Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3080: Beauty of the year


The waves on the endless Black Sea are always so turbulent.

Even if you stand on the shore, you can still hear the rushing sea waves.

However, Xiao Yi heard the cry of the shadow in his arms even more authentically amidst the sound of the sea waves.

That face, pressed close to his chest, crying, passed into the nearest atrium.

The clothes on his chest were already wet with tears.

Xiao Yi pursed his lips and held the beautiful shadow in his arms tighter.

What a lonely wait is what makes this person cry so heartbreaking now.

"Stop crying, didn't you come back?"

Xiao Yi smiled softly and patted the soft back.

When he left, she said that she waited for him and kept waiting.

Despite his cold words, she did not complain or give up.

She had never longed for anything, never forced him, she was just doing what she wanted to do.

At that time, he did not give her any answer.

At that time, he didn't know how he would be in the future and when he would come back.

He also doesn't know what will happen to her many years later.

At that time, he had no other mind to think about too many other things.

Now, many years later, she doesn't have anything right and wrong, but the original intention remains the same.

"Okay, cry any more, I should change my clothes later."

Xiao Yi teased softly, holding Qianying's waist with one hand, and wiping her face with tears with the other.

Those beautiful eyes were red and swollen already crying.

The tears of hard thinking that have been waiting for so many years have all turned into tears of joy today, free, no matter how difficult it is to suppress, tears are like tides.

"I...I...I really didn't read it wrong that day." Qianying was choked with excitement.

That day, she really couldn't see the flashing light, but she knew that she was right.

Xiao Yi chuckled and wiped away the tears. Just about to answer, he saw the soft body soften in his arms.

Xiao Yi was taken aback, but Qian Yingfang stood still with her arms around her, "What?"

Qianying lowered her head and said with embarrassment, "I'm too excited, some feet numb."

Xiao Yi laughed, "Sit down."

Sitting on the fine sand gently supporting Qianying, Xiao Yi also sat aside.

The two sat leaning together, and the smaller heads of the shadows leaned against the warm and broad shoulders for the first time.

At this moment, she finally felt that the waiting these years had not been in vain.

"You came back a few days ago..." Qianying said again with a slight resentment.

"Yes." Xiao Yi smiled, "I just came back that day, so I have to rush to treat Yi Lao first."

"After that, I have to hurry back to Xiao's house."

Qianying's face was startled when she heard the words, "Old Yi..."

Old Yi, he knew it.

She was practicing with him in the Sky-Splitting Sword Sect, and she had also seen the arrogant old man.

Of course, she knew more about the death of the old man in the capital of King Yanwu.

"Not dead." Xiao Yi shook his head, "In these years, I have traveled all over the Central Region and finally found a cure."

"Now it's easy to get old and healed, and only after a while, I will wake up."

Qianying, she is Liu Yanran.

Liu Yanran smiled beautifully, "Really? That's great."

Xiao Yi glanced at the joy on Liu Yanran's face and only smiled.

She and Yi Lao have little friendship or relationship.

Her phrase ‘too good’, it’s just that she knows his relationship with Yi Lao, and even more so, how crazy he was because of Yi Lao’s death.

Yi Lao is a knot in his heart.

Now that the knot was untied, she was pleased.

"How are you all these years?" Xiao Yi asked softly.

"I heard Senior Jian Ji said that she invited you to go to the Central Region together, but you refused."

"If you want to see me, then you can go together, why wait here?"

"Now Lin Jin and Feiyang see them more wonderfully there."

"Zhongyu is dangerous, but also wonderful."

Liu Yanran shook her head, "My excitement, I have been waiting."

"I said, I will always be here waiting for you."

Xiao Yi's tone was stagnant, and he asked softly, "What if I don't come back?"

Qianying stubbornly said, "Then I will keep waiting."

Xiao Yi frowned slightly, "What if I die?"

Qianying stopped and shook her head, "I don't know."

Xiao Yi chuckled, slowly getting up.

Liu Yanran's face was startled, as if panic, as if afraid that this man would leave again.

Xiao Yi did not leave, but looked at Qianying and asked softly, "Are your feet still numb?"

There were tears in Liu Yanran's eyes again, "Did I say something wrong?"

Xiao Yi shook his head and chuckles, "If your feet are not numb, get up and go."

"You have been here for so many years, and it is time to go."

"If your feet are numb, I will carry you."

As Xiao Yi said, he bent down and stretched out his hand.

Liu Yanran cried with joy, "Ma."

Saying like this, he caught Xiao Yi's hand and stood up.

Xiao Yi took a beautiful image on his back and smiled, "Here is the endless black sea, it's gloomy, it's not a good place."

While talking, Xiao Yi's body was full of warmth and vitality.

The shadow behind her back suddenly felt warm and comfortable.

"Although you have a heavy cultivation base, it is difficult to resist the cold atmosphere here for a long time."

"Yeah." Listening to the concerned words, Liu Yanran smiled sweetly and hummed her head gently on Xiao Yi's shoulder.

Xiao Yi was silent suddenly.

Liu Yanran was also silent.

It seems that the two of them don't know what to say?

Or are they both enjoying the peace after the excitement of reunion?

After a while, Liu Yanran took the lead and slowly opened her mouth, "Zhongyu, it's very dangerous, right."

"Yeah." Xiao Yi nodded, "It is a hundred times more dangerous than the Eastern Region."

"Here, there are kingdoms and laws."

"There, the real strong is respected."

Liu Yanran pursed her lips, "You have had a hard time all these years, right?"

She leaned on her shoulder and could see any corner of Xiao Yi's face from close range.

You can see this handsome face in the most real way, you can see the eyebrows, and you can see the coldness underneath the face.

This face has hardly changed from that year.

But at the same time, she could clearly see that there was a lot of vicissitudes and a sense of wind and frost between this handsome face and brow.

He must have had a hard time all these years.

Her eyes could not help but feel distressed.

Xianxiansu's hand slowly stretched out and touched Xiao Yi's forehead, as if he wanted to smooth out the creases and intense vicissitudes of life caused by the frequent wrinkles at that time.

Xiao Yi chuckled lightly, without half rejecting, turning his head to look at this beautiful face lying on his shoulders, close to him, he couldn't help but smile knowingly.

This face is the same as it was in the past, with little change.

This woman is still as gentle and considerate as she was back then, yet she is also intellectual, making him comfortable all the time.

It was a kind of comfort like a spring breeze.

"Remember the first time we met that year?" Xiao Yi asked with a light smile.

Liu Yanran smiled, "It was in the assessment forest of the Sky Splitting Sword Sect at that time."

"You were sleeping lazily, I knocked you off."


First more.

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