Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3139: Under the Enclosure Stone

After hesitating for a while, Xiao Yi still took a step forward slowly, his face cold.

If it is a pure foreign object, in fact, it is more attractive to him than the mysterious martial arts.

However, the premise of all this is that he still has his life.

And these foreign objects can give him stronger strength and stronger life-saving ability.

"Since the demon ancestor put the treasure of the magic way here, it must have a meaning."

"If I pick it up, this enclosing stone will definitely open because of this."

"By then, the consequences will be unpredictable." Xiao Yi muttered to himself slowly.

Big eyes sighed, "So you choose not to take it?"

Xiao Yi shook his head and sneered, "No, I choose to pick it up."

"Wealth and wealth are in danger."

It is not yet known what effect this magic brake spear has for him.

Xiao Yi didn't repair the spear way either, this thing was used at most to amplify the magic way, or contained huge power in it.

However, he still has the Eight Dragons Incinerator.

Eight dragons incinerators are forbidden.

Now, it has opened to the fifth way.

The first two breaks of the ban were caused by the impact of these unknown domains.

Once it was the golden light power on the side of Jinguang dangerously.

The banned by the Eighteen Caves was precisely the evil space.

Once it was under the Tianyuan crack.

The martial art relic left by the six-pole golden lion was suppressed in front of the huge stone gate, and it was one of the entrances to the world of darkness.

The Eight Dragons Burning Furnace contains dragon flames, and every time the ban is opened, oneself will have great gains.

What about this time?

He still doesn't know what is under this confinement stone, but he chooses to try.

"How to get it?" Xiao Yi asked straightforwardly.

Big eyes replied, "I don't know."

"You..." Xiao Yi barely walked away.

Big eyes quickly said, "The magic brake spear is the most precious treasure of the magic way, and it is only in the hands of the demon ancestor."

"How to use, how do I know?"

"But, this is the treasure of the magic way, and you are now the only inheritor of the magic door, you must have a way to pick it up."

Xiao Yi was anxious, "How do I know what to do?"

With that said, Xiao Yi still stretched out his hand to catch the gun.


There was a soft sound, and the strong palm was firmly held.


A violent hum, burst out from the gun body in an instant.

A torrent of weather broke out in it at the same time.

Xiao Yi's pupils shrank, "What a terrible killing intent."

The gun body was shaking violently.

No, it was Xiao Yi's hand shaking constantly.

Those sharp and cold eyes were already flushed.

Amazing killing intent, continuously condensed from within the eyes.

Big eyes exclaimed, "Boy, stick to your heart."

"Once your mind is attacked by the magic brake gun, you will explode your mind and become a killing monster."

"You..." Xiao Yi gritted his teeth.

He wanted to scold, ‘you said it earlier? ’, but he has been unable to speak.

The whole scheming has been placed on this murderous magic spear.

The killing intent erupted from the gun and gradually poured into his body.

First, his eyes were flooded, and then the killing intent flowed throughout his body, filling every corner of his body.

At this moment, Xiao Yi only felt that his body was full of inexhaustible power.

But at the same time, that amazing killing intent made him hard to restrain, and an unstoppable urge to kill was brewing continuously.


Xiao Yi's fist cracked.

At this moment, he is actually fighting with his body.

His bones, already driven by the killing intent and his own efforts to stop him, began to twist a little.

Inside view.

The killing intent even poured into the small world.

The killing intent, like a blood-red snake, keeps on wandering, constantly bringing monstrous killing intent.

Look more realistically, together with the two great martial souls in his body, there was a **** glow at this moment.

The fire-controlling beast was silly, his eyes flushed.

Bingluan's sword grabbed **** killing intent.

Xiao Yi was shocked suddenly, this was the first time he saw that even Bingluan Sword was affected.

Although it is not serious, even if there is only a trace, it is enough to shock him.

"No." Xiao Yi gritted his teeth and thought.

"The killing intent must be vented, otherwise I will not be able to hold it."

Catharsis? It's very simple, as long as you don't stop, do whatever you want, and just kill it.

But what is the difference between this and becoming a monster?

"Catharsis... Catharsis... That's right." Xiao Yi's vital teeth suddenly loosened, and a thought flashed in his mind.

Xiao Yi's eyes were cold, and he looked straight at the magic brake gun in front of him, sneered, "Killing intent? Come more violently."

Xiao Yi no longer resisted, allowing the monstrous killing intent to continue to invade his body.

Big eyes exclaimed, "Boy, are you crazy?"

"Damn it, this emperor just thinks you have a terrible mind and you will succeed."

"I knew you were so unbearable, it would be better to let you leave quickly."

"Quickly let go, otherwise you will either be blasted and killed by the killing intent, or you will fall into madness and never wake up."

Xiao Yi sneered, but said nothing.

For a long while.

The killing intent to be condensed to a peak.

Xiao Yi's eyes were completely red, and his mind was almost completely fallen for a moment.

Xiao Yi held a gun in one hand and blasted out abruptly with the other, "The third palm, kill God."


With a violent roar, everything that you can see from thousands of miles under the sea becomes nothingness.

The originally dark place seems to have become an empty and dark place.


After a long while, the sea pours back from above.

Xiao Yi was startled, his vitality exploded.

The water pressure at this depth is quite astonishing, and even he has to deal with such a wide range of seawater impact.

After ten minutes, everything returned to normal.

Xiao Yi held the gun in one hand and gasped slightly.

"The magic brake spear is in hand." Xiao Yi smiled joyfully at the monstrous magic weapon in his hand.

The killing intent just now was the test of the magic brake gun.

A person with a magic body can control this thing by relying on the magic way and passing the test.

Big eyes exclaimed again, "Boy, the magic brake gun is here."

"How did you get the god-killing ability of the first generation of soul emperor?"

Xiao Yi frowned slightly, "You said that my palm?"

"That is my inheritance from a ruin."

"Although they call'Killing God' together, are you sure this is the ability of the first generation?"

Big eyes solemnly said, "Look at that confinement stone."

Xiao Yi frowned and stared. At this moment, there was a slight crack in the huge enclosing stone.

"How is it possible." Xiao Yi's face changed slightly, "At my level, I can't lose the confinement stone."

Smiled with big eyes, "Of course you can't do it at your level."

"But the ability to kill gods is fine."

"Although the breath of your God-killing ability looks different, it means exactly the same as the first-generation Soul Emperor."

"So this is the ability to kill the gods. The emperor had seen the first generation of soul emperor use the ability to kill the gods. It is so indestructible and everything is not broken. This emperor will never admit his mistakes."

"The breath is different? The meaning is the same?" Xiao Yi said softly.

Big eyes replied, "The god-killing ability in your palm just now is full of killing intent."

"And when the first generation of soul emperor used it, it was filled with fierce sword intent."

Xiao Yi just wanted to say something.


After a slight forbidden sound, there was a violent and harsh vibration.

Xiao Yi's face was solemn, "The Sealed Domain Stone is about to be opened."

Xiao Yi reacted extremely quickly, holding the magic brake gun in one hand and backing away, and quickly buckled his universe ring with the other.


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