Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3136: Thousands of years ago

"No." Xiao Yi stared carefully.

"There was no invasion. After those strange auras penetrated their bodies, they were forced out again."

In the picture, after the breath that gushed out from under the seabed infiltrated these Sky-Swallowing Demon Whales, the faces of the Sky-Swallowing Demon Whales were grim and painful, and they seemed to be suffering.

But for a long time, these breaths were forced out of their bodies.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Yi looked into big eyes.

Big eyes thought for a while, "By the way, these Sky-Swallowing Devil Whales don't have magic bodies on them."

"Huh?" Xiao Yi reacted and quickly let out his perception.

Earlier, I heard that the big eyes said that the Sky-Swallowing Demon Whales are the guardian beasts of the Demon Gate, so I subconsciously felt that they possessed demon bodies.

But now, under perception, it does not.

With big eyes, he said solemnly, "The cultivation of a magic body is very difficult."

"Just like the creatures in the world, if you can't help my magic door, you must be the most amazing and brilliant person in the world to be able to comprehend it by yourself."

"What you can cultivate is only the magic way you walked out of, and the magic way you entered briefly."

"But that is not an orthodox magic way, and there is no real magic body."

Xiao Yi frowned and asked, "Then these Sky Swallowing Devil Whales?"

Big eyes replied, "Their ancestors were indeed within the demon gate, listening to the demon ancestor's preaching."

"But this doesn't mean that you can definitely cultivate into a demon with the guidance of the demon ancestor."

"Many disciples, if they are inadequate, even with the guidance of the demon ancestors, they will only get the state of the demon way like the most amazing and brilliant person among you."

He glanced at Xiao Yi with big eyes, "You are a pervert, and you can cultivate a demon in a short time. It is rare in the world."

Looking back at the front screen with big eyes, "As for these Sky-Swallowing Demon Whales, not all of their ancestors can cultivate into a demon, let alone them countless years later."

"They do have Demon Dao aura, but this is more of the incomplete Demon Dao inheritance left over from their clan."

"They don't have demon bodies, but they are more like a solid demon coat."

"Magic coat?" Xiao Yi pondered for a moment. "The magical aura on them is just a layer of magical power that cannot be condensed, like a magical coat."

"I understand." Xiao Yi suddenly said, "Those weird auras cannot invade the demons."

Xiao Yi knew exactly how powerful the demon body was.

The strength of the two legendary demon ancestors was even harder to damage the first generation soul emperor.

These weird auras couldn't invade the demons at all.

It's just that the level of the magic way of these sky-swallowing devil whales is too low, and the magic way coat they cultivated can't resist it.

But even so, the ‘weak’ demon coat can force these strange auras out.

The power of the magic way can be seen.

Xiao Yi continued to stare at the rotation of the screen.

"Memory flow faster." Xiao Yi added.

The big eyes wrinkle lightly, "Although these guys' memories are easy to take, but if they flow too fast, can you see it?"

"A whole thousand years of memory..."

Xiao Yi interrupted, "They mostly sleep."

"Don't worry, speed it up."

Wow... the speed of the picture has soared.

"Quickly." Xiao Yi said.

The speed of circulation increases tenfold.

"Quickly." Xiao Yi increased his tone.

The speed of circulation increases by a thousand times.

After half an hour.

Xiao Yi's eyes were cold, "I see."

"The weird aura under the sea rushes up, and the Sky-Swallowing Demon Whale at a depth of 100,000 meters is unaffected and unaffected."

"But the other sea beasts above can't stand the attack of these auras."

"It seems that the monsters in the endless black sea have mutated because of these strange auras."

No wonder all the abyss monsters here have that strange third breath.

But these Sky Swallowing Devil Whales did not.

Big eyes looked at Xiao Yi in surprise, "With such a fast speed of circulation, can you see everything clearly and connect?"

Xiao Yi nodded.

The big eyes became more shocked, "What a terrible mind."

"It's a pity that the emperor doesn't have the strength to cultivate, otherwise he will be able to see more thoroughly than you."

Xiao Yi shook his head, "The strength of cultivation has given the martial artist countless abilities to reach the sky."

"With enough power, the eyes can capture a faster picture flow."

"But sometimes, you can't always rely on cultivation."

Looking at Xiao Yi suspiciously with big eyes, "It seems that this emperor has really lived you for many years, and some truths are not as well known as you."

Big eyes retracted the illusion.

A crowd of Sky Swallowing Devil Whales returned to normal.

"Did you see it just now?" Xiao Yi asked in a voice, "The existence of their clan means the demon ancestor?"

Big eyes said solemnly, "I saw it, but I don't know about it."

The old voice sounded again, "The Demon Ancestor ordered our Sky-Swallowing Demon Whale clan to stay here. This is something that has been passed down from generation to generation by the patriarch."

Xiao Yi nodded.

He had seen this memory just now.

When these Sky Swallowing Whales were still young, the previous generation of Sky Swallowing Whales exhorted exactly the same words.

Xiao Yi frowned and looked into his big eyes, "Don't you know?"

"I don't know, then I don't know, or I forgot, how did you become the guardian of the magic door?"

Big eyes displeased, "Although the emperor is a protector of the law, how can the devil ancestor's mind be I can guess?"

A headed Sky-Swallowing Demon Whale swam in front of Xiao Yi.

It was still the old voice, "How many years have been guarded by the Sky-Swallowing Devil Whale clan, even our clan can't remember."

"In the past generations, they have listened to the devil's death and held on to this seabed of 100,000 meters."

"But, thousands of years ago, this sea has become extremely turbulent, extremely poisonous, and it is no longer a place for creatures to inhabit."

"The depth of one hundred thousand meters is even more toxic and terrifying. Only our Sky-Swallowing Devil Whales can bear it."

Xiao Yi nodded, "That's why you have the idea of ​​leaving this endless black sea."

"And the human warriors of the Eastern Region have become your enemies."

The giant magic whale nodded and replied, "Ten thousand years ago, only a small number of people had this idea."

"The Sky-Swallowing Demon Whale clan has always been loyal to the Demon Sect and dare not violate the devil's ancestor's will."

"But with the limits of heaven and earth, the lower the cultivation base of the people, the more difficult it will be to resist the aura here."

"Thousands of years later, after the patriarch of that generation fell, we have become more and more interested in fleeing here."

"The battle with the human warriors of the Eastern Region also broke out at that time."

In fact, even from the time of the early separation of the Eastern Region tens of millions of years ago, the distance between the fall of the Demon Ancestor and the demise of the Demon Gate would be at least 80 million years ago.

After all, the demon ancestor fell, spanning an entire ancient era in the ancient years.

And how long the ancient years have existed, from their fall to the arrival of the ancient years, and how many years are in between.

The Heaven Swallowing Demon Whale clan has indeed been here for quite a long time.

Xiao Yi asked in a deep voice, "The Devil Ancestor asked your clan to stay here, what exactly is it guarding?"

The headed Sky Devouring Whale shook his head.

Xiao Yi reacted and shook his head, "Forget it, I asked for nothing."

He knew all these things that the Sky-Swallowing Devil Whale knew from his memory intake.

And what they didn't know in their memory, they asked themselves for nothing.

"It seems that I have to continue to dive." Xiao Yi looked deeper into the bottom of the sea and squinted his eyes.


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