xiao Yi nodded.

Xiao Yi believes this is true.

A few years ago, when he was still walking as Xiao Xun, because of the formation, he asked the Lord of the Heavenly Secret Palace if he knew the Master of Shuiguang Mansion Shui Ninghan.

The answer of the Lord of the Heavenly Jigsaw at that time was that he knew, but did not know, and had never seen it.

The top celestial arrogances of the Central Territory have a certain reputation, and you will naturally know about them.

"Bazong said hello?" Xiao Yi said in a puzzled voice.

"Where did that girl come from?"

"I definitely don't believe that the young palace master of the Eighteenth Mansion in his district has the ability to send the Ancient Realm Sect powerhouse."

The master of the wind brake shook his head, "I don't know."

"Bazong didn't say anything, but simply said hello."

Xiao Yi frowned.

There is a connection between the Eight Halls and the Eight Sects, which Xiao Yi could guess by himself.

As soon as Little Sword Monarch and his party appeared before, the main hall masters could recognize the identity of the people at a glance.

"So." Xiao Yi's face was cold, "Even if she knows that the water girl is the person behind Lingyan Pavilion and Zhizun Tower."

"Knowing that these two forces have stirred up the situation in the Middle Territory before, they have provoked battles everywhere, causing a mess."

"I know that she ambushes hundreds of hidden families half a month ago."

"This random one is enough for Badian to capture her, but Badian has one eye closed now?"

Eight people, silent.

Xiao Yi stood up.

"Where to go?" The head of the hunting monster asked with a frown.

"Find someone." Xiao Yi said coldly.

"I can spend a lot of time and effort to find her slowly when I change."

"But not now, I don't have enough time."

"So..." Xiao Yi's eyes were cold, "I will place a wanted order in the main hall. On the mainland, where there are my eight halls, this water girl cannot be accommodated."

"This is my second order after taking over as the master of the Eight Halls."


Third more.

Update today, over.

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