Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3034: Ancient Pure Moon

Outside the hospital.

Xiao Yi looked at the cherry tree and the beautiful lady who was cross-legged under the tree, and smiled slightly.

"Broken." Xiao Yi shouted in a low voice.

Step out slowly.

With one step, a big array dissipated.

Eight steps down, the blockade outside the courtyard disappeared.

However, at this moment, Xiao Yi was about to step into the hospital for a moment.



An astonishing momentum suddenly burst from the beauty.

The huge courtyard instantly turned into powder.

High in the sky, in this moment the situation is changing and dark clouds are permeating.

Amidst the large black clouds, a round full of black and bright moon slowly descended.

"Boy, be careful."


Eight figures arrived in an instant.

"What a strong aura, the duality of the Sovereign Realm?" The main hall of Shura looked around the courtyard that had turned into powder, his deep gaze finally fixed on Yiyi.

"A little bit of aura, has caused the world to change?" The head of the hunting demon palace looked at the large dark clouds.

The dark clouds obscured the sun, and even attacked the sky above the entire Fengcha Main Hall.

The breath of heaven and earth, under the black moon on the sky, became desolate, bleak, and cold.

The vast world plunged into darkness in an instant, but the sky and black moon still exuded a cold and strange light.

Senior Luo stared at the black moon, and squinted his eyes, "The silent black moon is even worse than the ancient cold moon."

"It's so desolate and bleak, I'm afraid it won't be comparable to 80 million years ago."

"Boy, bring the dawn bell."

"If this continues, her inner demon will devour her mind alive."

Xiao Yi's arm shook, and the dawn bell flew out.

Senior Luo took it and took it with a heavy palm.


As the palm fell, the alarming bells centered on Senior Luo, instantly spreading across the world.

Like a tidal bell, it seems to be visible to the naked eye, it will spread all the way for millions of miles like a wave, and the bell will never cease.

On the sky.

The ringing of the bell, the impact was heavy on the dark clouds, and the dim world was born with a ray of light.

However, the sound of the bell could not penetrate after all.

The light drawn out was swallowed by dark clouds again.

"Huh?" Senior Luo frowned.


The space is gradually frozen in this extremely cold and desolate atmosphere.

The master of the Wind Brake Hall's expression changed, "If this continues, my entire Wind Brake Hall will be frozen in the area covered by dark clouds, and I will be swallowed by this black moon."

Senior Luo squinted, "If the old man beats the dawn bell louder, the girl will not be able to withstand the impact of the bell."


Xiao Yi stepped out suddenly.

One step out, one step downstairs, the figure is already under the cherry tree, in front of the beautiful lady.

Xiao Yi chuckled and flicked the bridge of her nose, "Nizi, it's time to wake up."

The soft sound is better than the sound of the dawn bell at this moment.

Yiyi's eyes opened instantly.

Beautiful eyes opened for a moment.


The dark clouds in the world and the black moon disappeared in an instant without a trace.

The desolate, icy atmosphere of the world returned to normal in an instant.

The beauty opened her eyes for a moment, and she saw that it was sunny and sunny.

The color of the world that was raging and violent just now, instantly like Yiyi's well-behaved face, calm and pleasant.

"My son, you are out of the gate." Yiyi stood up abruptly, his face full of joy.

"Yeah." Xiao Yi nodded.

Yiyi glanced around and frowned slightly, "This yard..."

"Heh." Xiao Yi chuckled lightly, "This yard is not bumped."

"At our level, any burst of momentum can destroy it."

Yiyi was about to ask.

Xiao Yi pouted, "I am hungry after two years of retreat."

Yiyi instantly put away the questioning, cheered up, "Yiyi goes to the fire and cooks."

"Yeah." Xiao Yi nodded, "Wait."

Xiao Yi waved a big hand.


All around, the mud was surging instantly.

It was a piece of earth, and it was immediately full of vitality, and flourishing flowers and plants broke through the ground.

In the distance, a small lake appeared out of thin air.

The water in the lake is clear and bright.

In an instant, the surrounding area suddenly became a quiet place with pleasant scenery.

On the side, a simple hut, just sewn up.

A simple but elegant courtyard was built in an instant under the three laws of Dirt, Senluo, and Tianshui.

Of course, it was a bit out of tune with the ancient and majestic palaces outside.

"Go." Xiao Yi chuckled lightly.

Yiyi nodded, happily leaving.

When I walked to the lake, Qiankun Ring in his hand was actually a pile of cooking utensils, fruits and vegetables.

Yiyi pulls up the sleeves of the Chinese suit, busying herself.

Xiao Yi frowned slightly.

"Boy." The master of the Fengcha Main Hall glanced at Xiao Yi and said dissatisfied, "You are building a farmhouse in the Main Hall of the Wind Brake, you..."

Xiao Yi ignored it, frowned, "Is that Yiyi's Martial Spirit?"

The Master Palace Master Shura frowned, "Have you not seen it?"

"I have seen it." Xiao Yi nodded, "but didn't delve into it."

He accompanies Yiyi, mostly traveling, of course, he has also inspected Yiyi's body, knowing that her martial soul is a bright moon.

Wuhun was once black, so the whole moon glowed with black light.

But he never studied it deeply, let alone let Yiyi condense.

The head of the Demon Hunter squinted his eyes, "The black moon just disappeared for a moment, the old man saw it really, the black moon turned into a cold and bright moon before disappearing."

Senior Luo said directly, "To be precise, it is a round of ancient moon, ancient pure moon."

Everyone looked at Senior Luo.

Senior Luo looked at Xiao Yi and said indifferently, "Do you remember the origin of the dawn bell?"

"At the end of the ancient times, the beginning of the ancient times, during this period there is an incalculable time, but the world is dim."

"The old man doesn't know how long it was."

"Either a million years, or a hundred years, decades."

"The old man is not clear, I am afraid no one can."

Xiao Yi frowned and said, "It was during those years that the dawn bell pierced the dim world, and a bell sounded when the dawn came."

Senior Luo nodded, "This bell not only represents the breakthrough of the dim world, but also the beginning of the ancient years."

"From the time when the first tones of the dawn bell strikes, the ancient years have completely ended, and the ancient years have officially opened."

The master of the wind brake frowned and said, "The origin of the dawn bell is like a thunder, and anyone with a certain level of power knows it."

"What do you want to say about Luo?"

Senior Luo said indifferently, "But there is one more thing, no one knows."

"In fact, when the bell of dawn broke through the dim moment, the first thing that appeared was not the dawn of the earth, the gentle sunshine."

"It's... a round of pure moon."

"At that moment, just like the eve of dawn, the moon will not fall, and the sun will rise. It is the time when the sun and the moon coexist in the world."

"That kind of sight only existed for a short time."

"After the darkness has completely dissipated, that round of Jingyue will also completely disappear from the heavens and the earth, and the big place will completely usher in the radiant light."

"Since that day, there is no more pure moon in the heavens and the earth, no more rounds like the holiest and purest moon in the heavens and the earth."

Senior Luo looked at Xiao Yi directly, and said in a deep voice, "It was the ancient Jingyue that was condensed by that girl just now."


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