Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3018: Must kill

At the beginning, he was slashed with the Star Slashing Sword, and the four starlights actually gave him the strength comparable to the Emperor Realm.

The fifth star light gave him the strength to step down and defeat the little Sword Lord as a newcomer.

The strong is not only the swordsmanship of Slashing Stars, but also the power of these five daos from the ancient natal stars.

Whether it is the Red Star, the Mammoth Star, the Qianjun Star, or the Dark Star of Galo, they are all extremely powerful stars among the vast stars.

Today, with the help of the Purple Lightning Sword, he has dropped eight times in a row, giving him the power to step into the quadruple of Hedao.

Strong, it is also not only Slashing Star Sword.

It comes from the power of these eight mysterious stars.

And all this is still under the premise that he hasn't counted any increase.

Of course, he doesn't need any increase in the quilt.

Other methods can not be integrated into Star Slashing Sword at all.

If one day, he can comprehend all the stars of the sky, then the vast stars of this world will become his strongest ice pattern.

No matter when and where, he can mobilize the power of endless stars.

But... At that level, I am afraid that even Star Sword Sovereign himself is far beyond reach.

Even, that might be something that Valkyrie can do.

Xiao Yi shook his head.

He was back on his injuries and recovered at an extremely fast speed.

The backlash injury from killing the ten elders and others before, coupled with the full pursuit all the way, and then breaking into the ancient realm sect, and fighting the second guardian.

He has been hurt and hurt.

In the final battle against Gu Yi, although he injured Gu Yi, he himself added injuries.

This makes him now seriously injured.


An hour later.

"Huh." Xiao Yi exhaled a suffocating breath and stabilized his injuries.

For the rest, he will slowly recover afterwards.

Aside, Xia Yiming felt a little bit and woke up from meditation.

"Is there a serious problem with the palace owner's injury?" Xia Yiming asked concerned.

Xiao Yi waved his hand and chuckled, "It's okay."

"This injury is far worse than when I was severe."

"It's you." There was a guilty expression on Xiao Yi's face. "Since following me, I have become my follower."

"Xia Yiming, the arrogant and dreaded kendo evildoer in the past, was injured everywhere."

"The injury is still mild, either because of a long life loss, or because the cultivation base is drawn."

"Or you should stop following me."

Xia Yiming's expression changed, and he quickly got up and knelt to the ground, "The palace lord calms down his anger, it's useless to shout."

Xiao Yi shook his head and chuckled lightly.

He is not worried about Xia Yiming's current situation.

It doesn't matter if the Shouyuan is gone or the cultivation base is gone, after all, Xia Yiming is still young.

It was only a matter of time before the cultivation base was cultivated again with Xia Yiming's talent.

In the case of Shouyuan, as long as it is not completely gone, at this level, anyone who breaks through the first layer can easily live for more than 100,000 years.

So these are not big problems.

After all, Yiming is not in the category of the nine-fold limit in the big realm.

The ninth level of each great realm will always get stuck with countless warriors, and almost half of the warriors are likely to hopelessly break through throughout their lives.

Especially in the category of the Holy Venerable Realm, once stepping into the peak of the Holy Venerable Realm, then the lack of longevity and the loss of the foundation of cultivation will be like a fatal blow.

As far as the peak of the Holy Venerable Realm is concerned, let alone a little bit of breakthrough, it is likely to require hundreds of thousands of years of retreat.

If the foundation of cultivation is gone, even if it is only one or two layers, it would be equivalent to losing a million years of hard cultivation.

Shouyuan is even more troublesome, because at the peak, it is almost impossible to break through again to obtain an increase in Shouyuan.

And Xia Yiming was just a young evildoer, and only the middle and late stages of the Holy Venerable Realm.

Therefore, the loss of the foundation of lifespan and cultivation is not a huge problem.

"Get up." Xiao Yi chuckled, "I mean, you don't have to worry about the water girl."

Xia Yiming frowned when she heard the words, "She not only offended the palace lord, but also repeatedly injured and calculated the palace lord. She was determined to..."

Xia Yiming paused, and suddenly, "I see, it's useful for the palace lord to keep her? Just like the woman Dongfang Zhi?"

"So the palace lord will not let Yiming chase after him."

Xiao Yi shook his head, "It's different."

"I mean, this girl, I will solve it."

"If I have a chance, I will definitely kill this girl in one blow, without leaving any future troubles." Xiao Yi's eyes narrowed.

Xia Yiming frowned.

Xiao Yi chuckled, "I don't kill Dongfang Zhi. The so-called keeping her is useful, but it's just a cover."

"It doesn't matter whether you kill her or not. Even if it's on the face of Senior Luo, I will save her life."

"The biggest difference between Dongfang Zhi and this water girl is that Dongfang Zhi and I are not enemies of life and death."

"I don't understand." Xia Yiming shook his head in confusion.

Xiao Yi said softly, "Dongfang Zhi targeted me only because of Mo You, just because of profit."

"She is more like a shrew, messing around all the way."

"But when she gets tired and powerless; when I am strong enough that everything she does is just a joke, she will stop."

"When she is like an ant, and I am as strong as a towering mountain in her eyes, she herself will not be able to give birth to half-pointed thoughts."

"So it doesn't matter if I kill her or not."

Xia Yiming frowned and asked, "Then this girl..."

"She is different." Xiao Yi squinted.

"If one day, you meet her again, don't talk nonsense with her, you will kill you with one blow."

"She and I... are actually very similar."

"What she said and did must have a purpose and purpose."

"If you play against her, she will chatter to prove that she is preparing something."

"Because me too."

"Of course, if you can't meet it, then it's the best. You don't have to worry about it, and you don't have to hunt down."

Xia Yiming shook his head, "I don't understand it."

Xiao Yi chuckled, "Perhaps, from the beginning, she and I were destined to be enemies."

"She and I have no chance of turning around."

"Even if I am as strong as a lofty mountain, and she is as weak as an ant, she will still try her best to worm through this mountain."

"In short, if possible, I will kill her with one blow."

Xia Yiming smiled bitterly, "Sometimes the words of the palace lord are like the masters of the palace, very profound, Yiming can't understand."

"You don't need to understand." Xiao Yi chuckled and waved his hand.

"Okay, don't talk about it."

"You meditate for a while, and then go back to the Ice Palace to take a good recuperation."

"Yeah." Xia Yiming nodded and sat down cross-legged again.

But that cold face is full of complexity at the moment.

Those steadfast eyes were bleak at the moment.

Such a face looked like Xiao Yi just now.

Xiao Yi was about to get up, glanced, and chuckled again.

"What? But unwilling?"

"There is no spirit in my eyes, this is not like the Xia Yiming I know."

Xia Yiming looked guilty, and there was even a bit of pain in his eyes.

"Yi Ming, it's really useless, not only can't protect the palace owner, nor help the palace owner, but also make the palace owner worry and worry."

"It must be Yiming not working hard enough." Xia Yiming gritted his teeth.

But in an instant, this gritted teeth turned into weakness.

"Palace Master, do you think Yiming is really useless?" Xia Yiming asked in a questioning tone.

Xiao Yi frowned.

This is the first time that Xia Yiming, who came from the letter, showed this expression and tone.


Second more.

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