Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3103: The engulfed purple electricity

"And what we have seen and heard over the past year."

Xiao Yi frowned, "Do you still remember the desolate colors on the Great Desolate Kingdom."

"There, I really feel the desolation of ancient times."

"There are also various stories circulating in the Eastern Regions, ancient demons and ghosts."

"The warriors in the Eastern Territory, I think they are stories, and even act as gods."

"But we know at this level that these fierce monsters did exist in the ancient times, above the hidden world secret Xin."

"I used to hear these stories in the Eastern Region, but on the other side of the Central Region, if I hadn't become the Lord of the Eight Palaces, I wouldn't be able to touch these secrets.

Yiyi nodded, also showing doubts.

Xiao Yi frowned, "I don't know how to say that feeling."

"It's like, even though the martial arts of the middle domain is complete, there are many things missing."

"On the Eastern Territory, the martial arts of heaven and earth are incomplete, but ancient things have been circulating, but because of the limitations of the martial arts of heaven and earth and the limits of martial arts, the splendor of martial arts is fading."

Yiyi nodded, "The martial art has passed and declined due to the damage of the laws of heaven and earth, but history has not."

"It's just that history has become a story because of the limitation of the level of warriors."

"Yeah." Xiao Yi frowned, "Zhongyu over..."

"Those who have the ability to conceal history and make everything a secret will exist."

Yiyi said, "Eight Sects, Eight Halls."

Xiao Yi nodded and said solemnly, "Perhaps stronger, above the two."

Yiyi's face was startled.

Xiao Yi said solemnly, "Maybe it's just my guess, I hope I guessed wrong."

"But my instinct tells"

Xiao Yi dropped the last two words heavily.

"I have always wanted to wait for some things, but I'm afraid I can't wait."

"My kendo level and strength, it seems necessary to speed up the improvement."

Xiao Yi said in a deep voice, remembering something suddenly, his face changed, "Oh, I forgot about Zidian."

Two previous attempts to get Zidian back from the sky, Zidian did not respond.

I didn't worry about it before, and I simply forgot about it. Now I just remembered when I talked about Kendo.

Zidian himself, I am afraid it would never have imagined that its owner has forgotten it many times.

Xiao Yi hurriedly got up, "I'll go to a very cold place. Just stay in Xiao's house."

Yiyi nodded.

Whoosh... Xiao Yi flashed away and disappeared in place.

In the distance, a stream of flame flashed by.


Xiao Yi quickly rushed into the sky, with a hint of worry in his heart.

The Purple Lightning Sword was originally a spiritual sword, not to mention that it is now an ancient treasure, and it is also a martial arts sword.

It stands to reason that there will never be such a call without any response.

Furthermore, the Eastern Region is not big.

Of course, Xiao Yi didn't take this matter to heart, but Zidian was his sword. If Zidian was really in danger, he would immediately feel it.

Today, his connection with Zidian is not abnormal, as usual.

This made him not put this matter first.

However, he didn't know exactly what accident happened to Zidian now.


In just a few dozen breaths, Xiao Yi had already arrived in the extremely cold place.

A flash, the figure has appeared outside the extreme cold crack.

Looking from a distance, through the lingering wind and snow, inside, there is a divine sword glowing with purple light floating high in the sky.

Around, there is a monstrous array.

Above the sky, countless stars passed through the layers of wind and snow and fell on the Divine Sword.

However, the aura of the divine sword did not deepen due to the fall of the star power.

On the contrary... the breath of the sword is constantly weakening.

To be more serious, under the sword, there is a huge monster that seems to keep opening and closing its mouth.

The power of the stars fell on the divine sword, but was swallowed up by it.

Xiao Yi's face was startled.

Zidian is indeed safe.

But the starlight power drawn by the large array of tens of thousands of spiritual veins that he specially prepared for Zidian was completely absorbed by foreign objects.

Then, what is it?

Under the curtain of night, the behemoth was completely dark.

From a distance, it looked like a towering black mountain.

The monster, Xiao Yi looked far away, only a piece of black could be seen, it seemed that the monster was facing his back.

"There is no evil spirit, but the breath is extremely strong." Xiao Yi squinted.


"No, it's better than what I predicted."

Xiao Yi was just about to release his perception.

The behemoth, but apparently felt it, jumped up suddenly.

Xiao Yi's pupils shrank, already predicting what this monster would want to do, "Stop it."

However, it was too late.

The divine sword above the sky has been swallowed in one bite.

In a breath, this black behemoth has been hidden in the night.

"Asshole, want to escape?" Xiao Yi's expression changed drastically, and Long Yanhuo's wings shook and chased quickly.

There is no sign ahead.

Xiao Yi squinted, instead of looking far away, but slowly looking down.

No matter how fast the giant head is, it is impossible to disappear from his eyes at once.

Yes, that huge monster didn't flee into the distance, but... fell below.

Below, there is the deep-cold crack that does not reach the bottom.

"Cold crack?" Xiao Yi squinted.

Speaking of it, he fell into a very cold crack and fell all the way, but he didn't see the bottom at all.

At a height of 10,000 meters, he encountered Venerable Ice's deteriorating spiritual sense and was sucked into the cave.

After that, he came to life from desperate situation and escaped from the crack. He had the opportunity of Venerable Ice, but he didn't delve into what was below.

Even when he returned to the Eastern Region this time, he only went to the cave to treat Yi Lao, but did not delve into anything.

"Yi Lao? Not good." Xiao Yi's face changed drastically, and his figure flashed before jumping into the crack without much thought.

The huge crack in the extreme cold seems to be a huge mouth that eats people.

Inside, the wind was strong and extremely cold.

Below, it is more like an abyss, never bottoming out.

Xiao Yi fell to a height of 10,000 meters and jumped into the cave.

Inside the ice coffin, the old man was still unconscious, but his vitality was slowly recovering.

Everything is fine.

Xiao Yi breathed a sigh of relief and turned to leave the cave.

In the violent icy wind, Xiao Yi frowned.

Looking up, it was a wind and snow, and with Xiao Yi's strength and eyesight, he could see everything above 10,000 meters.

At the edge of the cliff, the extremely smooth trace made him feel jealous.

Look down.

But it was darkness, and I couldn't see it at all.

With his eyesight, he couldn't penetrate the layers of darkness at all.

How deep is this crack?

What's there below?

And what is the behemoth just now?

That amazing breath is absolutely above the realm of the monarch, but the breath is faint, even he can't perceive it.

The only thing he can be sure of is that the breath is absolutely strong, so strong that it can be pointed out.

Venerable Ice, one of the six sages of Yanlong, why did he die here?


Xiao Yi's fist cracked.

He was still thinking about whether he should go deep into this extremely cold crack.

For a long while.

Xiao Yi still gritted his teeth, his eyes cold, "I want to eat Tao Zhiyao after swallowing my Zidian? Dreaming."

The figure flashed, and quickly leapt down.


Third more.

Update today, over.

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